It is very important that you keep your immune system strong.However, sometimes some very simple mistakes made knowingly or unknowingly also make your immune system weak and the risk of diseases increases. Therefore, to increase your weak immunity, it is very important that you adopt a healthy lifestyle.We are telling you many such home remedies by adopting which you can strengthen your immunity power.

Read More - (Immunity boosting foods and diet

  1. Do Not Take Excessive Stress
  2. Do Not Consume Too Much Processed Food
  3. Get Enough Sleep
  4. Do Not Consume Too Much Alcohol
  5. Avoid Smoking And Tobacco Consumption
  6. Do Regular Exercise
  7. Summary
Doctors for How to Increase Immunity Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide

Who is not stressed at such a time. Some are stressed due to financial worries, while others are stressed due to worries about the future. But it is very important for you to know that stress has a bad effect on your immune system. In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the year 2012 in the US, it was revealed that people who are more stressed are more likely to fall ill when exposed to a virus.

In fact, when you are under stress, the stress hormone cortisol is released in the body, which reduces the white blood cells in the body and the body becomes weak in fighting viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is very important that you keep your stress, anxiety and stress under control. To always keep yourself relaxed, you can do yoga daily, do meditation, and listen to your favorite light music. Do any such activity in which you can take time for yourself and stay happy.

(Read more: How to boost immunity: what to do)

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If you use too much sugar, salt and modified carbohydrates in your food, then these also have a bad effect on your immunity. This is because the harmful substances present in processed food attack the good bacteria present in the intestine and weaken them. Not only this, regular consumption of soda and cold drinks also has a bad effect on your immune system. Also, if things with more salt are eaten, then the body's ability to kill bacteria also weakens. So, as far as possible, consume healthy things like fresh fruits, green vegetables, ginger, garlic instead of packed and processed food.

Read More - (Vitamins that boost immunity

These days, a large number of people are getting many lifestyle related diseases due to lack of sleep. When we sleep, our body goes into repair mode and at the same time cytokines are released in the body which is a protein and helps in protecting the body from any kind of infection and inflammation. If you do not get enough sleep every night, then the body will not be able to produce sufficient amounts of cytokines and the immune system will not be able to fight bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is very important that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night because sleep is also very important for health.

Read More - (What is herd immunity

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If you drink too much alcohol every day on a regular basis, then alcohol weakens your immune system and your risk of falling ill increases manifold. Alcohol disturbs the balance between the good bacteria and bad bacteria present in your intestine and also increases the risk of inflammation in the liver. Not only this, drinking too much alcohol also weakens your body's ability to fight colds, viral infections and bacterial infections. Also, excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of pneumonia and other lung related diseases.

Read More - (Weak immune system)

Whether you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco, both conditions are very harmful for your health and can cause many respiratory problems in the body. People who smoke a lot start producing more mucus in their body, which narrows the airways and makes it difficult to clear the harmful substances present in the lungs. Not only this, tobacco smoke weakens the body's immune system, which increases the risk of diseases like pneumonia and influenza. Also, the amount of protective antioxidants present in the blood also decreases. Therefore, if you are addicted to smoking, quit it immediately.

Read More - (Immunity boosting dry fruits and nuts)

If a person exercises regularly or does any kind of physical activity, then it helps in removing the bacteria present in the lungs and airways from the body. This reduces the risk of diseases like cold, cough, fever and flu. Exercising increases both foreign body antibodies and white blood cells that help the body fight any kind of infection. Also, if you exercise regularly, it reduces the release of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Reducing stress levels reduces your stress and makes you happier. So, exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

Read More - (Does sleep boost your immune system?

It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to boost immunity. A balanced diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses, and nuts supplies vitamins and minerals. Regular yoga and exercise strengthens the body and increases the ability to fight diseases. Getting adequate sleep and reducing stress are also important for immunity. Also, home remedies like ginger, turmeric, basil, and garlic also strengthen the immune system. Adequate water intake and spending some time in the sun supplies vitamin D, which boosts immunity.

Dr Rahul Gam

Dr Rahul Gam

Infectious Disease
8 Years of Experience

Dr. Arun R

Dr. Arun R

Infectious Disease
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Neha Gupta

Dr. Neha Gupta

Infectious Disease
16 Years of Experience

Dr. Anupama Kumar

Dr. Anupama Kumar

Infectious Disease

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