Whenever we prepare any food to offer to God during worship, it is completely Sattvic food. You must have heard many people say that Sattvic food is the best for the body and is also considered very important in the Indian tradition. Actually, there are 3 types of diet - Sattvic, Tamasic and Rajasic. Based on the foods suggested in Ayurveda and Yoga literature, fresh, slightly oily, vegetarian and nutritious food is called Sattvic food. In other words, Sattvic food is that which purifies the body and gives peace to the mind. 

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Actually, Sattvic is derived from the Sanskrit word "Sattva". Sattva is a concept of Indian Yoga philosophy which means pure, true, moral, energetic, clean, strong, intelligent and alive or essential. Thus, the Sattvic diet includes foods that comply with its meaning. The meaning of sattvic food is not limited to the food items included in it, but it is also related to eating habits such as the habit of eating in moderation and avoiding overeating.

According to Ayurveda, it is also important to consume sattvic food or diet so that it can help in maintaining a healthy balance between body and mind. So, in this article, we are telling you what sattvic food is and what are the benefits of eating it to the body.

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  1. What Is Sattvic Food?
  2. Benefits Of Sattvic Food
  3. What Can Be Eaten In A Sattvic Meal?
  4. What Can Not Be Eaten In A Sattvic Meal?
  5. Keep These Things In Mind In A Sattvic Meal
  6. Summary

Sattvik food or sattvic diet is a fiber-rich, low-fat vegetarian diet. As we have already said, there are 3 types of food - Sattvic, Tamasik and Rajasik. Sattvic means pure element, that is, which has the qualities of purity. Sattvic food is pure and balanced, which gives a feeling of peace, coolness, happiness and mental clarity. Rajasik food is considered to be very stimulating and Tamasik food is considered to increase weakness and laziness.

Among these three types of food, Satvik food is also considered to be the most nutritious and full of nutrients. According to Ayurveda, if you want to promote physical strength, mental health and longevity, then eat only Satvik food. This is because Satvik food includes fresh things like seasonal fruits and vegetables (except onion and garlic), milk and milk products, sprouted whole grains, fresh fruit juices, pulses, dry fruits, nuts and seeds, honey and tea rich in herbs. Ayurveda also suggests eating Satvik food instead of Rajasik and Tamasik food.

(Read more: Grains: Health Benefits)

While eating Satvik food, it is advisable not to consume animal protein, too much fried food, caffeine, sugar, such foods. Many people think that only raw and uncooked food is eaten in Satvik, but this is not true. Sattvic diet includes both raw and cooked food. All types of processed food, stale food, overcooked and overly spicy food are kept in the category of tamasic food.

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Sattvik food or sattvic diet includes foods rich in nutrients and there is no place for processed foods in it. This is the reason why it is beneficial for health in many ways:

Benefits Of Sattvic Food To Avoid Diseases

Although no research has been done specifically on sattvic food till now, we all know that if we consume whole grains and things rich in nutrients, then the risk of many long-term diseases like diabetes, heart disease and many types of cancer is also reduced to a great extent. Especially vegetarian food can prove beneficial in preventing many types of diseases.

For example, consuming a vegetarian diet helps in controlling risk factors associated with heart disease such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. In a sattvic diet, pulses and legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts etc. are consumed, which automatically reduces the risk of many diseases and the risk of premature death.

Flushes out toxins

The sattvic diet restricts foods such as meat, processed foods, too much salt, caffeine and spicy foods. Restricting these foods reduces the workload on the liver and thus it does a good job of flushing out toxins.

(Read more: Vegan diet: what is it, benefits)

Benefits Of Sattvic Food For Weight Loss

Sattvic food is rich in fiber and plant based foods, Sattvic diet is primarily a vegetarian diet, foods high in fiber also help in weight loss by increasing the feeling of satiety. Many studies conducted so far have revealed that people who consume vegetarian food have lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat than non-vegetarian people. Not only this, if people who are overweight consume vegetarian food, their weight also starts decreasing. This is because sattvic vegetarian food has less calorie content and more fiber.

