Majith or Manjistha is a medicinal herb used in the preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines. The scientific name of Manjistha is Rubia cordifolia. It is found in the hilly areas of India. It is also cultivated in many places. In Ayurveda, it is known as the most important blood purifier. Its plant is in the form of a vine and its roots are used for medicinal purposes. It helps in removing the presence of toxins or Ama present in the blood. These toxins are responsible for various skin diseases and joint disorders. Manjistha also helps in balancing the impaired pitta in the body. Its nature is hot. Manjistha has properties like astringent, thermogenic and rejuvenating. 

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  1. Benefits Of Manjistha
  2. How Much Manjistha Should Be Taken Daily?
  3. Side Effects Of Manjistha
  4. Summary


Benefits Of Manjistha For Arthritis

It is useful in reducing inflammation of joints like rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from this, it is useful in improving appetite and treating diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding, ulcers, indigestion, parasitic worms etc.

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Benefits Of Manjistha For Immunity

Manjistha improves the immunity of the body to fight infections

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Benefits Of Manjistha For Irregular Periods

Drinking decoction made from Manjistha provides relief to women from problems like irregular menstrual cycle and missed periods. Apart from this, it helps in purifying breast milk.

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Benefits Of Manjistha For Fever

It is helpful in the treatment of fever, intestinal ulcers and urinary tract infections (UTI).

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Benefits of Manjistha for Lymphatic System

Manjistha supports the natural functions of the lymphatic system, as it helps in nourishing the cells and removing waste materials from the body. If old wounds are washed with decoction of Manjistha and bandaged with its extract, the healing is faster.

Benefits Of Manjistha For Skin

Manjistha is a very good skin care herb. Used externally and internally, it gives a radiant glow to the skin and helps in removing acne, blemishes and discoloration (dark skin tone), itching, skin allergies, eczema etc. Manjistha powder can be used on your face by mixing it with a little honey. A very good face pack is made by combining 100 grams of dried and ground orange peel and 50 grams of sandalwood powder, 50 grams of turmeric and 50 grams of Manjistha.

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Benefits Of Manjistha For Hair

Manjistha is an excellent herb known for its functions on hair. Manjistha gives natural color to the hair and effectively prevents graying of hair. Manjistha penetrates deep into the hair follicles, nourishes the hair and prevents hair breakage giving you long hair.

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  • Powder – 1-3 grams
  • Decoction – 20 – 50 ml in divided doses or as directed by the Ayurvedic doctor.

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Manjistha has no side effects. It can be used in small quantities by children and lactating mothers. Consult your doctor for its use during pregnancy

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Manjistha, called Manjistha in Sanskrit and "Indian Madder" in English, is an important Ayurvedic medicine derived from the Rubia cordifolia plant. It is mainly used in blood purification and treatment of skin disorders. Manjistha is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it an effective treatment for various health problems. It is believed to be helpful in balancing pitta dosha and is also used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Apart from this, manjistha is also used in cleansing internal organs, liver detoxification and treatment of joint disorders like arthritis. Overall, manjistha is a versatile medicine known for its diverse uses and properties in Ayurveda.

Medicines / Products that contain Manjishtha

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