Gas is one of the everyday problems of people these days, but excessive gas can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Fortunately, yoga has saved you from these troubles. There are many specific yoga poses that help remove gas and bloating from your digestive system.So let us tell you five such yoga poses that will make your stomach gas disappear.

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  1. Benefits Of Pawanmuktasana
  2. Benefits Of Supta Matsyendrasana
  3. Benefits Of Ananda Balasana For Gas Pain
  4. Benefits Of Marjari Asana For Gas Pain
  5. Benefits Of Vajrasana For Gas Pain
  6. Summary

This pose is specially designed to remove gas trapped in the digestive system. Doing this asana creates pressure on your stomach and makes it easier for the gas to come out.

How to do - Lie on your back and join the legs together. Bring the right knee close to your right chest and press the knee on the stomach while holding it with your hands. Keep in mind that your shoulders should touch the ground. Again take a long deep breath and while exhaling do the same process on your left side. After doing the process on both sides in the same position, finally bring the knees of both legs together near the chest and put pressure on the chest. While releasing the body, take a long deep breath from the stomach and relax.

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In this posture, you take a deep breath while bending the torso, due to which pressure is created on your intestines and a kind of massage takes place. By doing this yogasana, gas is not formed in your stomach.

How to do - Lie straight on the ground on your back. Now spread both your hands on both sides in the straight line of the shoulders. Bend the right leg from the knee and lift it upwards. Now rest the right leg on the left knee. Now while exhaling, lift your right hip, bend the back to the left and let the right knee go downwards. While doing this process, both hands should remain on the ground. Try to keep the right knee completely on the ground on the left side of the body. Turn the head to the right. Now you are in the posture of Supta Matsyendrasana. Now take a deep breath and exhale, then repeat this process on the left side as well.

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The name of this asana itself must have given you an indication of how happy this asana can give you when you get rid of stomach gas.

How to do - First of all lie down on your back. Now exhale and bring the knees closer to the stomach. Now take a deep breath and hold the soles of the feet with the hands. Slowly move it upwards and make a distance between the knees. Now pull the feet downwards a little with the hands, due to which pressure will be created in your muscles and it will be easy for the gas to come out. Now slowly straighten back and relax.

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If you want to treat your stomach gas from the root, then this asana is very beneficial for you.

How to do: First of all, sit on your knees. Take your body forward and rest your palms on the ground. Take a deep breath and bend your stomach towards the ground and lift your hips upwards. Keep the body in this position for some time. Now, while exhaling, reverse this process. Take your neck downwards and bend your hips. Repeat this process again and again.

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By doing Vajrasana, your digestive power improves and it is impossible for any type of gas or burning sensation to form.

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How to do - First of all sit down and straighten your legs. Now place both your feet under your hips one by one. Join the toes of both the feet together and maintain a little distance between the heels. Put the entire weight of the body on your feet. Now comfortably place both your hands on the thighs. Keep the waist straight. Remain in this position for ten minutes and take long breaths.

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Yoga can be a very effective solution for the problem of stomach gas. Various yoga asanas and pranayama (breathing techniques) massage the abdominal muscles, strengthen the digestive system and help in expelling gas. Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana are particularly helpful in reducing stomach gas. These asanas not only help in expelling gas, but also improve the digestive system. Regular yoga practice can control stomach gas problems and improve digestive health. Along with this, yoga reduces stress, which is a major cause of digestive problems.

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