Coconut is a very useful fruit. This fruit has countless benefits. Coconut is used as a fruit, as an oil, as well as in the form of milk. You must have heard about raw coconut or dry coconut. Both these forms of coconut help in giving benefits to your health, skin and hair. In this article, we have given you information like benefits of raw coconut for health, benefits of raw coconut for skin, benefits of raw coconut for hair. Also, the benefits of dry coconut are also told to you in this article. So let us tell you the benefits and disadvantages of dry and raw coconut -

  1. Benefits Of Coconut
  2. Disadvantages Of Coconut
  3. Summary

The benefits of coconut for health are as follows -

(Read more -Benefits of Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks: Fact or Fiction?)

Benefits Of Raw Coconut For Health

1. Sugar Is Controlled -
Coconut helps in the production of insulin. With the help of insulin, the body is able to convert glucose into energy. Also, it keeps the blood glucose level under control. Eating raw coconut helps in digesting food faster and is beneficial for digestive symptoms and other intestinal problems. It also helps in absorbing nutrition and minerals by providing fiber to the body. It also relieves the problem of vomiting and nausea.

2. Increases Immunity -
Coconut is very beneficial for the immune system. It has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties. Using coconut oil helps protect the body from viruses and bacteria. Eating raw coconut cures serious diseases, such as throat infection, bronchitis, urinary infection, tapeworms and other diseases caused by microorganisms.

3. Provides Energy -
Raw coconut helps in increasing energy by burning fat. The triglycerides found in coconut oil increase 24-hour energy expenditure by up to 5%, thereby promoting weight loss in the long term. Consuming coconut also reduces hunger, without causing hypoglycemia. Eating raw coconut also supports a healthy thyroid and helps relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.

4. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections -
The natural diuretic properties of raw coconut help treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Eating it helps improve urine flow naturally to get rid of infections.

5. Reduces Blood Cholesterol -
Coconut helps in improving blood cholesterol levels in the body and reduces the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat present in raw coconut increases healthy cholesterol in the body and controls bad cholesterol.

6. It Keeps Bones And Teeth Healthy -
Eating coconut daily keeps bones and teeth healthy. Raw coconut improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and manganese, which helps in healing bones. It also helps in improving osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones thin and fragile and reduces bone density. For those who are lactose intolerant, this option is very healthy.

7. Keeps Health Good -
Research has proved that people who consume coconut daily are healthier than those who do not consume coconut.

(Read more -Coconut Water: Benefits)

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Benefits Of Raw Coconut For Skin

The benefits of raw coconut for the skin are as follows -

1. Beneficial For Anti-aging -
Cytokinins, kinetin and trans-zeatin present in coconut have anti-thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-aging properties.

2. Cleanses The Skin -
Eating raw coconut keeps the skin moisturized and helps in making it young and soft. Take a teaspoon of raw, unrefined coconut oil and massage after applying it on the skin. When you consume coconut, it helps in reducing skin problems, rashes, itching and irritation.

3. Increases Blood Circulation -
Eating coconut daily increases oxygen in the skin and helps in increasing blood circulation. Your cells need an adequate amount of oxygen, which is possible with adequate circulation in the body. This makes the skin young, healthy and glowing.

(Read more - When and how much coconut water to drink)

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Benefits Of Raw Coconut For Hair

Benefits of raw coconut for hair are as follows -

1. Protects The Scalp From Infection -
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut protect the scalp from dandruff, nits and itchy skin, these problems stop hair growth.

2. Makes Hair Healthy -
Coconut also helps in making hair shiny and soft. Vitamin K and iron present in coconut keep the hair healthy and bring shine to them.

(Read more -How to remove split ends)

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Benefits Of Dry Coconut (Shell)

The benefits of dry coconut are as follows -

1. Dry Coconut Is Beneficial For Heart Health -
Dry coconut is rich in fiber and helps in maintaining a healthy heart. You know that men need 38 grams of fiber, while women's bodies need 25 grams of fiber. By eating dry coconut, you will get an adequate amount of fiber, which will not cause heart related problems.

2. Dry Coconut Sharpens The Brain -
Do you want a sensible brain? Then include dry coconut in your diet. Some research has shown that dry coconut improves brain functions and helps in promoting a healthy brain. Apart from this, you can reduce any serious disease with the help of dry coconut, like Alzheimer's disease.

3. Boosts Immunity -
Dry coconut contains 5.2 micrograms of selenium which helps in boosting immunity. Just add dry coconut to your diet and strengthen immunity even more. Selenium produces selenoproteins which help in preventing many diseases.

4. Prevents Infertility In Men -
Dry coconut contains minerals which are beneficial in preventing infertility in men. Medical science has done many tests and they have also given evidence related to this. By eating dry coconut, the body produces selenium and prevents infertility in men.

5. Eliminates The Problem Of Anemia -
Especially women start losing blood after a certain age. This is due to iron deficiency and it can cause them many health problems. Dry coconut is rich in iron which keeps anemia away. Just add dry coconut to your diet and see the difference for yourself.

6. Reduces The Risk Of Cancer -
Dried coconut contains many nutrients that help the body fight cancer cells. Some types of cancer like colon cancer and prostate cancer can be prevented with the help of dried coconut.

7. It Keeps The Digestive System Right -
Dried coconut helps in preventing many digestive problems like constipation, ulcers and piles.

8. Prevents Arthritis -
Problems like arthritis, osteoporosis etc. can be reduced by consuming dried coconut daily. Dried coconut contains many types of minerals which strengthen the connective tissues and thus help in keeping the body healthy.

(Read more - Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Coconut water is low in calories, but it contains a high amount of sugar. According to the American Heart Association, high amounts of sugar in your diet may make you more likely to gain weight and become obese. Also, some coconut water products that contain added sugar may increase your sugar levels.

Coconut water is low in fat at 0.5 grams per cup, but most of it – 0.4 grams or 88 percent of the total fat content– ​​is saturated fat. The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat intake to a maximum of 5 percent to 6 percent of total calories. When consuming 2,000 calories per day, saturated fat accounts for about 11 to 13 grams. While coconut water provides you with 3 to 4 percent total saturated fat, this amount is way too much. Consuming high amounts in a diet can make it harder to lose weight, and may also increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

(Read more - How to get glowing skin)

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Coconut is a valuable and nutrient-rich fruit that has many health benefits. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes, which help keep the body hydrated and improve digestion. It has antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals in the body and strengthen the immune system. Coconut oil is extremely beneficial for skin and hair; it moisturizes the skin and makes hair strong and shiny. Coconut milk and pulp contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keep the digestive system healthy and help improve heart health. Moreover, regular consumption of coconut helps control weight, increase energy, and provide healthy fats. Coconut is a complete and nutritious food that promotes overall health of the body.

Medicines / Products that contain Coconut

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