Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop

 8349 people have bought this recently
30 ml Drops in 1 Bottle
₹ 170 ₹200 15% OFF Save: ₹30
30 ML DROPS 1 Bottle ₹ 170 ₹200 15% OFF Save: ₹30

  • Manufactured by: Allen Homoeo and Herbal Products Ltd
  • Contains / Salt: Ipecacuanha Antimonium Tartaricum Belladonna Bryonia Alba Coccus Cacti Corallium Rubrum Cuprum Metallicum Drosera Rotundifolia Magnesium Phosphoricum
  • Storage: Store at room temperature
  • Seller: Siddharth_Medicare
    • Country of Origin: India

    ची माहिती

    1. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop फायदे आणि वापर - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Benefits & Uses in Marathi- Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop fayde ani vapar
    2. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचे डोसेज आणि कसे घ्यावे - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Dosage & How to Take in Marathi - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop che dosage ani kase dhyave
    3. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop दुष्परिणाम - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Side Effects in Marathi- Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop dushparinam
    4. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropसंबंधित सूचना - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Related Warnings in Marathi- Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop sambandhit suchna
    5. इतर औषधांसह Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropची तीव्र अभिक्रिया - Severe Interaction of Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop with Other Drugs in Marathi- itar aushdhansah Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop chi tivr abhikriya
    6. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop निषिद्धता - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Contraindications in Marathi- Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop niṣid'dhatā
    7. Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropविषयी वारंवार विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न - Frequently asked Questions about Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop in Marathi- Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop vishayi varanvar vicharley janare prashan
    8. आहार आणि अल्कोहोलसह Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropची अभिक्रिया - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Interactions with Food and Alcohol in Marathi- ahar ani alcoholsah Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropchi abhikriya

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Benefits - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Benefits in Marathi - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop fayde ani vapar

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop खालील उपचारासाठी वापरले जाते -

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचे डोसेज आणि कसे घ्यावे - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Dosage & How to Take in Marathi - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop che dosage ani kase dhyave

    बहुतेक सामान्य उपचारांमध्ये शिफारस केलेली हे डोसेज आहे. प्रत्येक रुग्ण आणि त्याचे प्रकरण वेगवेगळे असते हे लक्षात ठेवा, त्यामुळे तो विकार, औषध देण्याचा मार्ग, रुग्णाचे वय आणि वैद्यकीय इतिहास यांच्या अनुसार डोसेज वेगवेगळी असू शकते.

    रोग आणि वयानुसार औषधाचा योग्य डोस जाणून घ्या

    Age Group Dosage
    • Disease: डांग्या खोकला
    • Before or After Meal: Before meal
    • Single Maximum Dose: 30 drop
    • Dosage Route: Oral
    • Frequency: 3 daily
    • Course Duration: As directed by the doctor
    • Special Instructions: As prescribed by the doctor
    • Disease: डांग्या खोकला
    • Before or After Meal: Before meal
    • Single Maximum Dose: 30 drop
    • Dosage Route: Oral
    • Frequency: 3 daily
    • Course Duration: As directed by the doctor
    • Special Instructions: As prescribed by the doctor

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop दुष्परिणाम - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Side Effects in Marathi - dushparinam

    संशोधनाच्या अनुसार, जेव्हा Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop घेतले जाते, तेव्हा खालील दुष्परिणाम आढळतात -


    • Drowsiness
    • Arrhythimia
    • Diarrhoea


    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropसंबंधित सूचना - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Related Warnings in Marathi - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop sambandhit suchna

    • गर्भवती महिलांसाठी Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचा वापर सुरक्षित आहे काय?

    • स्तनपान देण्याच्या कालावधी दरम्यान Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचा वापर सुरक्षित आहे काय?

    • Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचा मूत्रपिंडांवरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    • Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचा यकृतावरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    • Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropचा हृदयावरील परिणाम काय आहे?

    इतर औषधांसह Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropची तीव्र अभिक्रिया - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Severe Interaction with Other Drugs in Marathi - itar aushdhansah Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop chi tivr abhikriya

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop खालील औषधांबरोबर घेऊ नये, कारण याच्यामुळे रुग्णांवर तीव्र दुष्परिणाम संभवू शकतात-


    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop निषिद्धता - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop Contraindications in Marathi - Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop niṣid'dhatā

    तुम्हाला खालीलपैकी कोणतेही विकार असले, तर तुम्ही तुमच्या डॉक्टरांनी त्याप्रमाणे सल्ला दिल्याशिवाय Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop घेऊ नये -

    Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop चे सर्व पर्याय बघा - Substitutes for Allen A61 Whooping Cough Drop in Marathi

    This medicine data has been created by -

    Dr. Rachita Narsaria
    BHMS,MD, Homeopathy
    5 Years of Experience

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