It is very important to stay agile and active in this fast-paced life and for this it is necessary that you eat food rich in nutrients. But this will be the biggest concern for you, because many of you feel either very less hungry or do not feel hungry at all. No need to worry, in this article we are telling you the ways to increase appetite. By using these remedies once, your appetite will gradually start increasing. So let us tell you the ways and methods to increase appetite:

(Read more - Home remedies to increase hunger in children)

  1. Ways To Increase Appetite
  2. Summary

Ways to increase appetite are as follows:

Eat Nutrient-rich Food To Increase Appetite

To increase appetite, eat foods that are rich in calories and also contain nutrients like protein and healthy fats. If you are fond of eating outside food, then you can prepare and eat something else instead. For example, instead of ice cream, you can eat a cup of curd to eat something sweet. To make curd a little sweet, add some berries and cinnamon to it. If you feel like eating pizza, then use such vegetables and ingredients in the pizza which are rich in nutrients.

(Read more -Loss of appetite)

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Eat Food In Small Pieces To Increase Appetite

If you feel less hungry, then eating three full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) throughout the day seems to be a big challenge. You can divide the three meals into five or six meals and eat little by little. When your hunger starts increasing, then increase the quantity of food as well. You can add such ingredients in it which are high in calories. For example, if you are eating a sandwich, add more vegetables and cheese to it, which can give you more calories and nutrients.

(Read more - How to Eat Food the Right Way)

Eat Fiber-rich Food To Increase Appetite

Eating more fiber-rich food keeps your stomach full and low-calorie diets are very good for those who want to lose weight. If you want to increase appetite, then reduce the amount of fiber-rich foods. Low-fiber diet does not let your stomach get full and helps in eating more food throughout the day.

(Read more - Foods that increase metabolism and other tips)

Do Not Drink Beverages Between Meals To Increase Appetite

Drinking water before and with meals is a well-known trick to lose weight, so if you want to increase appetite, you need to do exactly the opposite. Never drink beverages like water, coffee, alcohol or other beverages before or during meals. All these beverages fill your stomach, due to which your appetite dies and you are not able to eat a full meal.

(Read more -15 tried and tested tips to lose weight)

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Drink Fennel Tea To Increase Appetite

Fennel seeds help in increasing the appetite of adults and children. Fennel seeds cause the liver to produce bile, which improves digestion. As a result, it helps in increasing appetite.


  • One teaspoon fennel seeds.
  • Half teaspoon fenugreek seeds.
  • Two to three cups of water.

Method of preparation and application:

  • First boil fennel seeds and fenugreek seeds in water for a few minutes.
  • Now filter the water and then drink this tea.
  • You can also add honey or orange juice to make this tea tasty.
  • Do this remedy once or twice a day.

(Read more - Malnutrition)

To Increase Appetite, Definitely Have Breakfast

It is very important to have breakfast daily to increase appetite and weight. According to a study, skipping breakfast makes you feel less hungry throughout the day. Apart from this, breakfast helps in increasing the thermogenesis effect in the body, thus burning calories throughout the day. Burning calories increases your appetite.

(Read more - How to Stop Sugar Addiction Naturally)

Eat Herbs And Spices To Increase Appetite

Eating certain foods starts stomach problems like gas formation in the stomach, flatulence etc. Due to these, the stomach feels full and then all the appetite dies. Carminative herbs and spices remove the problem of flatulence and help in increasing appetite. Spices and herbs produce bile to digest fat. Some examples of carminative herbs and spices are fennel, mint, black pepper, coriander, ginger and cinnamon. The stronger the aroma of your food, the more your appetite will increase.

(Read more - Best Energizing Foods)

Eat Ginger And Coriander To Increase Appetite

Ginger is most commonly used to increase appetite. Ginger juice works well for problems related to loss of appetite or loss of appetite. Apart from this, it strengthens the immune system and improves the digestive system. Using ginger with coriander helps to increase appetite.


  • Coriander seed powder.
  • Ginger powder.
  • 100 ml water.

Method of preparation and application:

  • First mix one tablespoon of coriander seed powder and ginger powder in equal amounts.
  • Now mix this mixture in water and keep it on low flame to heat. Heat it till the water reduces to half.
  • Then turn off the gas and keep this mixture cool.
  • Now drink this mixture hot.
  • Drink this mixture daily like this.

(Read more - Unlocking the Power of Leptin Hormone)

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Use Celery Seeds To Increase Appetite

It is very common in India to use celery seeds in food to keep digestion right. Add carom or celery to lukewarm water and drink it once a day. This will keep your food system right. Apart from this, celery seeds also have properties to reduce flatulence and acid problems, it helps in secreting digestive enzymes, due to which your appetite starts increasing automatically.


  • One teaspoon celery seeds.
  • One cup of hot water.
  • How to prepare and apply:
  • You can swallow celery seeds with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this remedy once a day in the morning.

(Read more - 9 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss)

Do Yoga To Increase Appetite

Yoga exercises like Surya Namaskar, Kapalabhati, Pranayama, Pawanmuktasana and Paschimottanasana for at least half to one hour daily improve your digestion and thus increase your appetite.

(Read more - How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight)

Some easy and natural measures can be taken to increase appetite. First, make mealtimes regular and eat small amounts of food so that appetite increases gradually. Use digestion-promoting spices like ginger, cumin, and black pepper in food. Consuming ginger helps to increase appetite. Drink enough water during the day but do not drink too much water during meals, it can reduce appetite. Doing physical activity or light exercise also improves appetite. It is also important to stay away from stress and anxiety, as these can affect appetite.

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