India, as many of you may already know is naturally blessed and is the land of folk remedies and alternative therapies. In this article, we are going to highlight and explore one such natural rare herb called Safed Musli or White Musli.

Safed musli is a rare Indian herb that is usually not found anywhere in the world but its found growing wild in Indian forests. What's nicer is that with the advancement of modern technology, researchers are able to explore more and more ayurvedic benefits of safed musli.

There has been an increasing demand for this herb in the international market because of its many benefits but most importantly because it's highly beneficial for male sexual health-related problems. In ayurveda, safed musli is known for its potent health benefits on the male sexual health and as an excellent adaptogen (anti-stress herb). In fact, it is famously called “white gold “ or divya aushadhi by ayurvedic doctors. Ayurvedic doctors hint that safed musli has the ability to improve sexual conditions in males just like viagra. Additionally, it has no side effects that are usually found in commercially available chemical supplements such as (viagra).

Safed musli is thus gaining popularity as a natural substitute to commercial drugs like viagra not only in India but all over the world. Historically safed musli dates back many years, the first mention of safed musli is found in an old Indian textbook called “Raj nighantu”, which is the ayurvedic materia medica (a book that has all the information about specific herbs, especially their therapeutic properties).

Although it is a common forest plant in India, irrational cutting and harvesting of the roots have put it in a very sensitive state of existence. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of nature) has added this herb to its critically endangered list, which means if this herb is not preserved, it can get extinct soon. But sadly, regardless of these threats, the ever-increasing global demand and the new scientific advancements have kept safed musli thriving in farmlands in the form of a cash crop.

Some basic facts about safed musli:

  • Botanical name: Chlorophytum borivilianum or Asparagus adscendens
  • Family: Liliaceae
  • Common names: Safed musli or safed musli , White musli, Indian spider plant
  • Sanskrit name: Musali
  • Parts used: Roots and Seeds
  • Native region and geographical distribution: Safed musli is endemic to India which means that it is only found in India. Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan are the main producers of safed musli in India.
  • Energetics: Calms down the vata and pitta dosha but increases kapha.
  1. Health benefits of Safed Musli
  2. White musli plant and how it is used
  3. Safed musli dosage
  4. Safed musli side effects

White musli is basically an adaptogen and an aphrodisiac, which means it helps release stress and is very good for improving the sexual vigour and function. But, it has some nutritive benefits too, making it a perfect herb to maintain the overall health. Let’s explore some of the well-known uses of safed musli:

  • Improves libido: Safed musli is a well-known aphrodisiac in traditional medicine. Studies suggest that increases testosterone levels in the body, which is a hormone responsible for a good sex drive in both men and women. 
  • Increases sperm count: Research studies indicate that white musli consumption increases sperm count, semes levels and testosterone, through an unknown mechanism. In fact, safed musli is used in vajikarna therapy in ayurveda to increase sexual vigour and ascertain a healthy offspring. 
  • Corrects erectile dysfunction: It has been ascertained that white musli increases blood flow to penis by inhibiting a certain metabolic pathway in body. Not only does it improves erectile dysfunction but also it is believed to help in maintaining erection longer.
  • Premature ejaculation management: As a stress-busting herb and an effective aphrodisiac, white musli alleviates the most common causes of premature ejaculation. It also nourishes the body and balances doshas, leading to improved sexual performance. 
  • Beneficial for women health: Safed musli is an effective adaptogen, it reduces stress and improves sexual vigour in females. It has also been found to regulate hormonal imbalance and regularise menstrual cycle.
  • Helps in diabetes management: Studies done in India claim safed musli to be an excellent anti-diabetic herb. However, according to ayurvedic physicians, dosage plays an important role in its hypoglycemic (reducing blood sugar) action. So it is best to check in with a doctor to know more.
  • Heart-friendly herb: White musli has been found to possess potent hypolipidemic properties. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk o cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
  • Relieves arthritic symptoms: Being an anti-inflammatory agent, safed musli provides respite from joint pain and swelling associated with arthritis. According to ayurveda, safed musli increases synovial fluid in joints, providing the necessary cushion to your bones and reducing wear and tear.
  • Good for nursing mothers: Safed musli is known to increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers. It also nourishes their bodies, preventing postnatal deficiencies and restoring health after childbirth.
  • Promotes weight gain: Safed musli is a nutritive and stress-busting herb, which makes an important part of bodybuilding supplements. It promotes muscle building and tissue repair, thereby facilitating weight gain.
  • Boosts immune function: It has been scientifically proven that safed musli is an excellent immunomodulator. This means that it improves the overall immune function, thus keeping you disease and infection free. So, what are you waiting for?
  • Provides soft and supple skin: According to research studies, safed musli polysaccharides promote skin health. The herb itself has been found to have a hydrating and nourishing effect on skin, making you look younger and refreshed.

