During pregnancy, most women do not want to take any kind of risk regarding their health. This is the reason that before eating or drinking anything, they think many times whether it will have any bad effect on the health of the baby growing in their womb. One reason for this is that everyone from home to outside keeps giving some advice to pregnant women all the time about what they should do, what not, what they should eat and what not. Due to this, many times pregnant women have confusion about some things whether they should eat it or not. Similar confusion also remains about litchi.

Although during pregnancy, doctors and health experts advise pregnant women to consume many types of fruits. The nutrients present in fruits are considered beneficial for both the pregnant woman and her baby growing in the womb, but this does not mean that all types of fruits are beneficial for pregnant women. Especially seasonal fruits and tropical fruits which come only in a particular season.

(Read more: Fruits for Pregnant Women)

If you are pregnant in the summer season, then obviously it is litchi season and if litchi is your favorite fruit, then you must also be feeling a strong desire to eat litchi. But should you eat litchi during pregnancy? In this article, we are telling you about whether it is safe to eat litchi during pregnancy or not and what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating litchi during pregnancy.

  1. Is It Safe To Eat Litchi During Pregnancy?
  2. Benefits Of Eating Litchi During Pregnancy
  3. Disadvantages Of Eating Litchi During Pregnancy
  4. Summary

Although eating litchi during pregnancy is considered safe. But keep in mind that you consume litchi in limited quantities and even if there is a lot of craving, do not eat too much litchi. Also, consume fresh litchi as much as possible. Apart from this, although litchi is very tasty to eat, eating litchi can increase the blood sugar level, which increases the risk of gestational diabetes i.e. diabetes during pregnancy. Also, sometimes consuming litchi can also cause infection. Therefore, consume litchi in pregnancy only after consulting your doctor or dietician.

(Read more: Benefits Of Watermelon For Pregnancy)

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Lichchi, rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, phytonutrient flavonoids, fiber etc., is very beneficial for health. But know what are the benefits of eating litchi during pregnancy.

Benefits Of Eating Litchi During Pregnancy For Immunity

Vitamin C is found in abundance in litchi, which helps in strengthening the body's ability to fight diseases i.e. immunity, which helps in fighting common cold. To maintain the health of both mother and child during pregnancy, it is important to keep the immunity of the pregnant woman strong.

(Read more: Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat)

Benefits Of Eating Litchi During Pregnancy For Constipation

During pregnancy, many women face the problem of constipation and not having a clear stomach. If you also have any such problem, then you can consume litchi. Litchi contains both water and fiber in abundance, which strengthens digestion and relieves the problem of constipation.

(Read more: Should I eat mango during pregnancy?)

Benefits Of Eating Litchi During Pregnancy For Blood Circulation

Vitamin C is also necessary for absorbing iron, which controls blood circulation in the body. Also, iron helps in maintaining normal levels of hemoglobin in the blood so that there is no problem of anemia during pregnancy. Therefore, consumption of litchi rich in vitamin C is also beneficial in this case.

Benefits Of Eating Litchi In Pregnancy To Fulfill The Lack Of Water

Litchi fruit also contains plenty of water which helps in keeping the body cool from inside along with removing the problems related to summer season. In such a situation, eating litchi does not cause water deficiency in the body.

(Read more: Is it safe to eat papaya during pregnancy)

Benefits Of Eating Litchi In Pregnancy For Energy

Vitamin B complex is found in litchi which helps in keeping the pregnant woman full of energy throughout the day and does not feel unnecessary fatigue. Also, eating litchi also relieves the problem of nausea and vomiting, which is very common among most pregnant women.

Many times, a pregnant woman has to face many problems by eating litchi.

  • The nature of litchi is slightly hot, so eating too much litchi during pregnancy can increase the heat in the body, which can lead to many complications in pregnancy. Apart from this, problems like bleeding from the nose and ulcers in the mouth can also occur.
  • Litchi is a very sweet fruit and eating it suddenly increases the level of sugar in the blood, which also increases the risk of diabetes during pregnancy.
  • If a pregnant woman consumes too much litchi during pregnancy, then there is a high risk of stillbirth i.e. the death of the child in the womb. This is because eating litchi in the womb puts the child at risk of many types of infections. Therefore, it would be better if women who breastfeed their child do not consume litchi during pregnancy.
  • Many people can also have allergic reactions in their body by eating litchi, so if you are allergic to litchi, then you should completely avoid its consumption.

(Read more: Taadgola)

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Eating litchi during pregnancy can be beneficial for health. Litchi is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, folate, iron, and potassium, which are beneficial for mother and baby. It helps in boosting immunity, improving digestion and keeping the body hydrated. Folate is helpful in the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. However, litchi contains high amounts of sugar, so it should be consumed in balanced quantities and it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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