Jatamansi is also known as Nardosteus Jatamansi, Balchhad, Jatamansi and other names. It is mainly found in the Himalayas. It has properties that reduce depression, stress and fatigue and is commonly used in Ayurveda as a neuroprotective herb. Jatamansi is a panacea for problems related to the brain or head. It grows in the snow on the mountains. Its hairy stems and roots are used as medicine. From the point of view of Ayurveda, Jatamansi is full of many medicinal properties, which protects against diseases like immune system, heart, blood pressure etc. It is also beneficial in keeping the heartbeat balanced.The roots of Jatamansi are its main medicinal part. Jatamansi leaves are also used in herbal and traditional medicine. It is used as an essential oil due to its deodorant, sedative, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Jatamansi medicinal herb is also used to make strong-smelling perfumes and medicines.

(Read more - Shatavari: The Queen of Herbs for Women's Health)

  1. Benefits of Jatamansi
  2. Side Effects Of Jatamansi
  3. Summary

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Epilepsy

Jatamansi provides strong protection against oxidative stress. It helps in maintaining the balance of hormones in the nervous system and thus protects epileptic patients from the risk of stroke. In Ayurveda, Jatamansi root powder is not used alone, it is used in combination with other herbs or Ayurvedic medicines. Mix 1000mg Jatamansi root powder, 500mg Vacha powder and 125mg Abhrak Bhasma. Take this mixture twice a day with 1 teaspoon of honey or Brahmi juice.

(Read more - Advantages of Dambel)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Mental Fatigue

Jatamansi reduces mental fatigue and acts as a muscle tonic. According to Ayurveda, this healthy sedative stimulates functions and nourishes the brain. It improves cognitive performance, removes muscle weakness. Many people suffer from depression and stress due to chronic fatigue. Taking Jatamansi with Ashwagandha is an excellent remedy for stress associated with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). The stress-reducing and antioxidant activities of these herbs also help reduce oxidative stress caused by CFS.

(Read more - Patha plant: benefits)

In mental fatigue, jatamansi powder (churna) should be started in low doses. 500 mg twice a day is a sufficient and effective dose for reducing mental fatigue and having a relaxing effect on the brain. It is best to use it in small quantities for a long period rather than using high doses for a short period.

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Benefits Of Jatamansi For Insomnia

It works slowly but effectively. In case of insomnia, taking one teaspoon of Jatamansi root powder with fresh water one hour before sleeping is beneficial. Jatamansi improves sleep quality and reduces insomnia.

(Read more - Nishoth Benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Headache

According to Ayurveda, Jatamansi is an effective solution for pain near the ear, excruciating pain around the eye, etc., which is accompanied by headache. Apart from this, headache is a problem due to stress and fatigue. To get rid of this, grind equal amounts of Jatamansi, tagar, deodar, dry ginger, kuthu etc. and mix it with desi ghee and apply it on the head, it will be beneficial in headache.

(Read more – Khadira (Black catechu) benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi To Sharpen The Brain

Spike is a panacea for the brain, it works slowly but effectively. Jatamansi improves memory and reduces forgetfulness. Apart from this, it is also a surefire medicine to sharpen memory. It acts as a memory agent in people with memory loss. Drinking one teaspoon of Jatamansi powder mixed in a cup of milk sharpens the brain. It provides good results when used in conjunction with Brahmi, Ashwagandha or Shankhpushpi.

(Read more – Yavasa benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Depression

Jatamansi helps to combat depression. It acts as an agent that reduces depression by inducing a sense of peace and stability.

No doubt, it is an effective medicine for depression and is used as the drug of choice for its treatment. It is mainly used alone to get benefits in depression with aggressive symptoms. It reduces aggressive, self-destructive and violent behavior. It also reduces restlessness, anger, frustration, irritability, sleeplessness and lack of energy. It increases vitality and vigor.

Jatamansi with Lauh Bhasma is used for the treatment of melancholic depression. For this, a mixture is prepared by mixing 40 grams of jatamansi, 20 grams of asafoetida and 10 grams of Lauh Bhasma. Consume it with warm extract of jatamansi 250-500mg twice a day.

Jatamansi Benefits For Anxiety

Jatamansi has anxiety-reducing properties. It reduces the feeling of restlessness and nervousness, normalizes heart rate, controls anxiety, tremors, difficulty in sleeping due to anxiety, etc. and is used to treat anxiety disorders. It is more effective for controlling tremors in anxiety disorders.

