Aging is a phase of our life. As we age, we start losing muscle mass, which is also known as sarcopenia. You will be surprised to know that age-related muscle loss starts as early as the age of 30. If we are not active at all, that is, do not exercise, then from the age of 30, our age-related muscle loss starts happening between 3 to 5 percent every decade. Even active people, that is, those who exercise daily, may start to lose some muscle mass now.

Sarcopenia has become a common thing in today's time. Muscle strength and mass are not only related to diet and exercise during old age. It is also related to the muscle mass you had in your youth. This means that the best time to prevent sarcopenia is now. It does not matter whether you are young or middle-aged. Therefore, prevent it from now itself and pay attention to your diet and exercise. So let's know how we can avoid sarcopenia.

(Read more - Muscle building exercise and precautions)

  1. Take Protein To Overcome Muscle Weakness
  2. Take Vitamin D To Keep Muscles Strong
  3. Do Exercise For Prevent Muscle Loss
  4. Avoid Diseases To Prevent Muscle Loss
  5. Summary

When it comes to muscle development, protein is the best way for them. According to research, increasing protein intake actually increases muscle protein synthesis. Studies also show that in addition to meeting the daily requirement of protein in your diet, the elderly should include 25 to 30 grams of high-quality protein in every meal. If the elderly consume less than 20 grams of protein in their diet, then their muscle protein synthesis ends. For this, the elderly should consume lentils and beans, milk, nuts, yogurt, tofu, cheese, other dairy products, fish, chicken, egg and meat etc.

Sometimes you are also advised to take protein powder, it is basically used by fitness lovers and bodybuilders as a protein shake after workout. Yet you get confused with so many options whether you should consume whey based protein powder or consume casein protein found in milk. Whey protein is a good option for you because based on research, whey protein has been proven to increase muscle protein synthesis better than casein protein. If you are still confused, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

(Read more – Muscle Weakness)

Your body needs vitamin D to maintain neuromuscular function and muscle strength. A study conducted by the Society for Sarcopenia, Cachexia and West Indies revealed that people who are deficient in vitamin D need to consume normal amounts of vitamin D for sarcopenia.

Along with sunlight, you can also get vitamin D through your diet. For this, you should consume eggs, vitamin D rich cereals etc.

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According to experts, both aerobic and resistance exercises should be done regularly to tone the muscles and prevent age-related muscle loss. Even the most active people cannot completely prevent age-related muscle loss, but in those who are not active at all, this loss starts even earlier.

(Read more – Muscular Dystrophy)

High levels of physical activity help prevent a large amount of old-age disability. For some people, progressive resistance training may be most effective.If you are elderly, your capacity, strength and endurance will increase gradually over time. You can use just your body weight for resistance training instead of using dumbbells, which will be good for you. For this, you can do Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates exercises, squats exercises etc.

Strength exercises are beneficial for increasing and maintaining muscle mass. These should be done twice a week for half an hour. For this, you can do chair dips, elbow extensions, arm or wrist curls, side arm raises, knee curl exercises, toe stands, leg straightening exercises, etc.

Flexibility exercises will also be very good for you. In this, you stretch your hands and feet, touch your knees with the fingers of your hands. The best thing about these exercises is that you can do them even while sitting on a bed or seat. For the good health of the elderly, they can also do aerobic exercises like walking, swimming or dancing for 30 minutes every day.

(Read more – How to Build Muscle Strength)

Yoga is also very beneficial for sarcopenia. For example, muscle loss in astronauts is similar to muscle loss in senior citizens. A report found that yoga proved useful in improving muscle loss of those astronauts, which seems to prove beneficial for senior citizens as well. There are four types of yoga in particular - Padmasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana and Shirshasana that help tone muscles. Kapalabhati and Shakti Mudra asanas are able to increase metabolism, build muscle tissue, and increase neuromuscular transmission. All these can prevent a problem like sarcopenia.

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Several studies have looked at sarcopenia in conjunction with existing diseases. Sarcopenia is more common in people suffering from obesity, osteoporosis, osteopenia, type-2 diabetes, and breast cancer than in normal healthy individuals. Fighting or controlling these diseases can slow muscle loss.

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Some important measures can be taken to prevent muscle loss due to increasing age. First of all, regular physical exercise, especially strength training and weight lifting, helps maintain muscle strength. Protein-rich foods, such as pulses, eggs, chicken, and fish, are essential for muscle repair and growth. In addition, foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as milk and green leafy vegetables, help maintain bone and muscle strength. Adequate sleep and stress management also play an important role in preventing muscle loss. Also, regular health checkups and adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce muscle loss.

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