Gone are the days when lifting weights in the gym was only associated with bodybuilding or bulking up. Much like any other aspect of exercise, be it a cardio workout or aerobic exercises, running, cycling or swimming, or the more recent trends of Crossfit, kickboxing, HIIT or other forms of specific training, lifting weights or strength training is a lot more than just becoming the Incredible Hulk.
Strength and flexibility exercises in the body go hand in hand in your journey towards fitness, good health and ultimately an improved lifestyle. The interwebs are usually divided over which workouts are best for the average Joe, from cardio to bodyweight exercises to yoga to lifting weights. But the fact remains all these workouts have their benefits, and all are going to be helpful in their own way.
The benefits of weight training go way beyond building muscles. According to Harvard Health, weight training has significant benefits for maintaining bone health as one ages, and it can be achieved with weight training regularly. An average adult is recommended to exercise at least 30 minutes every day in a week, totalling about 150 minutes of moderate physical activity, or about 75 minutes of intense physical activity.
If you are still on the fence about investing in some weights to start your home gym, or wondering if lifting weights would make you look bulky, read on to learn about the several benefits of weight training.