Safed musli improves libido

The stressful and fast-paced lifestyles of today's generation make it favorable to acquire loss of sexual libido for both men and women. There are just too many things to work on and before you even know the problem stress piles up. Research studies claim that the lack of sex drive becomes a psychological problem instead of a conscious choice. However, stress is not the only culprit, a low sex drive can also be attributed to an imbalance of sex hormones in the body. If you are one of those people who has been lost in the rush of the day or suffer from the physiological imbalance in the sexual hormones, white musli may be the ideal herb for you. White musli is a well known ayurvedic remedy for the treatment of low sexual drives, especially in men. Even though it's not as popular for women when it comes to improving libido, it has known to work equally well for both genders. In a research, it was suggested that consumption of this root has a direct effect in increasing the testosterone levels in the body which is one of the factors responsible for a good sex drive in both males and females.

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Safed musli increases sperm count

In ayurveda, safed musli is known for its benefits in improving and managing the overall sexual health of men. It is one of the major herbs used in Vajikarana Chikitsa of ayurveda, this method is employed in ayurveda to not just improve sexual potency but it is also helpful in ascertaining the health and quality of the offspring.

Modern science may not have been aware of this wonder for a long time but with the advancement of scientific studies, western medicine system is also being acquainted with the biochemical and physiological effects of this herb on the human body. A recent study conducted on the water-soluble extract of safed musli has shown a remarkable effect in increasing the sperm count, semen levels and testosterone levels in men. However, its exact mode of action is yet unknown. It is suggested that the safed musli has some naturally occurring chemical compounds that act as a stimulant for improving the overall sexual health in males.

(Read more: Male sexual problems and solutions)

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Safed musli for erectile dysfunction

Consumption of white musli is known to be very effective in treating erectile dysfunction in men. According to ayurveda, it is known to not only good for erectile dysfunction but it also helps in maintaining erections for a longer period of time. It’s believed that it does so by inhibiting a specific pathway in the body (Rho-kinase 2), which otherwise reduces the blood flow to the penis. However, studies are in progress to obtain a more detailed mechanism of action and its role in the body.

Safed musli benefits for women

There is a lot of information available on safed musli for the health and well being of the male sexual and physiological functions, but it is not a completely male focussed herb. Regular consumption of safed musli has some useful benefits in females too.

Firstly, It is known to improve sex drive in females as well.

Then, it is a potent adaptogen which means it helps release stress which is as much a female problem as it is in males.

And lastly, safed musli has a lot of nutritive properties, which is beneficial for increasing the strength of the body.

Consuming safed musli decreases chances of early ageing and improves the wellbeing of the body in general. Safed musli is also known to be an excellent hormone regulator — It helps regulate and balance the female hormones such as estrogen. Regular consumption of this herb is known to help regulate the menstrual cycle in females.

Safed musli for diabetes

Recent studies on safed musli conducted in India claim that safed musli is very effective in reducing the blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. However, according to ayurvedic doctors, safed musli is only effective when people consume it at the right dosage. Please consult your doctor before taking it.

