Eating food seems to be a very easy task, but some small mistakes related to it can cause big trouble for you. When it comes to eating food, you must know the right time and way.

Not eating after a lot of workout or having breakfast late, when to eat before sleeping at night and how much gap should there be between morning, afternoon and evening meals, answering all these questions can be a bit difficult. But still the topic related to the right time and way to eat has been explained in detail in this article. Also, in this article, it has also been told which foods you should eat at what time.

(Read more - What are healthy food)

  1. Important Tips Related To Eating During Workout
  2. Which Foods To Eat At What Time?
  3. Right Time To Eat Food
  4. Way Of Eating Food
  5. Summary
  • Avoid doing heavy weight lifting exercises on an empty stomach.
  • Before a workout, you can take a protein-rich sandwich, protein shake, eggs, whole grains or peanuts.

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There are many foods which give you more benefits if eaten at a certain time. Taking these foods at a certain time increases your physical and brain capacity. Along with this, your mood also remains normal, due to which you do not have any problem in doing any work.Ahead, some food items and the right time to eat them are being told, so that you can get full benefit from them.

What To Eat Before Eating -
According to Ayurveda, you should eat sour fruits like pomegranate before eating food, but do not eat bananas before eating food. Kamal Kakdi and sugarcane should also be taken before eating food, they should not be eaten after eating food. Foods that are not easily digested like things made from urad dal and sweet things should be eaten in small quantities after eating. You can eat Amla before eating food, with food or even after eating food. 

What Things Should Not Be Eaten In The Morning -
Chironji, black berries, tamarind, coconut, things made from sesame, mango, banana, amla etc. should not be taken in breakfast. 

Roasted Sattu -

Roasted Sattu should not be eaten after night. Also, it should not be eaten with meat and milk. Apart from this, do not drink water for some time after eating Sattu. 

Milk -

Drinking milk at night removes many problems from your body and you get good sleep. Drink milk at night when you are in a relaxed state after finishing all the work. Drinking turmeric milk before sleeping at night is considered best for the body. Drinking milk at night removes the fatigue of the whole day. Not only this, turmeric milk has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Along with this, diseases and injuries are cured quickly. 

Curd -

Eating curd is very beneficial in the winter and rainy season. Due to the hot nature of curd, it should not be eaten at night, in autumn and spring. In the cold atmosphere of the night, curd can cause many types of disorders in your body. 

Drinking Water -

Drinking water on an empty stomach after sunrise in the morning strengthens the digestive system and also has many other health benefits. Doing this also increases your lifespan. 

Dark Chocolate -

The right time to eat dark chocolate is in the morning. It is rich in minerals and antioxidant properties. Dark chocolate is also good for your heart. Along with this, it protects your skin from harmful UV rays. 

Meat -

The right time to eat meat is considered to be afternoon. Meat should not be eaten at night, because it takes more time to digest. 

Apple -

Apple should be eaten in the morning. Pectin present in apples makes the intestines healthy and protects you from carcinoma (a type of cancer). 

Salad -

A low calorie salad should be eaten 15 minutes before meals. This reduces the calories you consume and helps in maintaining the body shape. 

Potato -

You should eat potatoes in the morning. Potatoes are considered a source of energy for you. It maintains the water level in your body. It also contains minerals. Due to its calories, potatoes should not be eaten at night.

(Read more - What is Sattvic Food?)

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Right Time To Have Breakfast

Below are given some useful tips related to breakfast -

  • Have breakfast 30 minutes after waking up in the morning.
  • Generally, the right time to have breakfast is considered to be 7 am.
  • Have breakfast before 10 am.
  • Make sure to include protein in your breakfast.

(Read more - Best breakfast food)

When To Eat Lunch

Below you are told some important tips related to lunch -

  • The right time to have lunch is considered to be 12:45.
  • Keep a gap of at least 4 hours between breakfast and lunch.
  • Do not eat lunch after 4 pm.

(Read more - Fermented foods benefits)

When To Eat Dinner

Next you are told some important tips related to dinner -

  • The right time to have dinner is considered to be before 7 pm.
  • Keep a gap of at least three hours between eating dinner and sleeping.
  • Do not eat after 10 pm.
  • Eating food some time before sleeping can make it difficult for you to sleep.

(Read more - Packaged food)

You should not hurry in any way while eating food. Even a small mistake made while eating can sometimes cause a big problem for you. Next, you are being told about the right way to eat food.

  • Eat slowly – While eating food, you should keep your mind calm and concentrate on eating only. Do not hurry while eating. This can cause a particle of your food to get stuck in the windpipe. Eating food in a hurry puts extra pressure on the digestive process. Due to which food takes more time to digest.
  • Take small bites – While eating food, you should take small bites. Taking big bites can take more time to chew. Also, due to this, the enzymes of saliva are not able to mix properly with the food, due to which your food is not digested properly. 
  • Do not quarrel while eating – You should not talk much to anyone while eating. Many times while eating food, you start arguing with family or friends over some matter, due to which you eat fast to finish the food quickly. Doing this can have a bad effect on your health. 
  • Eat while sitting down – The elders of the house always advise to eat food while sitting down. Actually, eating while sitting in Sukha Asana improves your digestion. It is believed that when you sit to eat in Sukha Asana, your brain gets ready for digestion.
  • Drinking with hot water – You should not drink too much hot water while eating food. But drinking a small amount of hot water after eating improves digestion.

(Read more – Mindful Eating: How to Eat Food the Right Way)

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The right time and method of eating food plays an important role in maintaining health. Eat breakfast within 1-2 hours of waking up, which should be full of energy and nutritious. Lunch should be light and balanced, which should be eaten between 12 and 2 pm. Eat dinner at least 2-3 hours before sleeping, so that digestion can happen properly.

The way of eating is also important. Sit in a comfortable position while eating and eat slowly by chewing. Eating mindfully improves digestion and provides complete nutrition from the food. Avoid excessive fried or processed food and include fresh fruits, vegetables, and pulses in a balanced diet. Drink less water during meals and take a light walk after eating. Adopting the right time and method keeps the body healthy and energetic.

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