Who doesn't want to remove the blackness of the lips because everyone, be it women or men, wants to see their lips soft and pink. Everyone knows that a smile looks very beautiful with beautiful lips. But when the lips become pigmented and black, then this problem takes away the beauty from your smile. The problem of black and pigmented lips is increasing nowadays. There are many reasons for black lips such as drinking excessive tea or coffee, smoking, staying in the sun for a long time and not taking care of the lips increase the problem of black lips. But don't worry, apart from expensive lip scrubs and balms, you can also make easy lip packs by yourself. By using them, both dark lips and pigmentation will gradually start reducing. Also, with their continuous use, your lips will start looking pink and red. So let us know about home remedies to remove the blackness of the lips and make them red and pink-

  1. How To Make Black Lips Pink?
  2. Summary

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Dark Lips

Ingredients - Coconut oil.

Method -

  • Use coconut oil as a lip balm during the day.
  • Just take a small amount of coconut oil and spread it on the lips.
  • Apply coconut oil in the same way before sleeping at night.

How long to use coconut oil for dark lips -

  • Use coconut oil as a lip balm whenever needed throughout the day.

Benefits of coconut oil for dark lips -

  • Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids that help keep the lips healthy and hydrated. With its use, your lips will start feeling soft and the blackness will be seen to go away.

(Read more -Lip Augmentation)

Benefits Of Almond Oil To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients - Almond oil.

Method -

  • First of all, take one or two drops of almond oil on the fingers.
  • Then apply it on the dark lips and massage for one or two minutes.
  • Then leave it like this overnight.

How long to use almond oil for blackness of lips -
Apply almond oil on the lips every night before sleeping.

Benefits of almond oil for blackness of lips -
The emollient properties of almond oil keep the skin soft and young. Its clarocentesis properties lighten the blackness of the lips and gradually the blackness of the lips goes away.

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Benefits Of Lemon And Honey For Dark Lips

Ingredients -

  • One part lemon juice.
  • One part honey.
  • Soft cloth.
  • Water.

Method –

  • First of all, mix lemon juice and honey together to make a lip serum for the lips.
  • Now apply this mixture on your lips and leave it like this for an hour.
  • Then clean the lips with a soft and wet cloth.

How long to use lemon and honey for dark lips –

  • Try to do this process several times throughout the day so that the darkening and pigmentation of the lips can be removed.

Benefits Of Lemon And Honey For Dark Lips

  • This is a very good treatment for dark lips which you can easily do at home. Lemon juice contains citrus which clears the tan and honey helps in nourishing the lips. You can keep this serum in the fridge and use it for a week.

(Read more – Home remedies for chapped lips)

Benefits Of Glycerin To Remove Dark Lips

Ingredients –

Method –

  • First of all take glycerin on cotton and then apply it on the lips before sleeping at night.

How long to use glycerin for dark lips –

  • Repeat this remedy every night.

Benefits of glycerin for dark lips –

  • Apart from sun and irregular care, lips also become a victim of pigmentation due to dry lips. This glycerin treatment keeps the lips moisturized and prevents them from drying. Due to which the problem of dark lips gradually starts reducing.

Benefits Of Aloe Vera To Remove Dark Lips

Ingredients -
Aloe Vera gel.

Method -

  • First of all, take out the gel from Aloe Vera and then apply it on the lips.
  • Now wait for it to dry.
  • After drying, wash the lips with lukewarm water.

How long to use Aloe Vera for dark lips -

  • To get good results, try this remedy once a day.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for dark lips -

  • Aloe Vera contains a flavonoid called aloin. This polyphenolic compound reduces the process of pigmentation of the skin, due to which the dark lips are reduced. Aloe vera treats the skin and helps in providing many healthy nutrients.

(Read more – How to make lips soft)

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Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Dark Lips

Ingredients –

Method –

  • First of all mix apple cider vinegar in water.
  • Now dip the cotton in it and then apply the cotton on the lips.
  • Then wait for it to dry.
  • Now after 10 to 15 minutes wash the lips with lukewarm water.

How long to use apple cider vinegar for dark lips –Try this process once a day.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar for dark lips –
Apple cider vinegar is acidic. It lightens the blackness naturally and clears the pigmentation from the lips.

Benefits Of Baking Soda To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients -

Method -

  • First of all, take some water and mix it with baking soda to prepare a paste.
  • Now apply this paste on the lips.
  • After applying, rub the lips lightly with a toothbrush or fingers.
  • Rub the lips in this way for two to three minutes.
  • Then wash the lips with water and let it dry.
  • Then apply lip balm or olive oil on the lips.

