Black wheat!! It may sound a little strange that how can the color of wheat be black? Not only this, if it is black, can it be eaten? Is it like normal wheat or different from it? It is normal to have such questions in mind, because mostly brown wheat is used all over the world. You also know about the bad effects of brown wheat on health, sugar and heart disease are the main ones. On the other hand, black wheat is rich in nutrients and also helps us in fighting many diseases.

In India, black wheat has been cultivated in Punjab for the last three years and now the government has also made preparations to grow it in Uttar Pradesh. So let's know what is black wheat?

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  1. What Is Black Wheat?
  2. Nutrients Present In Black Wheat
  3. Health Benefits Of Black Wheat
  4. Summary

Black wheat is a special species of wheat. It contains a very high amount of anthocyanin which develops during the growth of the grain. Anthocyanins are naturally occurring anti-oxidants that give black wheat a fruit-like quality. Anthocyanins are found in very small quantities in normal wheat. Black wheat has a very high immunity, so it can be eaten in every season.

Read More - (Black gram (Urad dal in english))

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  • Unsaturated fatty acid - This nutrient present in black wheat helps in preventing heart diseases.
  • Vitamins - Black wheat is especially rich in vitamin B. Which mainly includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. Along with this, vitamin K is also found in it.
  • Minerals - Black wheat is mainly rich in minerals like selenium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, copper, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Amino acids - All the essential amino acids are found in black wheat.
  • Apart from this, protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrates are also found in black wheat.

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Due to the nutrients present in black wheat, it helps our body to keep many health conditions away. The commonly used brown wheat contains a lot of gluten, apart from this it is harmful in diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. On the other hand, black wheat is helpful in the treatment of all these diseases. Black wheat is rich in nutrients and is also a good antioxidant.

  • Heart disease - Due to the presence of an element called triglyceride in black wheat, it helps in keeping heart diseases away. Apart from this, due to the abundance of magnesium, it also helps in keeping the cholesterol level in the body normal.
  • Constipation - Black wheat is a good source of fiber, that is why it helps our body to keep constipation away. Fiber also reduces the effects of acid reflux and reduces their amount.
  • High cholesterol - Due to the abundance of fiber and fatty acids, regular consumption of black wheat helps in normalizing high cholesterol. Apart from this, it also helps in curing heart diseases caused due to excess fat.
  • High blood pressure - Along with controlling high cholesterol, black wheat also helps in curing high blood pressure, because all the nutrients helpful in keeping the heart healthy are found in it. A gluten-rich diet cannot be eaten in high blood pressure, in such a situation gluten free black wheat is an excellent option.
  • Obesity - According to studies, protein-rich diets are very helpful in reducing weight. In such a situation, black wheat is very beneficial for controlling obesity. It has the lowest calories compared to any other coarse grain.
  • Diabetes - Black wheat is rich in complex carbohydrates. This carbohydrate can help in controlling the level of glucose in the body. Complex carbohydrates take more time to digest than normal carbohydrates, due to which the sugar level in the body remains stable for a longer time.
  • Ragi and barley used to make multi grain flour also have some properties like black wheat. Black wheat is a great food rich in nutrients. It also slows down the aging process, meaning you can delay aging for some more time.

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Black wheat is a nutrient-rich grain that offers many health benefits. It is rich in anthocyanins and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation in the body and prevent diseases. Regular consumption of black wheat keeps the heart healthy, controls blood sugar and aids in weight loss. It is a good source of fiber and protein, which strengthens the digestive system and provides energy. Apart from this, it also improves skin and hair health. Including black wheat in the diet is a natural and healthy option.

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