(Read more - Bharangi benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Fever

In some cases of fever and infection, patients feel burning sensation, fatigue and restlessness. In these symptoms, Praval Pishti with Jatamansi is highly useful.

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Skin

Jatamansi can be used to improve skin complexion. Grind the root of Jatamansi in rose water and apply it on the face as a paste. This will brighten the face in a few days.

(Read more – Benefits Of Agastya Flower)

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Benefits Of Jatamansi For Periods

Make powder by mixing 20 grams of Jatamansi, 10 grams of cumin and 5 grams of black pepper. Consume one teaspoon three times a day. This provides relief from pain during menstruation.

(Read more – Nagarmotha (Musta) benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Menopause

Jatamansi reduces the symptoms of menopause such as mood swings, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, weak memory, headache, irritability, dizziness, fatigue, stress, anxiety etc. Both Jatamansi and Saraswatarishta are very useful for controlling unwanted symptoms of menopause. Apart from this, Shatavari can also be used with Jatamansi.

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Hair

Soak one quarter of coarse powder of Jatamansi in some water at night and cook it on low flame in the morning. When four parts remain, filter it and add 1 quarter of sesame oil and 5 tolas of Jatamansi paste (chutney) and cook again. Remove when some oil remains. Hair fall stops with the use of this oil, lice are destroyed quickly. Hair grows fast, remains soft and black. Traditionally, it is used to make hair black and shiny. It also controls dandruff. Use it regularly for smooth, silky, thick and healthy hair.

(Read more – Varuna benefits)

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Blood Pressure

Jatamansi has heart-protecting properties. Jatamansi acts as an excellent cardiac tonic. It enhances heart functions and keeps the heart rate normal. It maintains lipid metabolism and protects heart tissues from oxidative injury. In Ayurveda, Jatamansi is known to improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. The main effect of Jatamansi is on blood circulation. It helps in all conditions caused by tight circulation in the body. It can be used to normalize blood pressure in both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. For high blood pressure, take 1 gram of Jatamansi, 500 mg of Sarpagandha and 2 grams of Punarnava mixed together and for low blood pressure, take 500 mg of Jatamansi, 2 grams of Ashwagandha and 65 grams of pure Kuchla mixed together.

Benefits Of Jatamansi For Abdominal Pain

Jatamansi has mild carminative and strong antispasmodic properties, which help in reducing gas and abdominal pain. Take equal quantities of Jatamansi and sugar candy and mix one-fourth of it with fennel, dry ginger and cinnamon and make powder and consume it twice a day in the amount of 4 to 5 grams. Doing this gives relief from stomach pain.

(Read more – Atibala benefits)

Other Benefits Of Jatamansi

Other benefits of Jatamansi are as follows –

  • Massaging with fine powder of Jatamansi reduces excessive sweating.
  • By keeping pieces of Jatamansi in mouth and sucking them, burning sensation and pain in the mouth is reduced.
  • Mixing Jatamansi powder with vac powder and black salt and consuming it regularly three times a day gives relief from diseases like hysteria, epilepsy, and insanity.
  • If a person is suffering from toothache, then make powder of Jatamansi root and use it as toothpaste. This also relieves toothache as well as problems like gum pain, swelling, bleeding from teeth, and bad breath.
  • Grinding Jatamansi and applying it as a paste on the eyes relieves unconsciousness.
  • Jatamansi is used to reduce the excretion of glucose (sugar) from the urine. Along with Chandraprabha Vati, it improves kidney function and restores normal renal threshold.

(Read more – Saptaparni benefits)

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The side effects of Jatamansi are as follows -

  • Excessive use or consumption of Jatamansi can cause kidney damage or stomach pain.
  • People with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before consuming it.
  • Excessive use of Jatamansi can cause allergies. If your skin is sensitive, then consult your doctor before using Jatamansi. Otherwise there may be a risk of allergies.
  • Excessive use of Jatamansi during menstruation can cause problems.
  • It should not be used during pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Avoid excessive use of Jatamansi, otherwise diseases like vomiting, diarrhea can trouble you.

(Read more – Malkangni (Jyotishmati): benefits)

Jatamansi is an Ayurvedic medicine which is considered beneficial for health. This herb is mainly known for balancing mental health and nervous system. Jatamansi helps in reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing brain function. It is also beneficial for hair health. Apart from this, it is also helpful in cleansing the skin, improving digestion, and controlling blood pressure.

Medicines / Products that contain Jatamansi

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