Are you tired of using external products to make the skin glow, then from today promise yourself that you will neither buy nor use expensive products. These products are making your skin worse instead of making it glow. But there is no need to worry, because we have a great solution to make your skin beautiful. Neem is known to eliminate all skin problems and in this article we are going to tell you about such uses of neem. So let's know how neem makes your skin beautiful:

(Read more - Benefits of Neem Juice)

  1. Benefits Of Neem For Blackheads
  2. Benefits Of Neem For Acne
  3. Benefits Of Neem For Dry Skin
  4. Benefits Of Neem For Glowing Skin
  5. Summary

Having blackheads on the face and nose acts as a stain on your beauty, but there is no need to worry. Mix neem oil with water and apply it on the affected area. Keep in mind that you do not have to use more than two to three drops of neem oil. By using this remedy daily, you get rid of blackheads and you will never see this problem again.

(Read more - Neem Oil (Neem ka Tel) Benefits)

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This face pack eliminates acne and also prevents it from spreading. Using neem also helps in getting rid of the problem of whiteheads and blackheads.To use neem face pack:


  • Ten neem leaves.
  • Water.
  • Some orange peels.

Method of making and applying:

  • First of all take water in a big vessel and then put neem leaves and orange peels in it.
  • Now put the vessel on the gas to boil.
  • When the peels become soft, then take them out of the water.
  • Now take orange peels and neem leaves in your fist and crush them and then apply it on the face. You can also make a paste by mixing orange peels and neem in a mixer and apply it on the face.
  • After applying it on the face, leave it to dry.
  • Then wash the face with water.
  • Repeat this remedy daily.

(Read more - How does neem help hair)

Neem is very effective in treating dry skin. Its moisturizing properties prevent the skin from drying.To use neem:


  • One tablespoon neem powder.
  • Three teaspoons of water.
  • A few drops of grape seed oil.

Method of preparation and application:

  • First mix all the ingredients together.
  • Now apply this mixture on the face as a moisturizer.
  • When the mixture dries, wash the face with water.

(Read more - How to get glowing skin)

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Along with treating skin problems, neem also helps in improving and cleansing the skin. If you want to get glowing and clean skin, then you cannot get a better solution than neem.To use neem:


  • Some neem leaves.
  • Rose petals.
  • Three to four drops of rose water.

Method of preparation and application:

  • First mix all the ingredients together.
  • Now apply this paste on the skin.
  • When the paste dries, use water while removing it.
  • This way your skin will start feeling soft, smooth and clean.

(Read more - Benefits of Biotin for Skin Health)

Using neem on the face is very beneficial for keeping the skin healthy and clean. For this, first boil neem leaves in water and grind them or use neem powder. Apply this paste evenly on the face and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. After this wash the face with lukewarm water. Neem has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing acne, blemishes and other skin problems. With regular use, the skin becomes clean, fresh and soft.

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