As the pregnancy progresses, the pregnant woman starts feeling difficulty in breathing even after doing even the most normal and routine tasks, especially after climbing stairs. According to a study conducted in 2015, about 60 to 70 percent of women experience shortness of breath during pregnancy. They start feeling difficulty in breathing or start feeling short of breath even after doing even a little strenuous work.


According to doctors, the growing uterus of a pregnant woman starts pushing itself upwards towards the lungs and due to this the pregnant woman experiences difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, during pregnancy, the body keeps trying to adjust to the hormonal changes happening continuously and due to this, problems of breathlessness may also occur. However, sometimes shortness of breath during pregnancy can also be a sign of a serious disease like pneumonia or blood clot.

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In this article, we are giving you information about the possible causes of shortness of breath and shortness of breath during pregnancy, as well as what to do in case of shortness of breath and under what circumstances one should contact the doctor.

  1. Causes Of Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy
  2. Shortness Of Breath In The First Trimester
  3. Shortness Of Breath In The Second Trimester
  4. Shortness Of Breath In The Third Trimester
  5. Medical Reasons For Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy
  6. Remedies To Overcome The Problem Of Breathlessness During Pregnancy
  7. When To Contact A Doctor For Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy
  8. Summary
Doctors for Breathing Easy: Tips and Remedies for Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy

Although shortness of breath or breathlessness is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy, it can be difficult for doctors to identify a single cause of breathlessness during pregnancy. Shortness of breath during pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from the growing size of the uterus to changes in cardiac demand. Some women may notice changes in their breathing as early as the first trimester of pregnancy, while others may notice changes during the second and third trimesters.


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The diaphragm, a band of tissue that separates the heart and lungs from the abdomen, grows by up to 4 centimeters during the first trimester of pregnancy. The movement of the diaphragm helps fill the lungs with air. However, some women do not feel any change in the breathing process in the first trimester of pregnancy because they do not know how deeply they can breathe. While others may notice the difference that they are not able to take full deep breaths.

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Apart from the changes in the diaphragm, pregnant women often breathe faster due to the increase in progesterone hormone. Progesterone not only helps the fetus develop during pregnancy, it is also a respiratory stimulant, meaning it can speed up a person's breathing. Although it is not necessary that you start feeling short of breath due to rapid breathing, some women notice a change in their respiratory pattern.


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The growing uterus causes shortness of breath in the second trimester, but sometimes a pregnant woman may also become short of breath due to changes in the way the heart works. Actually, the amount of blood in a woman's body increases during pregnancy. The heart needs to pump more blood to deliver it to the body and the placenta. This increased burden on the functioning of the heart can cause shortness of breath to the pregnant woman.


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In the third or last trimester of pregnancy, the growing baby in the womb starts pushing the uterus towards your diaphragm, due to which the diaphragm goes above its previous position and the lungs of the pregnant woman also become somewhat compressed. This means that the pregnant woman becomes unable to take in as much air as possible with each breath. On one hand, due to the physical obstruction related to the growing uterus, the capacity of your lungs starts decreasing, on the other hand, progesterone hormone starts stimulating the respiratory center present in the brain due to which you gradually start breathing slower.


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According to America's National Women's Health Resource Center, between the 31st week and 34th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman has to face the problem of breathlessness or difficulty in breathing.

Although the problem of breathlessness is common during pregnancy, it would be better that if you feel any problem related to breathing, you contact your doctor immediately. Although the problem of breathlessness occurs due to changes in the body during pregnancy, apart from this, problem of breathlessness can also occur due to many medical reasons, such as:

  • Asthma - If a pregnant woman already has asthma, these symptoms of asthma may get worse during pregnancy. Therefore, women with asthma should talk to their doctor about safe treatments during pregnancy, such as using inhalers or medicines.
  • Peripartum cardiomyopathy – This is a type of heart failure that can occur during pregnancy or shortly after delivery. Its symptoms include ankle swelling, low blood pressure, fatigue and feeling nervous. Many women initially consider these symptoms as pregnancy symptoms, but this condition can seriously affect the woman's health, so get proper treatment.
  • Pulmonary Embolism - The problem of pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot gets stuck in an artery of the lungs. Embolism can dramatically affect the ability to breathe and cause coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath.


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Difficulty breathing can be uncomfortable for you at times, but there are several ways you can breathe more comfortably:

  • Take care of correct posture during pregnancy: Make sure that you stand straight with your shoulders straight and your head raised upwards. To lift your chest, imagine a straight line connecting your sternum (the bone from the neck to the stomach) to the sky.
  • Do exercise during pregnancy: Aerobic exercise improves your breathing and also reduces your pulse. But do not forget to take your doctor's approval before starting it. If you haven't already started practicing, now is a good time to start prenatal yoga. Breathing yoga practices and additional stretching can improve your posture and give you more room to breathe. Whatever exercise you choose, don't overdo it, listen to what your body is telling you.
  • Relax: Relax, be at ease. Rest is also very important for a pregnant woman who is short of breath. The more you worry about shallow breathing, the more your breathing will become labored. It is also important to rest when you feel the need to rest.
  • Use pillows: Use pillows to support your upper back while sleeping. By doing this, gravity will pull the uterus down, which will give more space to the lungs and you will be able to breathe comfortably. In this position, even a slight tilt to the left side can help keep the uterus away from the aorta (the main artery that transports oxygen-rich blood through the body).
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Although many women experience shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing during pregnancy, there are some symptoms which require immediate treatment. Pregnant women should seek immediate treatment if they notice the following symptoms:

  • Blue Lips, Bluish Hands And Toes
  • Fast Heartbeat Or High Heart Rate
  • Feeling Pain While Breathing
  • Severe Breathing Problem
  • Wheezing Sound While Breathing

Apart from this, if you have the problem of pneumonia or asthma during pregnancy, then contact the doctor instead of considering the problem of breathlessness as normal.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy is a common symptom that many women experience, especially after conception. This condition occurs due to many reasons such as hormonal changes, increased oxygen demand, pressure from the growing uterus on the diaphragm and physiological adjustments in the respiratory system. While shortness of breath can be uncomfortable and worrisome for pregnant women, it is generally considered a normal aspect of pregnancy.


To cure shortness of breath during pregnancy, it is important to make lifestyle changes, maintain good posture, practice relaxation techniques, and stay hydrated. In some cases, the doctor may also ask you to adopt exercises or breathing techniques.

It is important for pregnant women who experience persistent or severe shortness of breath to consult their doctor to avoid any complications such as preeclampsia, asthma exacerbation or other respiratory conditions.

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
5 Years of Experience

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