How long to use baking soda for dark lips –

  • Use this baking soda scrub every two or three days.

Benefits of baking soda for dark lips –

  • Dark lips are caused by dead cells. Baking soda clears the dead cells and makes the skin healthy and soft. Lip balm and olive oil are very important to keep the lips hydrated after exfoliation.

(Read more – Swollen lips)

Benefits Of Beetroot To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients -

  • Red beetroot. 

Method -

  • First of all, cut the beetroot into pieces and then keep them in the fridge.
  • Now in any free time, rub the cold beetroot slice on the lips for a few minutes.
  • Then wash the lips after 15 to 20 minutes.

How long to use beetroot for blackness of lips -

  • Try this process once a day.

Benefits of beetroot for blackness of lips -

  • The juice that comes out while rubbing beetroot reduces the tanning of the lips and gives a color to your lips. It cleanses the skin of the lips and helps in making it soft. Its antioxidant properties keep the skin young and healthy.

Benefits Of Cucumber To Remove Dark Lips

Ingredients -

Method -

  • First of all, grate the cucumber and then extract its fresh juice.
  • Now keep that juice in the fridge to cool.
  • Then dip the cotton in cold juice and apply it on dark lips.
  • After applying, leave it on the lips for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Now wash the lips with water.

How long to use cucumber juice for dark lips -

  • Repeat this process once a day and you will start seeing a good result in 15 to 20 days.

Benefits of cucumber juice for dark lips -

  • Applying cucumber juice daily helps in removing tanning from the lips. Cucumber juice helps in nourishing the skin.

Benefits Of Rose Water To Remove Dark Lips

Ingredients -

Method -

  • First of all, put the cotton in rose water and then apply it on the lips.
  • Then rub the cotton lightly on the lips.
  • Now leave the rose water as it is and go to sleep.

How long to use rose water for dark lips -

  • Clean your lips with rose water every night.

Benefits of rose water for dark lips -

  • Rose water stimulates blood flow and helps nourish it. It also improves the color of the lips and keeps the cells healthy.
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Benefits Of Pomegranate To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients -

  • Grind pomegranate seeds.
  • Cold creamy milk.

Method -

  • First of all, open the half part of the pomegranate and take out the seeds from it.
  • Then grind those seeds.
  • Now mix the ground seeds with cream and make a paste.
  • Now apply this paste on clean lips.
  • After applying, leave it like this for ten minutes.
  • Then clean the lips with lukewarm water.

How long to use pomegranate seeds to make lips pink -

  • Use this mixture two to three times a week. This will change the color of the lips and remove pigmentation.

Benefits of pomegranate seeds to make lips pink -

  • Pomegranate contains a compound called "punicalagins" which reduces the production of melanin and removes the blackness of the lips and makes them pink.

Benefits Of Rose Petals To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients -

  • 5 to 6 rose petals.
  • Half a cup of milk.

Method -

  • First of all, soak all the leaves in milk overnight.
  • In the morning, take out the leaves from the milk and grind them with a pestle.
  • Now add a little milk to the ground leaves so that a paste can be prepared.
  • Now apply this paste on your lips and leave it like this for 15 minutes.
  • Then wash the lips with cold water.

How long to use rose petals to make lips pink -

  • This is a very easy remedy. You can use it daily at night as well. You will start seeing the difference in a few days.

Benefits of rose petals to make lips pink -

  • Rose petals contain natural oil and sugar. It helps in moisturizing dry skin cells. Also, milk is a natural moisturizer. Apart from this, rose petals have anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief to dry lips and help in making them pink.

Benefits Of Almond Oil And Lemon For Pink Lips

Ingredients -

  • A few drops of almond oil.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

Method -

  • First of all, mix almond oil and lemon juice together.
  • Now apply this mixture on the lips like a lip balm and then leave it like that.

How long should you use almond oil and lemon to make your lips pink –

  • Repeat this remedy twice a day.

Benefits of almond oil and lemon to make lips pink

  • Almond oil helps to repair dead cells of the lips and prevents them from becoming dry or sticky. Almond oil keeps the lips soft and red. Lemon prevents the lips from getting pigmented.

Benefits Of Coriander To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients –

  • Five coriander leaves.

Method –

  • First of all, grind the coriander leaves and grind them until the paste is ready.
  • Now apply this mixture directly on the lips and then leave it like this for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash the lips with lukewarm water.
  • After this, wipe the skin with a cloth. Now apply a good lip balm. How long to use coriander to make lips pink – Use this remedy daily. 

