Vitamin B12 is considered important for physical health. It is also known as cobalamin. This vitamin is necessary for nerve tissue health, brain function and production of red blood cells. Apart from this, vitamin B12 is also necessary for hair and skin. According to doctors, it is also necessary to consume vitamin B12 to keep the eyes healthy. It is advisable to take vitamin B12 for problems like dryness and pain in the eyes. Today in this article you will learn in detail about the benefits of vitamin B12 for eyes and its various sources - 

(Read more - Vitamin B12-Rich Foods)

  1. Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Eyes
  2. Sources Of Vitamin B12
  3. Summary
Doctors for The Visionary Vitamin: B12 Benefits for Eyes

Benefits of vitamin B12 for eyes Just like a healthy body, vitamin B12 is also necessary for healthy eyes. When there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, problems related to neurology can increase. Also, the risk of eye pain, irritation and macular degeneration can also increase. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to take vitamin B12 to keep the eyes healthy. The benefits of vitamin B12 for the eyes are as follows -

Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Healthy Eyes

According to a study conducted in the year 2015, vitamin B12 is necessary for the eyes. Both men and women have been included in this study. It was found that vitamin B12 can help prevent AMD i.e. age-related macular degeneration. It has also been proved that people who are deficient in vitamin B12 may have eye problems. Therefore, vitamin B12 must be taken to keep the eyes healthy.

(Read more - Foods Rich in Vitamin B12)

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Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Macular Degeneration

Vitamin B12 supplements are believed to reduce homocysteine ​​in the bloodstream. It can help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration in the eyes. Let us tell you that macular degeneration is an eye disease that can cause blindness in the elderly, but taking vitamin B12 can prevent the risk of this disease to a great extent.

This has been proved in a study. In this, a study was conducted on 5 thousand women above the age of 40. These women were given vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and folic acid supplements. These women had a 41 percent lower risk of macular degeneration. If there is a risk of this disease, then vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid supplements can be taken on the advice of a doctor.

(Read more - Top 5 Vitamin B12 Tablets to Elevate Your Well-being)

Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Eye Pain

Many times, due to lack of vitamins in the body, pain and irritation starts in the eyes. In such a situation, taking vitamin B12 supplements can be beneficial. According to a study of the year 2017, deficiency of nutrients can cause serious eye disease and eye pain. If anyone has pain in the eyes, then on the advice of the doctor, vitamin-B12 supplements can be taken.

(Read more - Vitamin B12 Test)

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Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Dry Eye Syndrome

Taking vitamin-B12 can improve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. A 2020 study has proved that vitamin-B12 can repair the corneal nerve layer. This can help in reducing eye irritation caused by dry eye. In case of dry eye, taking a dose of 2 thousand micrograms can usually be considered safe.

Let us tell you that dry eye syndrome is an eye problem. Actually, there is a tear film in the eyes. It helps in maintaining moisture in the eyes. It also acts as a protective shield for the eyes. When there is any disturbance in the tear film, symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be felt. Vitamin-B12 can prove to be effective in reducing these symptoms.

(Read more - Can Too Much Vitamin B12 Be Harmful?)

Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Neuropathic Pain

Sometimes one has to face neuropathic eye pain. This can also be due to vitamin B12 deficiency. On the other hand, if vitamin B12 supplements are taken, then neuropathic eye pain can be treated.

(Read more - Vitamin B12 Benefits for Skin)

Vitamin B12 is essential for our eyes. Vitamin B12 is found in high quantities in amino products. Along with this, dairy products also contain vitamin B12. Sources of vitamin B12 are as follows -

Fish and Selfish

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body, then you can include fish and selfishness in your diet. About 20.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 is found in 85 grams of steamed fish.

(Read more - Vitamin B12 Injection)

Red meat

You can also include red meat in your diet. Red meat contains a good amount of vitamin B12. By including red meat in the diet, vitamin B12 deficiency can be overcome.

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Dairy Products

By taking dairy products, the deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body can be overcome. For this, you can include cow's milk in the diet. Apart from this, vitamin B12 deficiency can also be overcome by curd and cheese.

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Eggs contain a good amount of vitamin B12. A boiled egg contains about 0.6 micrograms of vitamin B12. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, you can eat a whole egg. Apart from these, if there is a severe deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, the doctor can also prescribe supplements for it.

(Read more - Eye Disorders)

Vitamin B12 is not only necessary for a healthy body, hair and skin, but is also an important vitamin for the eyes. Vitamin B12 can protect the eyes from macular degeneration. It can also reduce the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. If there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body, you can include amino products in your diet. If you are a vegetarian, you can take vitamin B12 supplements on the advice of a doctor.

Dr. Vikram Bhalla

Dr. Vikram Bhalla

14 Years of Experience

Dr. Rajesh Ranjan

Dr. Rajesh Ranjan

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Dr. Nikhilesh Shete

Dr. Nikhilesh Shete

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Dr. Ekansh Lalit

Dr. Ekansh Lalit

6 Years of Experience

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