Even today many people are unaware that when it is right to have sex to get pregnant. Even after marriage, many women are not aware that how many days after periods or how many days before having sex increases the chances of getting pregnant. Many men are also unaware of this. The time to get pregnant depends on the fertile point of the menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle is of 28 days, you usually ovulate around day 14, which is the ideal time to have sex.

You can know about female fertility treatment by clicking on the link given here.

Today in this article we will know when to have sex to get pregnant -

(Read More - Women fertility drugs)

  1. When should you have sex to get pregnant
  2. How to find out the time of ovulation?
  3. How often should you have sex to get pregnant?
  4. Some other ways to get pregnant
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for When to have intercourse to get pregnant?

To get pregnant, the partners must have a relationship at the right time. It is generally said that counting the first day of periods, it is considered correct to have sexual intercourse between the 9th day to the 17th day. It has also been proved in the research that to get pregnant, along with the health of the couple, the position and time of the relationship are also important. Let us know in detail when to have sex to get pregnant.

The best time to get pregnant depends on the fertile point of your menstrual cycle. Fertile days are those when the process of ovulation is most intense in women. Your 'fertile window' includes the 5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

Your chances of conceiving are highest 2 days before you ovulate and on the day of ovulation. Having intercourse these days is most likely to get pregnant. During ovulation, your ovary releases a mature egg. This egg makes its way down the fallopian tube on its way to your uterus.

On this route, when the sperm meets with the egg, it can be fertilized. It is known that sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for about five days. So if you're trying to conceive, keep track of when you ovulate and how long sperm can survive in your fallopian tubes. Having sex keeping these things in mind can increase the chances of pregnancy.

(Read More - Home remedies for female infertility)

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Keep a menstrual cycle calendar with you to know the time of ovulation or use an app on your mobile to track it. Each cycle begins on the first day of your menstrual cycle period and ends the day before your next menstrual period starts. For this, find the midpoint of your menstrual cycle. For example, if your menstrual cycle is of 28 days, you may ovulate usually around day 14. Let us tell you, the period of menstruation and ovulation time of every woman is different.

Sign of ovulation

Ovulation time can be estimated through some of these signs -

  • Changes in vaginal discharge - You can also pay attention to your symptoms to know the time to ovulate. Changes in vaginal discharge can also be a sign of ovulation. During ovulation, the mucus of the vaginal discharge becomes clear and thick. When this mucus looks smooth and very flexible, then you will know that you are ovulating.
  • Increase in Basal Body Temperature (BBT) - The body temperature of women increases comparatively during ovulation. If there is a slight increase in your body temperature, then it can be a sign of ovulation. However, the body temperature may increase even a few days after ovulation. Keep in mind that these signs can only point you toward ovulating. Can't give accurate information on ovulation. However, you can track body temperature to know ovulate cycles.

(Read More - Female fertility panel)

Many times you must have read that having frequent intercourse can harm the quality of sperm. Some studies have shown that the quality of sperm collected after a period of 2 to 3 days with abstinence is better. Studies have also shown that couples who have sex every 1-2 days have a higher rate of pregnancy. Having sex once a day or every other day during your fertile window can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Keep in mind, though, that there are times during your fertile window when you can try to have intercourse, but don't force yourself to a schedule. This can increase unnecessary stress in you. Keep in mind that the ideal number of intercourse is the number in which you feel comfortable.

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Apart from sex, some reasons can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Apart from sex, some such reasons are also involved, due to which fertility can be increased.

  • Orgasm - Ejaculating is very important for a man to make his female partner pregnant. Although a woman does not need to climax to become pregnant, the movement of the female partner's orgasm can help move the sperm closer to their destination.
  • Control weight - It is very important to control weight to improve fertility. If you are too fat or too thin, it can affect your fertility.
  • Don't smoke - Women who smoke can increase the chances of infertility and miscarriage. Apart from this, the mobility of sperm can also be reduced by this. So if you want to get pregnant, stay away from smoking.
  • Take caffeine in limited quantity - Consume caffeine i.e. tea and coffee in limited quantity. Consuming more than 5 cups of coffee a day can reduce fertility.

To get pregnant, it is very important to know the right time to have sex. The time to get pregnant depends on the fertile point of the menstrual cycle. This determines when you most ovulate. At the same time, to improve fertility, women and men also need to pay attention to their health.

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But keep in mind that if you are trying to get pregnant and are having trouble getting pregnant for some reason, get your checkup done immediately. So that the exact reason for not getting pregnant can be known on time. Also, its treatment can be started on time.

(Read More - Does smoking affect female fertility)

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