Pregnancy is a magical time in a woman’s life. A mother wants to protect her child from every possible danger. So you can start taking care of your baby right from the time your baby is in your womb. Soon after the good news arrives, everyone in your family starts telling you about the do’s and don’ts for a healthy pregnancy. But don’t worry and take a deep breath because Ayurveda has a solution to your worry.

Let us help you with Ayurvedic methods that will help you get rid of this worry completely. Just like a healthy plant needs a good quality seed and proper care, for the proper nutrition and growth of the baby, Ayurveda lays great emphasis on a healthy uterus where an embryo grows. An embryo or womb is formed with the union of a male and female. Once this happens, Ayurveda emphasizes on the diet, lifestyle and thoughts of the new mother so that a pregnant woman can take good care of her baby -

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  1. Eat Healthy Food During Pregnancy
  2. Medicine In Ayurveda For Morning Sickness
  3. Do Exercise During Pregnancy
  4. Rest During Pregnancy Is Important
  5. Ditch Bad Habits During Pregnancy
  6. Adopt Good Habits During Pregnancy
  7. Happy Pregnancy Happy Baby
  8. Do Massage During Pregnancy
  9. Summary

What you eat, your baby also eats! Pregnancy diet should have the top priority in caring for the fetus. Your baby is connected to you through an umbilical cord and receives nutrition from your body through the umbilical cord. Take extra care about what you eat as it will affect not only you but also your baby. Ayurveda recommends that pregnant women should consume healthy and cooked food that is easily digestible and does not cause gas. You should take a good portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, milk, ghee and whole grains. Make sure you eat fresh and home-cooked food. Avoid consuming too much oily, fried and spicy food. Avoid fruits like papaya and pineapple during pregnancy, as these fruits are not good at this stage. Try to eat small meals at regular intervals. Include carrots and potatoes in your diet. Keep drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. You know how you get a craving for a Baskin Robbins ice cream in the middle of the night and want to eat only that flavor or else the world will end for you? Since you are going to be a mother, it is natural to crave for a particular food. It is healthy to eat the foods you want to eat, but make sure they are good for health.

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Garbhi means pregnant woman and chardi means vomiting. Morning sickness is quite common in the first 3 months of pregnancy where pregnant women feel nausea and vomiting mainly during the mornings during mealtime. The color, smell or taste of different types of food can cause this sensation. To combat morning sickness, keep in mind that having an empty stomach will not help much. For this, avoid foods with too many flavors, have a light breakfast like toast and eat whatever you like the most and which is healthy for you and your baby. It is advisable to avoid caffeine. You should cut down on the cups of coffee and tea you drink. Instead try drinking lemon water with some honey, mint leaves and a pinch of cardamom. If you are looking for an Ayurvedic medicine for pregnancy, you can try taking 1 tsp Garbharakshambika with water or milk three times a day. It is one of the best prenatal Ayurvedic medicines to get rid of morning sickness. This medicine is very helpful in improving the body’s immunity against any kind of infection and avoiding any pregnancy complications. However, you should consult a doctor before taking this medicine.

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If you think that lying in bed and watching TV all day is ideal for taking care of your baby, then you are wrong. Exercise during pregnancy is good for you and your baby. Just make sure that you do light exercises and avoid exercises like weight training and lifting. If you do more heavy exercises, your Vata dosha will be imbalanced, which will reduce the energy in your body. If you push yourself to get back into the old routine you had before pregnancy, it will cause your Pitta to get imbalanced and if you don't do any activity, your Kapha will be out of balance. So start your exercise with basic walks and wall squats to strengthen your abdominal and leg muscles. These exercises promote good sleep, digestion, blood circulation in the body and help with body pain, leg cramps and dizziness that come with pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you feel any discomfort while exercising. Because in some cases, it is advisable to take a lot of rest and do less physical activity. Pregnancy yoga is a good option that promotes good physical health. You can try some basic yoga asanas like butterfly pose, seated twists, etc. Avoid pranayama during pregnancy as you will find it difficult to breathe normally. 

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Just as workouts are important, rest is also important during pregnancy. Wake up early in the morning and go to bed early. This will boost the energy levels in your body and make you feel more active throughout the day. Sleeping position is also important during pregnancy. Sleep on your side as sleeping on the left side increases the blood circulation of the heart. Bend your legs and knees to feel more comfortable. Use a pillow to place under your stomach or between your legs. Do not sleep on your back as it will put pressure on your back muscles and blood vessels and affect the overall circulation of blood in your body. Avoid sleeping during the day.

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Ditch your bad habits if you want a healthy baby. Alcohol consumption is known to directly affect the health of the fetus. It is seen that alcohol consumption harms the physical and mental health of the baby. If you have consumed too much alcohol during pregnancy then there may be problems regarding the growth and development of your baby. The baby may be slow and mentally underdeveloped. Smoking is also harmful for the baby's health as it may lead to a decrease in the health of the fetus. Excessive smoking in pregnancy can act as a trigger for respiratory problems in the baby later on. Drugs can be very dangerous during pregnancy. It may be possible that if you have any addiction then the baby may be born with any kind of abnormality. This may have serious health effects on the baby. Avoid these practices for proper health care of your baby.

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According to Ayurveda, it is important to maintain cleanliness, not only personally but also in the surrounding area. Good cleanliness helps prevent any kind of infection as Ayurveda emphasizes more on preventing infection than treating it. Try to wear comfortable maternity or simple clothes instead of wearing tight fitting clothes during this period. Avoid using too many beauty products. Avoid traveling on off-road roads with uneven or potholes. Listen to soothing music, read positive and spiritual books instead of watching silly television serials as it makes you mentally alert and self-aware, thus helping you connect emotionally and positively with your baby. Indulging in peaceful activities and meditation will help you stay calm during pregnancy and will also have a positive impact on the mental development of your baby. It will help him in inculcating good habits and morals.

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You need to be happy during pregnancy months to give birth to a healthy and happy baby. Your family can play a great role in keeping you stress-free and happy. Just order them (do not abuse the power) and indulge in light hearted activities that will keep your mood good. Get proper sleep so that you do not feel tired and frustrated but wake up fresh and healthy. Remember, positive emotions will help the baby's health to flourish, but negative emotions will have an opposite effect.

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Ayurveda gives special importance to oil massage which is beneficial for the mother and the growing baby inside her. Massaging with Ayurvedic oils can prove to be very useful in reducing stress and body pain. A full body massage every day (with special attention to the abdomen) is recommended for pregnant women. You can use sesame oil to massage your body every day. Warm the oil a little for a better massage. It will not only help with headaches, back and leg pain, muscle tension and cramps, but will also help relieve anxiety. Mahanarayan oil is especially known to help with pain. Breast massage will also help avoid stretch marks which is a common problem for women during pregnancy. However, make sure to consult your doctor before choosing something new to check for complications.

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According to Ayurveda, women should especially take care of their physical and mental health during pregnancy. It is important to have a balanced diet during pregnancy, which includes fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, ghee, and dry fruits, so that the body gets nourishment. Pregnant women are also advised to do light exercises regularly, such as yoga and pranayama, to keep the body strong and reduce stress. Apart from this, it is necessary to get adequate sleep and relaxation. Ayurvedic herbs, such as ashwagandha and shatavari, can be beneficial to take with the advice of a doctor, as they increase the energy and immunity of women. Ayurveda also emphasizes peace, positivity and spiritual development during pregnancy, so that the baby can develop fully.

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