Read more: Diabetes in children

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Safed musli benefits for heart and cholesterol

White musli is known to increase the amount of high-density fats (good fat) while decreasing the amount of low-density fats in the body. The high-density fat would make the liver to remove the cholesterol from the body and helps in keeping the overall body cholesterol levels low. This, in turn, would reduce the chances of plaque formation (fat deposits in arteries) in the body thus minimizing the risk of heart problems and heart attack.

(Read more: High cholesterol treatment)

Safed muslii for the treatment of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition when the person is not able to maintain the erection for long and the semen in ejaculated right before or immediately after the penetration. While the exact reason for this condition is not known, it is speculated that stress, weakness and hormonal imbalance or lack of libido could be responsible for this condition. However, safed musli, an aphrodisiac, not only elevates the level of testosterone (male sexual hormone) but also act as a stress buster and helps you achieve an erection and late ejaculation.

Ayurvedic doctors say that the erectile dysfunction is caused by the imbalance in the vata and pitta doshas in the body. White Musli balances and calms down these two doshas, thus helping in resolving ejaculation problems.

Read more: Homeopathic treatment for premature ejaculation

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Safed musli for arthritis

White musli is a well known anti-inflammatory herb and has long since been in use in ayurveda for its benefits. It is found to be very effective in reducing joint inflammations in patients with arthritis. In ayurveda, safed musli is believed to increase the levels of the synovial fluid (fluids present in joints) in arthritic patients. Thus, providing more lubrication to the joints and reducing the wear and tear in those joints. Significant research is in progress to include this herb in anti-arthritis therapies.

Read more: Exercises for arthritis

Safed musli benefits for breastfeeding mothers

Safed musli is a known galactagogue, which means it helps in increasing milk production in lactating mothers. Also, Its nutritive effects help in dealing with postnatal deficiencies of the new mothers thus restoring them to good health. However, you are advised to consume safed musli after consulting with an ayurvedic doctor.

(Read more: Diet for breastfeeding mothers)

Safed musli for weight gain

The nutritive and adaptogenic properties of safed musli make it an excellent natural alternative for gaining weight. In fact, a lot of bodybuilding supplements have safed musli as one of its ingredients. Ayurvedic doctors suggest a regular use of safed musli for 2-3 months to enjoy its nutritive and bodybuilding aspects. Additionally, It is very good for the immune system and provides strength to the muscles, which means, it helps your body to fight infections faster and more effectively while repairing damages in the tissue level.

(Read more: Diet chart for weight gain)

Safed musli benefits for immune system

Do you catch infections easily? Do you constantly curse your body for not being strong enough against the most common infections? This might be due to your body’s weak immune system. As you may already know, the immune system of the body is its main line of defence against diseases. It helps your body to fight infections and keep you safe from the diseases but a compromised or slow immune system cannot keep up with the needs of a healthy body. The good news is that the remedy isn’t far from you. Safed musli is known to improve the overall immune response of the body and keeps you from easily acquiring new infections.

Studies have shown that ethanolic extracts of safed musli are very effective immunomodulators which means that using safed musli helps improve the immune response of the body against various diseases. Experts also claim that the safed musli not only helps in improving the general immunity but also in improving the capacity of the immune system to kill pathogens.

(Read more: Immunity boosting foods)

Safed musli benefits for skin

Safed musli is known to be rich in certain polysaccharides which are known to have a stimulatory effect on the skin. A research conducted in India claims that white musli can activate some metabolic reactions in the body which help in improving the moisture content in skin and also keep the skin soft and clean. However, consult your ayurvedic doctor before using safed musli in any form for skin improvements.

