Under Ayurveda, Swedana karma is a therapy in which sweat is extracted from the body with the help of heat. This removes the heaviness and coldness felt in the body. Swedana is beneficial in case of cold, body pain and paralysis. At the same time, Swedana can increase Pitta dosha, so Swedana karma is not done in health conditions like pregnancy, diarrhea and swelling. Today in this article you will learn about the meaning, types, benefits and precautions of Swedana karma -

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  1. What Is Swedana Karma?
  2. Types Of Swedana Karma
  3. Benefits of Swedana Karma
  4. Precautions While Doing Swedana Karma
  5. Summary
Doctors for Swedana Karma: The Power of Ayurvedic Steam Therapy

Swedana karma is the process of extracting sweat from the body. Usually it is considered a steam bath, whereas in Ayurveda, Swedana karma has been called a therapeutic system. It is mainly done before Panchakarma. In this process, the body temperature is increased in various ways and sweating is done for therapeutic reasons.

Swedana karma is called sudation therapy in English, which not only means inducing sweat through thermal methods, but it also includes non-thermal methods that cause sweating. Swedana karma is an important process before panchakarma.

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Swedana is of great importance due to its effect of relaxing and detoxifying the body. There are two types of swedana - sagni swedana and niragni swedana. Let us know about these two types of swedana -

Sagni Swedana

In this process, external things are used to heat the body. It is also called passive heat therapy.

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Niraagni Swedana

Under this process, the body is heated without using anything. This is equivalent to active therapy. It involves wearing thick heavy clothes and exercising.

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Swedana is a process that reduces coldness from the body by calming the Vata and Kapha doshas. It also regulates the Vata dosha by melting the doshas accumulated in the body. Let us know in detail about the benefits of Swedana Karma -

Benefits of Swedana Karma for Cold and Cough

The work of Swedana Karma is to warm the body, so in this situation, if someone has a cold and cough, then the chances of quick recovery increase due to the warmth in the body.

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Benefits Of Swedana Karma To Cure Pain

Swedana Karma plays an important role in curing pain in any part of the body. In case of pain in ear, neck, head, sciatica, back, wrist, stomach, back, knee and joints, the heat provided by Swedana Karma relaxes the muscles and also improves blood circulation. In this way, body pain can be relieved.

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Benefits of Swedana Karma for Paralysis

In paralysis, the movement of the body or any part of the body stops. In such a situation, Swedana therapy can be beneficial, because it has the ability to reduce the stiffness of the body.

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Benefits Of Swedana Karma For Healthy Skin

Swedana Karma provides warmth to the body, which is necessary to keep the skin healthy. This increases blood circulation and helps the skin to become soft and healthy.

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Benefits of Swedana Karma for Digestion

If someone has digestive problems or constipation, then Swedana Karma can provide relief from it.

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In Swedana Karma, heat is supplied to the body, which can increase the Pitta dosha. This can be harmful in some cases. Therefore, it is advisable not to do Swedana Karma in the following conditions -

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In Swedana Karma, diseases are cured by making the body sweat. There are mainly two types of swedana karma- Sagni swedana and Niragni swedana. Swedana karma can be beneficial in case of cold, cough, pain in any part of the body and paralysis. On the other hand, pregnant women, obese people, and patients suffering from jaundice are advised to avoid swedana karma. It would be better to consult an Ayurveda expert before doing swedana karma, because it is not necessary that the effect of the same treatment is the same on everyone.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

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Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

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Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

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Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

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