Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop

 8882 people have bought this recently
30 ml Drops in 1 Bottle
₹ 170 ₹200 15% OFF Save: ₹30
30 ML DROPS 1 Bottle ₹ 170 ₹200 15% OFF Save: ₹30

  • Manufactured by: Allen Homoeo and Herbal Products Ltd
  • Contains / Salt: Aconitum napellus Belladonna Bryonia Alba Calcarea Carbonica Calendula Officinalis Chamomilla Lycopodium Clavatum Myristica Sebifera Pyrogenium Silicea Stramonium Hepar sulphuris kalinum Pulsatilla
  • Storage: Store at room temperature
  • Seller: Siddharth_Medicare
    • Country of Origin: India

    ची माहिती

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop Benefits - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop Benefits in Marathi - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop fayde ani vapar

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop खालील उपचारासाठी वापरले जाते -

    Main Benefits

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचे डोसेज आणि कसे घ्यावे - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop Dosage & How to Take in Marathi - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop che dosage ani kase dhyave

    बहुतेक सामान्य उपचारांमध्ये शिफारस केलेली हे डोसेज आहे. प्रत्येक रुग्ण आणि त्याचे प्रकरण वेगवेगळे असते हे लक्षात ठेवा, त्यामुळे तो विकार, औषध देण्याचा मार्ग, रुग्णाचे वय आणि वैद्यकीय इतिहास यांच्या अनुसार डोसेज वेगवेगळी असू शकते.

    रोग आणि वयानुसार औषधाचा योग्य डोस जाणून घ्या

    Age Group Dosage
    • Disease: फोड
    • Before or After Meal: Either
    • Single Maximum Dose: 10 drop
    • Dosage Route: Oral
    • Frequency: 4 daily
    • Course Duration: As directed by the doctor
    • Special Instructions: As prescribed by the doctor
    • Disease: फोड
    • Before or After Meal: Either
    • Single Maximum Dose: 10 drop
    • Dosage Route: Oral
    • Frequency: 4 daily
    • Course Duration: As directed by the doctor
    • Special Instructions: As prescribed by the doctor

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop दुष्परिणाम - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop Side Effects in Marathi - dushparinam

    संशोधनाच्या अनुसार, जेव्हा Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop घेतले जाते, तेव्हा खालील दुष्परिणाम आढळतात -


    • None

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropसंबंधित सूचना - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop Related Warnings in Marathi - Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop sambandhit suchna

    • गर्भवती महिलांसाठी Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचा वापर सुरक्षित आहे काय?

    • स्तनपान देण्याच्या कालावधी दरम्यान Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचा वापर सुरक्षित आहे काय?

    • Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचा मूत्रपिंडांवरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    • Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचा यकृतावरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    • Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Dropचा हृदयावरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop चे सर्व पर्याय बघा - Substitutes for Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop in Marathi

    Ayurvedic Alternatives from myUpchar Ayurveda

    Skin Infection Tablet 60 Tablet in 1 Bottle ₹719 ₹79910% off
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    In stock alternatives of Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop (based on Aconitum napellus Belladonna Bryonia Alba Calcarea Carbonica Calendula Officinalis Chamomilla Lycopodium Clavatum Myristica Sebifera Pyrogenium Silicea Stramonium Hepar sulphuris kalinum Pulsatilla)

    Allen A81 Skin Abscess and Boils Drop 30 ml Drops in 1 Bottle ₹170 20015% off

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