Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
Drugs useful in the management of rheumatoid arthritis by preventing its progression
Substances which are effective in eliminating stomach or intestinal gas.
Drugs that are used for managing excessive blood sugar levels in case of diabetes.
Substances which stimulates the formation of blood and are used for treatment of anaemia.
Agents that inhibit microbial growth or destroys microbes.
Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen molecules in the body.
Drugs which are used to relieve or treat mental depression.
Agents or medicine that acts on the immune system to modulate immunity.
Substances that affect the nervous system and increase alertness.
Drugs that are helpful in the management of psychotic disorders.
Drugs which are used for the control of pain and do not lead to loss of consciousness
Drugs which help to regulate blood sugar levels
Drugs used to manage dysentry by controlling the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
Drugs which aid in swelling reduction following an injury
Agents used for the management of rheumaoid arthritis by avoiding its progress
A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
Drugs used to treated muscle spasm and pain
Drugs that interferes with and inhibits viral multiplication in body.
Substances which help in improving appetite
Drugs or medications that improve the process of digestion and food absorption.
Substances that promotes liver function and prevent liver damage.
Substances that can stimulate or reduce the action of immune system molecules in the body.
Drugs that stimulate haemoglobin production in the body.
Drugs which reduce lipid and cholesterol levels in the body and are helpful in the management of cardiac disorders.
Substances used to reduce the symptoms of fever, pain and swelling in an inflammatory response.
Agents which help in reducing free radical activity and preventing oxidative stress and damage
Medications that induce the secretion of digestive juices and counter indigestion.
Agents that help in improving the pH levels of the stomach.
Substances used to reduce the symptoms of fever, pain and swelling in an inflammatory response.
Agents that reduce oxidative stress and revert oxidative damage in the body cells.
Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
Substances that promotes liver function and prevent liver damage.
Substances that modulate the immune system and effect immunity.
Agents which are helpful against microbial growth and actions.
Drugs which reduce lipid and cholesterol levels in the body and are helpful in the management of cardiac disorders.
An agent or medicine used to prevent or treat diabetes by managing blood sugar levels.
Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
Agents, which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
Substances that are employed to avoid sepsis by destroying infectious microbes
Drugs that are used for managing excessive blood sugar levels in case of diabetes.
Substances that arrest the growth of fungus or that kill fungi.
Agents which are helpful against microbial growth and actions.
Drugs used to reduce swelling after an injury
Agents which help in reducing free radical activity and preventing oxidative stress and damage
Agents that relieve muscle spasms.
Agents that have a favourable effect on liver function and that mitigate liver damage.
Substances which stimulates the formation of blood and are used for treatment of anaemia.
A drug or an agent that kills microbes and inhibits their multiplication.
Medicine or substances used to treat cancer by preventing the growth of cancer cells.
Drugs useful in the management of blood sugar levels
Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
Agents or medicine that acts on the immune system to modulate immunity.
Agents that inhibit microbial growth or destroys microbes.
Drugs that arrests histamin release or action in case of allergies.
Agents which inhibits the manifestation of an allergic reaction.
Agents that reduce oxidative stress and revert oxidative damage in the body cells.
Drugs used to treated muscle spasm and pain
Substances which help in improving appetite
Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
A substance or drug that increases the flow of urine. It is used to lower blood pressure and for detoxification.
Drugs used to repress cough.
Drugs that are used for reducing acidity of the stomach.
Agents which prevent microbial replication and growth by either killing microorganisms or ceasing their actions.
Red sandalwood
Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
Agents which help in reducing free radical activity and preventing oxidative stress and damage
Substances that are employed to avoid sepsis by destroying infectious microbes
A substance that is used to treat muscle spasm and muscle pain of voluntary and involuntary muscles.
Substances that improve sexual desires
Drugs that help to eliminate excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract.
Drugs that are effective in killing or reducing the growth of bacteria.
Drugs useful in the management of blood sugar levels
Drugs which aid in the elimination of excess gas from the GIT.
Agents which help to stop fungal growth by having an effect of fungal microorganisms.
Drugs that kill or arrest the growth of bacteria.
Drugs which help to control lipid content and cholesterol levels in the body. They are employed for preventing cardiac disorders.