Everyone wants to stay healthy, yet sometimes one has to go to the doctor. In such a situation, some people meet an Ayurvedic doctor, while some meet a homeopathic doctor. At the same time, most people get their treatment done by an allopathic doctor. This is a modern medicine, in which treatment of most diseases is possible. In allopathy, treatment is done through medicine, surgery, radiation and therapy. It is also known as biomedicine and modern medicine. While it has its benefits, some of its disadvantages are also visible. Today in this article you will learn in detail about the benefits and disadvantages of allopathic medicine -

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  1. What Is Allopathic Medicine?
  2. Benefits Of Allopathic Medicine
  3. Side Effects Of Allopathic Medicine
  4. Summary
Doctors for A Deep Dive into Benefits and Side Effects of Allopathic Medicine

Allopathic is a word that is used for modern medicine. While treating any disease, doctors use allopathic medicine on the basis of evidence. Before treating with allopathic medicine, the doctor notices the symptoms. After this, clinical tests and screening are done. Then the doctor prescribes medicine based on the report.

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The biggest advantage of allopathic medicines is that they are evidence based. This means that every medicine has undergone a clinical test. Only after that the doctor prescribes medicine to treat a disease. Let us know about its benefits in detail -

Effect Of Medicines Quickly

When allopathic medicines are taken on the symptoms of any disease, it can provide immediate relief. Allopathy medicines can help in curing the disease quickly. For this, you can go to an allopathic doctor when you are sick.

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Treatment Of Most Diseases Is Possible

Treatment of all diseases is not possible in every medical system, but medicines for most diseases are available in allopathy. In allopathy, treatment of diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, migraine and cancer is possible. Apart from this, allopathic medicines can also control hormones like thyroid, estrogen and testosterone.

Easy To Consume

Allopathy also has over-the-counter medicines. These include painkillers, muscle relaxants, sore throat relievers, antibiotics and ointments etc. For this reason, it is easy to take them. Most oral medicines are taken with water.

While on one hand allopathic medicines are helpful in curing various diseases, there can be some disadvantages of consuming them. Allergies can occur by eating allopathic medicines. These medicines can react with certain food items. Allopathy medicine should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Also, one should avoid taking any medicine for a long time or in high doses. Some other disadvantages are as follows

  • Harmful Reaction - This can happen when the medicine reacts with the food or supplements consumed by the patient.
  • Allergic Reaction - It is difficult to tell how the various components present in the medicine will react in the patient's body. In such a situation, some people may have allergies.
  • Unexpected Effects - The medicine that the doctor prescribes to cure the disease, this medicine can show the opposite effect in some patients.
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People know allopathic medicine as modern medicine. These medicines are prepared on the basis of testing and research. Scientists claim that most diseases can be treated with allopathy. At present, diseases like cancer can also be cured through medicine and surgery. Of course, allopathy is beneficial in many ways, but these medicines also have some side effects. Therefore, these medicines should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

Dr. Shaik Uday Hussain

Dr. Shaik Uday Hussain

General Physician
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Kirti Vardhan Puri

Dr. Kirti Vardhan Puri

General Physician
2 Years of Experience

Dr. Nishi Shah

Dr. Nishi Shah

General Physician
7 Years of Experience

Dr. Samadhan Atkale

Dr. Samadhan Atkale

General Physician
2 Years of Experience

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