Dr. Raju.P.L.N
Dr. Raju.P.L.N is a well-known doctor based in Visakhapatnam who specialises in ENT. Dr. Raju.P.L.N has over 20 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Raju.P.L.N is an expert in Hair Transplant Surgery, Hair Replacement, Hair Restoration, Laser Hair Removal. Please view the profile for a complete list of Dr. Raju.P.L.N's expertise. Dr. Raju Advanced Hair Transplantation and Restoration Centre - 55/1/21, 101, GBR Grand Apartments, Road Number 3, JR Nagar,Venkojipalem, Landmark: Near Anjaneya Swamy Temple and Behind New Bus Stop Vemkojipalem H B Colony Visakhapatnam -
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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Septoplasty in India: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Septoplasty cost in India?
The cost of Septoplasty depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 23100 to Rs. 88914 in India.
- Minimum price for Septoplasty in India starts from Rs. 23100
- Average price for Septoplasty in India starts from Rs. 46134.0
- Maximum expenses for Septoplasty in India starts from Rs. 88914