Tea tree oil is made from the leaves of the Australian tree of the same name. People have been using it as a traditional medicine for many centuries.

Nowadays we all know about this oil and try to include it in our daily routine. Which also includes keeping the skin healthy. So do you know whether acne can be cured with this oil or not?

Today in this article we will learn how tea tree oil can help in acne, the best way to use it and the safety precautions to keep in mind.

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  1. Studies Done On Tea Tree Oil And Acne
  2. How To Use Tea Tree Oil
  3. What Other Ways Can You Use Tea Tree Oil?
  4. Summary

A 2015 review of 35 studies on the use of supplement treatments for acne concluded that tea tree oil is safe to use for acne.

A 2006 study found that tea tree oil has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It may help treat inflammatory lesions like acne.

A 2016 study found tea tree oil to be useful in protecting the skin from sun damage. The researchers found that most participants had less oil and bacteria on their skin, as well as smaller pores. This could potentially improve acne.

In a 2017 study, participants used tea tree oil on their faces twice a day for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, researchers concluded that tea tree oil had the potential to "significantly improve" mild to moderate acne without any serious side effects.

A 2018 study found that a combination of aloe vera, propolis, and tea tree oil may also improve acne.

Overall, research says that tea tree oil may help improve acne, but it may not be a complete cure.

To remove pimples and itching from the skin, definitely use nimbadi churna  by myUpchar.

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  • Mix 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of carrier oil. Be careful when using any excess oil on your face. Any type of oil product has the potential to aggravate acne.

  • Before applying diluted tea tree oil to your face, do a small patch test on the inside of your elbow. Symptoms of skin sensitivity or allergic reaction include itching, redness, swelling and irritation.

  • Before applying the oil, wash your face with a gentle cleanser for acne-prone skin and pat dry.

  • Apply diluted tea tree oil gently to your blemishes with a cotton ball or pad.

  • And dry it and apply moisturizer. You can use it twice in the scene.

Tea tree oil is generally safe to use on the skin. It is not safe to swallow it. Ingesting it can cause serious symptoms including confusion and ataxia. Also, be careful not to get tea tree oil in your eyes, as it can cause redness and irritation.

If tea tree oil is diluted properly, most people can use it on their skin without any serious problems. However, some people may have an allergic reaction or skin irritation in the area where the oil has been used. If you notice any of the following problems, stop using the oil immediately:

  • Itching
  • redness

  • Swelling

  • Burning and irritated skin

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Anti Acne Cream
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Apart from acne benefits, tea tree oil can also be used in the following ways –

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Antifungal Cream
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Research shows that tea tree oil may be helpful for mild to moderate acne. This is due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Although it may not be as effective as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for treating acne, it is also very helpful. If you don't see improvement in your acne with OTC products, you may need prescription medications. Treatment options may include:


  • retinoids

  • oral or topical antibiotics

  • antiandrogen therapy

  • contraceptive pills


However, if tea tree oil is used carefully, you can see its benefits.

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