Benefits of coriander to make lips pink -

  • Coriander contains Umbelliferone compound which helps in removing pigmentation. Daily use of this mixture will lighten your dark lips and help in making them pink.

Benefits Of Strawberry To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients -

  • One strawberry.
  • One teaspoon of honey.
  • One teaspoon of olive oil.

Method -

  • First of all, grind the strawberries.
  • Now add honey to it.
  • After mixing the mixture well, add a few drops of olive oil to it.
  • Now mix all the ingredients well.
  • Then apply this mixture on clean lips with fingers.
  • After applying, leave it like this for ten minutes.
  • Then take a wet cloth and wipe the mixture from the lips.

How long to use strawberries to make lips pink – Repeat this remedy three to four times a week. 

Benefits of strawberries to make lips pink –

  • Strawberries contain vitamin C and due to being an antioxidant, it brightens the skin. Honey helps to moisturize and nourish the lips.

Benefits Of Milk And Turmeric To Remove Blackness Of Lips

  • Milk and turmeric helps to restore the natural pink color of your lips .

Ingredients –

  • One teaspoon cold milk. Half teaspoon turmeric powder. 

Method –

  • First of all mix cold milk with turmeric and prepare a paste.
  • Now apply this paste on the lips and then leave it like this for 5 to 6 minutes. Now slowly rub it on the lips.
  • Then clean the lips with warm water and then apply lip balm on the lips.

How long to use milk and turmeric to make lips pink –

  • Repeat this remedy every two or three times. And this way you will start seeing a huge difference on your lips. This will help in keeping the lips completely healthy.

Benefits of milk and turmeric to make lips pink –

  • Turmeric has healing properties and milk has natural moisturizing properties. These two excellent ingredients together remove pigmentation of the lips and make your lips soft and pink.

Benefits Of Lemon And Glycerin To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients –

  • One teaspoon lemon juice.
  • One teaspoon of glycerin.
  • One container.

Method –

  • First of all, mix lemon juice with glycerin.
  • Now keep this mixture in a container.
  • Now apply this mixture on the lips with a brush or fingers.

How long to use lemon and glycerin to make lips pink –

  • To treat dry lips, repeat this remedy daily.

Benefits of lemon and glycerin to make lips pink –

  • We all know that glycerin is an excellent moisturizer. It helps in making your lips soft. And lemon keeps pigmentation away from the lips.

Benefits Of Sugar And Olive Oil To Remove Blackness Of Lips

Ingredients –

  • One teaspoon brown sugar or white sugar.
  • One teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil.

Method –

  • First of all, mix one teaspoon of brown sugar or white sugar with one teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Now apply this mixture on the lips and after applying, rub it slowly for a few minutes.
  • Then use a wet cloth and wipe the mixture from the lips.
  • Finally apply lip balm to moisturize the lips.

How long to use sugar and olive oil to make lips pink –

  • Use this mixture once or twice a day.

Benefits of sugar and olive oil to make lips pink –

  • Sugar has excellent humectants (meaning it helps in moisturizing the lips). Exfoliating your lips will ensure that your lips never become dry. Oil moisturizes and nourishes the lips. This is a very effective remedy for everyone.
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Benefits Of Cocoa And Chocolate For Pink Lips

Ingredients –

  • One teaspoon cocoa butter.
  • Dark chocolate which is not sweet.
  • One vitamin E capsule.

Method –

  • Now melt some amount of chocolate and cocoa butter in a vessel.
  • Now cut the vitamin E capsule and add oil to it.
  • Now put this mixture in a container and then keep it aside to cool.
  • Once it cools down, apply this mixture on your lips.
  • Then leave it like this for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After this wash the lips with lukewarm water.

How long should you use cocoa and chocolate to make your lips pink –

  • When you feel your lips are dehydrated, then definitely use this mixture on your lips.

Benefits of cocoa and chocolate to make lips pink –

  • The ingredients found in dark chocolate help hydrate the lips. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants. This lip therapy helps to nourish the lips and prevent them from getting dry.

Natural remedies can be very effective to remove dark lips. Lemon juice, honey and sugar scrub helps to remove dead skin from the lips and lighten them. Massaging with milk and rose water increases the moisture of the lips and reduces darkening. Regular use of aloe vera gel, turmeric and coconut oil can make the lips soft and pink. Also, it is important to use sunscreen and stay away from smoking to protect from the sun, as these can spoil the color of the lips.

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