Drug Abuse - Drug Abuse in Telugu


June 07, 2019

Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse


  1. Nessa, A & Latif, Sara & Siddiqui, Naveed & Hussain, MA & Hossain, Md.Abul. Drug abuse and addiction. Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ. 17. 227-35.
  2. Shekarchizadeh H, Khami MR, Mohebbi SZ, Ekhtiari H, Virtanen JI. Oral Health of Drug Abusers: A Review of Health Effects and Care. Iran J Public Health. 2013 Sep;42(9):929-40. PMID: 26060654
  3. National institute of drug abuse. Commonly Abused Drugs Charts. National Institute of health. [internet].
  4. Indian Journal Psychiatry. Substance use and addiction research in India. Indian Psychiatric Society. [internet].
  5. National institute of drug abuse. Understanding Drug Use and Addiction. National Institute of health. [internet].