The heart is one of the main organs of the body. For the body to be healthy, the heart must be healthy. The natural pacemaker plays an important role in keeping the heart beating properly. It is a bunch of different cells, which are found in the upper part of the heart. When there is a problem with this, the heartbeat starts becoming irregular and in such a situation a device called a pacemaker is installed after surgery.

You can know how ayurvedic treatment of heart disease is done by clicking on the blue link given here.

Today in this article you will know what is a pacemaker and where it is found -

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  1. What is the natural pacemaker of the heart?
  2. How does the sinoatrial node work?
  3. Where is the natural pacemaker in the heart?
  4. Natural pacemaker problems
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Natural Pacemaker: What it is, Location, How it Works, Problems

The natural pacemaker of the heart is a group of cells. Doctors refer to this as the sinoatrial node (SA) or sinus node. It helps in keeping the heart rate correct by generating electrical impulses. It is considered to be one of the most important tissues of the body. It is responsible for each heartbeat.

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There are 4 chambers in the heart, 2 above which are called atria, and two below which are called ventricles. At the same time, the cells present in the SA node generate an electrical impulse, which reaches the perinodal cells. These cells send impulses to the right atrium. Due to these shocks, the atria start contracting and sending the blood to the ventricle.

Then within a short time, the blood starts reaching all the parts of the body through the ventricles. The sinoatrial node initiates this whole process. Understand in simple words, the sinoatrial node i.e. natural pacemaker is required for the heart to function properly.

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Before knowing the exact location of the pacemaker, it is necessary to understand the working of the atria and ventricles of the heart, which are as follows -

  • Right Atrium - This chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the veins and sends it to the right ventricles when it contracts.
  • Right ventricles - This chamber pumps oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs when it contracts.
  • Left atrium - This chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and sends it to the left ventricle when it contracts.
  • Left ventricles - This chamber sends oxygenated blood to the arteries when it contracts.

Now talking about the location of the sinoatrial node i.e. the natural pacemaker, it is located in the upper wall of the right atrium. Here it joins the Vena Cava. This large vein carries deoxygenated blood from the upper part of the body to the heart.

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Problems with the SA node can arise either because of an abnormality in the electrical impulse or because of a disorder in the cells that transfer the impulse to the right atrium. People may have this problem genetically or the following factors may be behind it -

Sinus pause and arrest

This condition occurs when the SA node does not initiate the electrical impulse that causes the heart to contract. This condition can last from a few seconds to several minutes. If this condition occurs for a few seconds, some symptoms will not appear. On the other hand, if this condition persists for a long time, then the following symptoms may appear -

  • Dizziness
  • Unconsciousness
  • In some cases, this condition can also be fatal.

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SA nodal exit block

SA nodal exit block occurs when the SA node initiates an electrical impulse but does not reach a tissue in the right atrium. This can also stop the heartbeat.

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Abnormal sinus rhythm

Abnormal sinus rhythms are small changes in heart rhythm. This is more common in people who use a heart drug called morphine or digoxin. If a person overuses digoxin, digoxin toxicity can lead to abnormal sinus rhythm. In this situation, people should contact an expert or doctor as soon as possible.

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Wandering atrial pacemaker

This is the case when pacemaker activity reaches the right atrium from a site other than the SA node. Usually, this condition gets cured on its own. It does not require any kind of treatment.

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In simple words, the heart has its natural pacemaker, which acts like an engine for the body and helps the heart to function correctly. In such a situation, if at any time there is a slight discomfort in the heartbeat, then it should not be ignored. A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible and examined. Remember the heart is an essential part of the body and it needs to be healthy for the whole body to function correctly.

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