Pulses and beans are a very important part of our diet, which not only makes our food delicious but is also considered beneficial for our health in many ways. One variety of pulses and beans is black gram, which is considered an excellent source of protein. There are mainly 2 varieties of black gram - Desi and Kabuli. The Desi variety of gram is dark brown in color, while Kabuli gram is light in color, which many people also know as chickpeas.

Although both Desi and Kabuli gram are beneficial for health. But Desi black gram, rich in nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and calcium, also helps in keeping the body healthy and the mind sharp by removing many types of diseases. Black gram is considered beneficial not only for our health but also for skin and hair. If a person has iron deficiency or low hemoglobin, then he should also consume black gram because it contains about 30 percent iron.

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Some people like to eat black gram by roasting it, some by boiling it, some by frying it or by making vegetables. But today we are telling you about the various benefits of eating soaked or sprouted black gram and to know when and how it should be eaten, read here.

  1. Best Time To Eat Soaked Chana?
  2. How To Eat Soaked Chana?
  3. Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram
  4. Side Effects Of Eating Soaked Gram
  5. Summary
Doctors for Benefits of Soaked Black Gram in Your Daily Routine

If you want your body to get the maximum benefit of eating black gram, then it is very important that you eat it at the right time. The best time to eat soaked black gram is in the morning on an empty stomach. Eating soaked gram on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial for health in many ways. It is very important to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast so that you remain energetic throughout the day. In such a situation, if you want, you can start your day by eating a handful of soaked gram because it will help in keeping you agile and healthy as well as protecting you from all diseases. It will also make your brain sharp by purifying your blood.

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Soaked or sprouted black gram contains chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamins as well as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and many other types of minerals, due to which it is considered a kind of superfood. To soak black gram:

What is needed

  • A handful of black gram
  • 1 glass of water

Wash a handful of black gram thoroughly and put it in 1 glass of water and leave it to soak in water overnight. After waking up in the morning, take out the gram from the water and consume it on an empty stomach. If you want, you can eat soaked gram plain or you can eat it by mixing jaggery with gram.

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  • Eating soaked gram and jaggery is considered beneficial for health in many ways. Keep in mind that you have to chew both soaked gram and jaggery well before eating them.
  • There can be many benefits of eating soaked gram and jaggery on an empty stomach in the morning. After morning exercise or workout, soaked or sprouted gram and jaggery is an excellent post-workout snack that works to give energy to the body.
  • Both jaggery and soaked gram are excellent sources of iron and protein. In such a situation, women can eat gram and jaggery during menstruation days if they want. Doing this can help compensate for the loss of blood from the body.
  • If you have the problem of frequent urination, then you can also eat soaked gram and jaggery. It can help in solving the problem.

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As we have already said, apart from protein, fiber, iron and carbohydrates, black gram is also a good source of vitamin B6, folate, riboflavin and many types of minerals like manganese, phosphorus and copper. In such a situation, when gram is soaked in water overnight, the nutrients present in it increase further and it is also easy for the stomach to digest soaked gram. In such a situation, what other benefits can there be by eating soaked gram, know here:

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Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram For Immunity

It is very important to strengthen your immunity so that your body is protected from diseases. For this, there is no better and cheaper solution than black gram. Eating gram soaked in water for 8-10 hours not only strengthens immunity i.e. the ability to fight diseases but also increases your physical strength, which gives you energy to work throughout the day. Also, eating soaked gram helps in balancing the bile and phlegm doshas in the body.

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Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram For Cholesterol Control

Black gram is very high in fiber and is a low-glycemic index food. The fiber present in it is soluble which binds itself with bile acid and prevents it from being absorbed by the body, which reduces the level of cholesterol. If around half a cup of soaked gram is consumed daily, then it helps in reducing LDL i.s. bad cholesterol as well as total cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

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Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram For Blood Circulation

As we have already said, black gram is an excellent source of iron and hence it helps in removing the problem of blood deficiency (anemia). It also increases the energy level. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and growing children can also consume soaked black gram in limited quantities. Black gram also helps in the production of hemoglobin in the body, so eating it is also beneficial.

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Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram For Constipation

Black gram contains a good amount of soluble fiber and hence it helps in relieving problems related to digestion and keeps the digestive system healthy. Constipation often causes inflammation in the intestine, in such a situation, the fiber present in black gram reduces the risk of constipation. Therefore, people who have constipation problems should soak black gram in water overnight and after waking up in the morning, not only drink gram water on an empty stomach but also sprinkle some cumin powder on black gram and eat it.

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Benefits Of Eating Soaked Gram For Skin And Hair

Soaked gram can help in improving your beauty along with health. Soaked black gram contains manganese which provides energy to the cells so that the signs of aging do not appear on the face. It is known to fight free-radicals that can cause wrinkles and vitamin B acts as fuel for the cells. Along with skin, manganese is also considered beneficial for hair. Often manganese deficiency results in slow hair growth. Apart from this, black gram also contains protein which prevents hair loss.

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Although there are many health and nutritional benefits of eating soaked black gram, it is advisable to consume it in limited quantities. Eating too much gram on an empty stomach can also have some disadvantages:

  • Due to high fiber, eating too much gram can cause problems like diarrhea, flatulence, stomach cramps and swelling.
  • People who have any kind of allergy should also not consume gram.
  • Apart from this, if you start having problems like skin rashes, headache, or cough immediately after eating black gram, then contact the doctor immediately.

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There are many health benefits of eating black gram. These include being a rich source of protein, fiber, and various nutrients. Eating black gram controls blood pressure, improves heart health, and reduces the risk of diabetes. They improve digestion, relieve constipation, and help control weight. Apart from this, black chickpeas are also a source of energy for the body and help maintain healthy skin.

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

16 Years of Experience

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

3 Years of Experience

Dt. Manjari Purwar

Dt. Manjari Purwar

11 Years of Experience

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

8 Years of Experience

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