We get vitamin D3 from exposure to sunlight, meat, fish oil, and egg yolks, and we can get vitamin D2 from plants. Vitamin D is not just a single vitamin but is a family of nutrients that have different chemical structures.

The most commonly found vitamins in the diet are Vitamin D2 and D3. Although both types of vitamins are beneficial in meeting vitamin D requirements, they differ in some important ways. Research also shows that vitamin D2 is less effective than vitamin D3 at increasing vitamin D levels in the blood. In this article you will learn about the main differences between Vitamin D2 and D3.

Read more - (Vitamin D rich foods)

  1. What is Vitamin D
  2. Sources of Vitamin D2
  3. Sources of Vitamin D3
  4. Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
  5. Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin D
  6. How to Increase Vitamin D
  7. Summary

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates bone growth by increasing calcium absorption and plays a role in immune function. The skin produces vitamin D from sunlight. But if you do not get sunlight then you will have to get it through food. Food sources include vitamin D in fatty fish, fish oil, egg yolks, butter, and liver.

However, it may be difficult to obtain adequate amounts of this vitamin from food alone, as rich natural sources are rare. For these reasons, it is common for people not to get enough vitamin D from food. To prevent deficiency symptoms, be sure to regularly eat vitamin D-rich foods and get sunlight or take supplements. Since vitamin D is fat soluble, it is better to choose oil-based supplements or take them with a meal that contains some fat.

Vitamins come in two main forms:

  • Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
  • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

The two forms of vitamin D differ depending on their food sources. Vitamin D3 is found only in animal-source foods, while D2 comes mainly from plant sources and fortified foods.

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Read more - (Vitamin D Deficiency symptoms, causes, treatment)


Some foods are naturally high in vitamin D. Some manufacturers artificially fortify their products with D2, which comes from plants. These products include:

  • dairy and plant milks, such as oat, almond, and soy milk
  • Orange juice

  • Cereal

  • Mushrooms and Yeast

  • fish and fish oil

  • liver

  • Egg yolk

  • butter

  • dietary supplements

  • Sources of Vitamin D2

  • mushroom

  • heavy foods

The skin produces vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight. Specifically, ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from sunlight triggers the formation of vitamin D3 from the compound 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin. A similar process occurs in plants and mushrooms, where UVB light reacts with ergosterol to form vitamin D2. If you regularly spend time outside, wearing light clothing and without sunscreen, you get enough vitamin D. Among Indian people, it is recommended to take afternoon sun exposure twice a week.

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Still, don't spend too much time in the sun without sunscreen. This is especially important if you have light skin. Because it causes sunburn which is a major risk factor for skin cancer. Both are effectively absorbed into the bloodstream. However, the liver metabolizes them differently. The liver metabolizes vitamin D2 into 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and vitamin D3 into 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. These two compounds are collectively known as calcifediol.

Calcifediol is the main circulating form of vitamin D, and blood levels reflect the stores of this nutrient in your body. Doctors can estimate your vitamin D status by measuring your calcifediol levels. However, vitamin D2 produces less calcifediol than the same amount of vitamin D3. Most studies show that vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 at increasing blood levels of calcifediol. Because vitamin D is sensitive to sunlight and other environmental conditions, store your supplements in a closed container, at room temperature, in a dry place, and out of direct sunlight.


Most people with vitamin D deficiency do not have symptoms, but prolonged and severe deficiency can cause a wide range of symptoms, including:

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Taking excessive amounts of vitamin D supplements can lead to vitamin D toxicity and unpleasant side effects, such as

There are several ways you can improve your vitamin D status. As

  • mushroom
  • fish

  • cod liver oil

  • fatty fish

  • milk or orange juice rich in vitamin D

  • eggs and butter

  • If possible, stay in the sun for at least half an hour every day

The correct dose of vitamin D is 4,000 IU (100 micrograms) per day for adults. Do not consume more than this.

Read more - (Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements)


Vitamin D is not a single compound but a family of related nutrients. The most common dietary forms are vitamins D2 and D3. D3 is found in fatty animal-source foods, such as fish oil and egg yolks. The skin also produces it in response to sunlight or ultraviolet light. In contrast, vitamin D2 comes from plants. To maintain adequate levels of vitamin D, be sure to regularly consume vitamin D-rich foods or spend some time in the sun. If you take supplements, vitamin D3 is probably your best option.


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