As soon as the winter season arrives, a sweet dish that is definitely made in most North Indian homes is hot and tasty carrot halwa. Yes, you must have eaten a lot of carrots but have you ever eaten black carrots? If you are not aware of this, then let us tell you that carrots are not only red or orange but also black or purple in color. Both sour black carrot kanji and black carrot halwa are considered quite tasty.

Black carrots, also known as desi carrots, especially attract people's attention and also provide many specific health benefits. Red, orange, black, purple all types of carrots are highly nutritious but black carrots are especially rich in powerful antioxidants that are known to fight inflammation and provide benefits in other health conditions. The black or deep purple color of this carrot comes from the presence of anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant also found in blueberries, blackberries, and black grapes.

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It is believed that carrots originated in the 10th century and initially the black or purple version of carrots was found but later due to mutations, it lost its pigment and evolved into the orange carrot which can be seen locally all over the world today. We all know that carrots contain beta carotene which is considered very beneficial for our eyes but apart from this, many other nutrients are found in black carrots. In this article, we are telling you about the nutrients present in black carrots and what are the benefits and disadvantages of eating it and how it can be eaten.

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  1. Black Carrot Nutrition Facts
  2. Benefits Of Eating Black Carrots
  3. How To Eat Black Carrot?
  4. Side Effects Of Black Carrots
  5. Summary
Doctors for From Antioxidants to Anthocyanins : Health Benefits of Black Carrots
  • All carrots – regardless of their color – contain various nutrients such as fiber, potassium, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin A and some amount of vitamin B.
  • In addition, carrots are low in calories and hence can be helpful in weight loss. 1 cup (about 128 grams) of raw carrots contains only 52 calories.
  • What makes black or purple carrots even more nutritious than other carrots is the unique antioxidant anthocyanin found in them, which protects the body from oxidative stress.
  • In addition to antioxidants, black carrots also have antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Apart from beta carotene, calcium, carotenoids, iron, zinc, phenolic acid, flavonoids etc. are also found in abundance in black carrots, which helps in improving the body's immunity i.e. the ability to fight diseases and also strengthens the bones. 

(Read more - Carrots Benefits)

Black carrots are rich in nutrients like fiber and potassium and how it is beneficial for health and which diseases it can help in curing, know here:

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Benefits Of Black Carrots For Cancer

Studies show that the powerful antioxidants found in black carrots have cancer fighting properties. In a 12-week study on mice, the mice were first exposed to a cancer-promoting compound and then some mice were given black carrot extract in their diet and some mice were given a normal diet. The results of the study showed that the mice fed black carrots had less cancer development than the mice fed a normal diet.

Similarly, test-tube studies also show that anthocyanins (antioxidants) can inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, blood cancer and stomach cancer cells. Research also shows that if you include black carrots in your diet, then your risk of getting breast cancer can be reduced significantly.

(Read more- Broccoli: Benefits)

Benefits Of Black Carrots For Weight Loss

Carrot is a vegetable that is low in calories but is highly nutritious, due to which it is considered as a favorable food for weight loss. Black or purple carrots contain soluble fiber that helps reduce both your appetite and food intake by increasing hormones that cause a feeling of fullness after eating.

A study conducted on 100 women found that women who ate about 200 grams of black carrots for lunch felt full and ate less food during the day, compared to women who did not eat carrots. Apart from this, a large study conducted on more than 1 lakh 24 thousand people revealed that men and women who consumed more anthocyanin-rich foods such as black carrots lost more weight.

(Read more -Sweet potato: Nutrition facts, benefits)

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Benefits Of Black Carrots For Arthritis

Anthocyanin is a polyphenol antioxidant that has many great health benefits. Foods rich in anthocyanins such as black carrots can help relieve problems related to inflammation (internal swelling and inflammation). Anthocyanins act as anti-inflammatory agents that help reduce potentially harmful compounds pro-inflammatory cytokines. This property of black carrots helps reduce arthritis symptoms by reducing oxidative stress in the body.

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Benefits Of Black Carrots For Heart

A review of 24 studies has shown that people who eat an anthocyanin-rich diet not only have better blood flow but also improve the function of blood vessels. Poor blood flow and inadequate blood vessel function are both common causes of heart disease—which is why improving these risk factors may reduce the risk of certain heart disease conditions. Black carrots are rich in anthocyanins and are therefore beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease. A large study conducted on more than 34 thousand women revealed that eating 0.2 mg of anthocyanins daily reduces the risk of heart disease.

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Benefits Of Black Carrots For Mental Health

Anthocyanins are also considered beneficial to avoid deterioration in mental health. A review of 7 studies has shown that consuming anthocyanin-rich foods such as black carrots improves some mental outcomes—including verbal learning and memory—in children, adults, and the elderly.

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Benefits Of Black Carrots For Diabetes

Metabolic syndrome is a condition that causes a bunch of symptoms including excessive belly fat and high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Animal studies show that the anthocyanin found in black carrots helps reduce both cholesterol and blood sugar. According to the results of the study done on rats, drinking black carrot juice also helps in getting rid of the problem of fatty liver, high blood sugar, high BP and stiffness in the heart muscle.

Benefits Of Black Carrots For Stomach Problems

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is defined as long-lasting inflammation (chronic inflammation) in all or parts of the digestive system. Test-tube studies and animal studies show that black or purple carrots help in relieving inflammation in the intestines like ulcerative colitis.

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  • If you want, you can make black carrot halwa in the same way as you make halwa by grating red carrots, adding ghee and sugar.
  • You can also make black carrot kanji. For this, first peel the carrots and then boil the water and cook the carrots in it and keep it cool. Then add salt and mustard seed powder to it and put it in a jar and keep it in the sun for some time. Kanji will be ready. Black carrot kanji is also very beneficial for health.
  • You can also eat black carrots as a salad by peeling and finely chopping them.
  • If you want, cut the carrots into slices and fry them lightly with olive oil and then add salt and black pepper and eat them as chips.
  • You can also make black carrot juice and drink it or add it to a smoothie.

(Read more- Antioxidants: Food sources, Benefits)

Although it is completely safe to consume black carrots, excess of anything can be bad, so consume carrots in limited quantities as far as possible.

  • There is not much research available on whether it is safe for pregnant women and women who breastfeed their children to consume black carrots or not, so it would be better that you ask your doctor about this and consume it only after taking their advice.
  • There is not much information or research available on how safe it is for children to eat black carrots, so before giving black carrot juice or feeding black carrots to small children, definitely consult a pediatrician.
  • People who are allergic to celery, parsley, etc. may also be allergic to carrots. Therefore, such people should not eat black carrots.

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Eating black carrots has many health benefits. These include being a rich source of vitamins A, C, and B6, which help maintain skin health. Black carrots are also high in fiber, which improves digestion and relieves constipation. Apart from this, they help control blood pressure and improve heart health. Black carrots are rich in vitamins. The antioxidants found in it give new life to the skin.

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