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Benefits Of Satvik Food For Mental Health

By consuming satvik food, not only you remain physically healthy but also mentally agile and energetic. Consuming satvik food maintains a balance between body, mind and soul, which increases the lifespan of a person. Sattvic diet also includes the consumption of beneficial herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi. These herbs enhance memory, cognitive function and prevent degenerative diseases. Sattvic diet keeps the brain healthy and improves its functions.

(Read more:Fermented foods benefits)

Benefits Of Satvik Food To Increase Immunity

In Satvik food, emphasis is not only given on what we are eating, but also on when we are eating and how much we are eating. In Satvik food, it is always advised to avoid overeating and eat limited amounts of food. By doing this, the body's immunity i.e. the ability to fight diseases becomes strong. Along with eating Satvik food, if you do yoga and pranayama or any other exercise for a few minutes daily, then your body will always stay away from all kinds of diseases.

Benefits Of Satvik Food For Digestive System

Sattvik food includes green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains etc. and heat-rich foods like meat, fish, onion, garlic etc. are not a part of this food. Therefore, it is very easy for the digestive system to digest such food and the digestive system does not have to work hard. When the body's digestion is better, there is no constipation or any other stomach related problem. Consuming sattvic food also helps in strengthening the stomach, intestine, liver and pancreas.

As you have read above, in this diet, consumption of rajas and tamasic foods is avoided, as they disrupt the balance of pitta dosha, the energy that controls digestion and body temperature. Sattvic diet keeps this energy balanced, due to which digestion improves.

(Read more: Ayurvedic Diet)

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While consuming Sattvic food, you should completely stay away from Rajasik and Tamasik categories of foods. But many times we get confused about what is the source of which food item and whether we should eat it under Sattvic food or not. Here is what you can eat in a sattvic diet:

  • Vegetables: spinach, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, peas, etc.
  • Fruits and fruit juices: apples, bananas, papayas, mangoes, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, guava, fresh fruit juices, etc.
  • Sprouted grains: rice, barley, amaranth (amaranth), coarsely ground wheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, quinoa, etc.
  • Dried fruits and seeds: walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, etc.
  • Oils and fats: ghee, sesame oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc.
  • Milk and non-dairy products: good quality milk, yogurt, cheese, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, tofu, etc.
  • Pulses and legumes: moong dal, chickpeas, sprouted grains, pulses, etc.
  • Beverages: decaffeinated herbal teas, water, fruit juices Juice
  • Sattvic spices: coriander, nutmeg, cumin, fenugreek, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon etc.
  • Sweet: honey and jaggery

(Read more:  Foods For Better Digestion)

All those things are prohibited in a Sattvic meal which comes under the category of Tamasik and Rajasic food. For this reason, all animal products, highly processed foods, white refined sugar and fried items are prohibited. Avoid the following things in a Satvik diet:

  • Extra sugar and sweets: white sugar, fructose corn syrup, candy, soda, etc.
  • Fried food: French fries, fried vegetables, pastries, cakes, etc.
  • Processed food: chips, cornflakes, breakfast cereals, fast food, frozen food, etc.
  • Meat, fish, eggs, etc.
  • Onions, garlic, pickles, etc.
  • Alcohol, sugar-containing beverages, caffeinated beverages, etc.

One should not consume too much sour, salty and spicy food. Apart from this, stale food or things that have to be left to ferment overnight before cooking also come under the Tamasik category.

(Read more: Immunity boosting foods and diet)

  • Sattvik food should always be freshly prepared and pure.
  • Preparing food and keeping it in the fridge and then consuming it later is prohibited in a Satvik diet.
  • Sattvic food emphasizes on consuming chemical-free organic foods.
  • The time of eating is also important in Sattvic food i.e. you should eat your food at the same time every day. For example, if you have breakfast at 8 am, then do the same every day.
  • Under the Sattvic diet, you should eat your food 2 hours before sleeping or doing any kind of yoga or asana.

(Read more:Balanced Diet: Chart, Benefits)

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Sattvik food refers to pure, nutritious and simple food, which provides peace to the body and mind. This type of diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts and dairy products. Sattvic food provides energy and improves digestion, which benefits physical and mental health. This food promotes peace, balance, and positivity. Sattvic diet emphasizes on fresh, light and natural foods, which do not contain much oil, spices. People who follow yoga and meditation especially adopt it, as it helps in mental clarity and spiritual advancement.

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