According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas in the body - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If these three doshas are balanced in the body, then you are healthy. On the other hand, when any one of these doshas in the body is imbalanced, then many types of diseases start arising in the person. Bad lifestyle and eating habits can be the main reasons for the imbalance of any dosha. In this article, you will learn in detail about the symptoms, causes and remedies of imbalance of pitta dosha - 

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  1. What Is Pitta Dosha?
  2. Symptoms of Pitta Dosha
  3. Causes Of Pitta Dosha
  4. How To Balance Pitta Dosha?
  5. Summary
Doctors for What is Pitta Dosha? A Comprehensive Guide to Balancing It

Pitta dosha is made up of two elements - fire and water. Pitta is found in the stomach and small intestine. Pitta controls hormones, enzymes, temperature and digestive fire. There are 5 types of pitta dosha - Pachak, Rangak, Sadhaka, Alochak and Bhrajak Pitta. To stay healthy, it is necessary to have bile in balance in the body. When bile increases in the body, a person may face digestion related problems. It can also cause many serious diseases.

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When pitta dosha increases in the body, many types of symptoms start appearing in the person. It can be clearly ascertained from these symptoms that the bile is getting imbalanced. The symptoms of pitta dosha are as follows -

When bile increases in the body, a person may see any of these symptoms. It is not necessary that all these symptoms are seen in a person. If any one symptom is seen, it is necessary to contact a doctor.

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For a healthy body, it is necessary to have balanced bile in the body, but due to bad lifestyle and diet, pitta dosha can become imbalanced. If bile increases in your body, then there can be many reasons behind it -

Pitta Dosha Due To Spicy Food

Eating more chillies, spices and salt can increase bile in the body. Therefore, spicy and pungent foods should be avoided.

Pitta Dosha Due To Hot Things

Pitta is made up of fire and water. When hot things are eaten, it increases the heat in the body and bile becomes unbalanced.

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Pitta Dosha Due To Heavy Exercise

Heavy workouts or exercises can also increase bile. Apart from this, anger can also cause bile to increase in the body.

Pitta Dosha Due To Not Eating Right Time

Eating at the right time is important to keep the tridosha of the body in balance. When you do not eat at regular times, it can increase bile. Apart from this, bile can also increase due to insomnia.

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To balance pitta, one should eat light and cold things. Along with this, heavy workouts should also be avoided in case of pitta dosha. Pitta can be balanced with these measures -

Do Not Take Stress

Stress can also be a reason for increasing pitta. Therefore, to keep pitta in balance, you should avoid taking stress. Always remain happy and stress free.

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Get Full Sleep

It is important to get full sleep to keep pitta in balance. Sleeping reduces stress and keeps bile in balance. Every person must get 7-8 hours of sleep to stay healthy.

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Meditation And Yoga

Pitta can be balanced by doing meditation. Apart from this, some yoga asanas and pranayama that cool the body can also be practiced. Sheetali pranayama helps in keeping the body cool.

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Cold Food

When the bile is imbalanced, the heat in the body increases. In such a situation, one should consume foods that cool the body. Cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon, amla, lemon and aloe vera juice can help in balancing bile. Apart from these, mint, coconut and coriander also keep bile balanced.

Ghee Is Beneficial

Ghee can also be a good way to balance bile. Cow ghee is considered the best in Ayurveda. Ghee removes stomach related diseases and calms bile.

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When bile increases a lot in the body, in this situation the doctor gets virechan done. In virechana, some such Ayurvedic medicines are given, which help in removing the bile accumulated in the body easily.

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Pitta dosha can cause poor health and illness. To balance it, it is important to adopt a good diet, exercise and lifestyle. If you have skin rashes, constipation and heartburn, do not ignore this condition at all. If the bile is not removed on time, it can cause serious diseases in the body. Therefore, always try to keep the bile balanced by maintaining a good diet and staying stress-free.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience

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