Language should not be a barrier to accessing health services

India has many Healthcare related challenges

Health information either wrong or not available

Only 1 doctor for 5000 patients outside big cities

25% of drugs sold in India are of spurious quality (as per Assocham)

Our mission

We have over 100 languages in this country. Of these, at least 30 languages are spoken by more than 10 lakh people. Yet, even today, most technology-enabled services in India are only offered in English. The result: 50 crore well-educated Indians are unable to access these services—and reliable health information—only because they are not proficient in English. As a leading health-sector website, it is our mission to make reliable information about health available to everyone in the languages that they speak in their day-to-day lives. It is also our mission to make vetted health information available to everyone over the Internet. We believe that only when language barriers to important and reliable health information are broken, can we achieve our dream of a healthy India.

Health articles and videos created by doctors from top hospitals

Instant doctor consultation via telephone and online chat

Shipping high quality medicines across India. Our brands - myUpchar Ayurveda and Sprowt

myUpchar Founder

Our Founder & early team has extensive experience in technology and healthcare. With our team of leading technologists who understand healthcare deeply, we hope to connect people in the remotest parts of India to the healthcare services they actually need.

Rajat Garg

CEO, Founder

Partners and investors

We are lucky to have the support of partners and investors who bring such a wealth of experience, as we work towards our goal

At present, our team of over 10,000 doctors helps more than two crore people each month

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