Read more: How to get soft and smooth skin

  • Safed musli is most commonly taken in the form of powder. It can either be made into a decoction called kadha (an ayurvedic drink taken for cough and common cold) or taken with milk, honey or other herbs as per the need and medical prescription.
  • Safed musli power capsules and tablets are also available in the market as an instant quick fix.
  • It is an essential part of the post-natal diet of mothers wherein the musli is given to the new mothers in the form of ladoos (an Indian sweet).
  • Traditional healers in Kerala use a paste of safed musli root for speedy healing of hairline fractures.
  • The powder of safed musli is mixed with milk and honey and applied on the skin in the form of a paste, which is known to improve the skin texture and complexion (skin whitening).
  • It is an important part of a common ayurvedic remedy “Musli Pak” which is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.
  • The leaves of this plant are used as food in many parts of the country.

Identifying safed musli:

Safed musli is a perennial herb (doesn’t need replanting every year) whose leaves grow directly from the ground. The leaves are sub-lanceolate in structure (wider in the middle and tapers at the end, looks like the tip of a lance) and have a smooth surface. The roots are cylindrical and form tubers (thick and fleshy roots where food is stored in the plant for example potato is a tuber). Safed musli plant can grow up to 1.5 feet from the ground while its roots can go up to ten inches into the ground. A single plant can have anywhere between 5-30 tubers. Safed musli plant bears small white flowers which grow alternatively in clusters. The safed musli plant usually flowers in the month of July. The seeds are small and black in colour, very similar to onion seeds and they have angular edges.

The recommended dosage of safed musli powder is 1-2 tablespoon on empty stomach per day. However, according to ayurvedic doctors, the dosage and use of safed musli depend on the age, sex and physical condition of the individual. So, it’s best to check with your doctor before taking safed musli in any form. It is better to take safed musli in the winter months as the roots are known to be hot generating more body heat.

Safed musli is mixed in equal amounts with kali musli, shatavari, ashwagandha and salep, ideally 1 spoon can be taken at night to get relief from leucorrhea (characterized by a white-yellow discharge from the vagina). Additionally, safed musli mixed with mishri in the ratio of 1:1 along with milk is known to be useful in dealing with general fatigue.

  • There are no known side effects of safed musli, but a regular consumption can lead to weight gain. Hence obese people should not take safed musli without consulting an ayurvedic doctor.
  • Additionally, safed musli is not very easy to digest so it might lead to some digestive discomfort when taken in inappropriate dosage for longer periods of time. People with known liver diseases should always consult the doctor before taking safed musli.
  • It is not suggested for the pregnant women to take safed musli in their diet as its effects and reactions are still unknown and research is in progress. However, breastfeeding mothers can safely take safed musli after doctor consultation.
  • Safed musli might interfere with the action of some medicines if taken along with them. So, if you are already on some prescribed medicines, it is advisable to refer to your ayurveda doctor before taking safed musli supplements.

Medicines / Products that contain Safed Musli


  1. Sudipta Kumar Rath, Asit Kumar Panja. Clinical evaluation of root tubers of Shweta Musali (Chlorophytum borivilianum L.) and its effect on semen and testosterone. Ayu. 2013 Jul-Sep; 34(3): 273–275. PMID: 24501522
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  3. Mayank Thakur, Shilpi Bhargava, V. K. Dixit. Immunomodulatory Activity of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. F. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 Dec; 4(4): 419–423. PMID: 18227908
  4. Kenjale RD, Shah RK, Sathaye SS. Anti-stress and anti-oxidant effects of roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum (Santa Pau & Fernandes).. Indian J Exp Biol. 2007 Nov;45(11):974-9. PMID: 18072542
  5. Kenjale R, Shah R, Sathaye S. Effects of Chlorophytum borivilianum on sexual behaviour and sperm count in male rats.. Phytother Res. 2008 Jun;22(6):796-801. PMID: 18412148
  6. P Gayathri, S Saroja. PA03.14. Antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of Chlorophytum borivillianum (Safed musli) in type 2 diabetics. Anc Sci Life. 2013 Jan; 32(Suppl 2): S83.
  7. Goswami SK. Screening for Rho-kinase 2 inhibitory potential of Indian medicinal plants used in management of erectile dysfunction.. J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Dec 18;144(3):483-9. PMID: 23043981
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