When it comes to the pregnancy diet, along with what to eat and what not to eat, it is also very important to increase the amount of nutrients necessary for the baby growing in the womb. A very important mineral that needs to be increased during pregnancy is iron. The reason for this is that our body cannot produce iron naturally. Iron can only be obtained through diet i.e. food items or supplements. This is why it is important to increase the intake of iron-rich foods, especially during pregnancy.

(Read more - Which vitamin deficiency causes anemia?)

If there is a deficiency of iron in the body during pregnancy, it can also cause anemia in the body, which increases the risk of many other complications. In such a situation, why is iron necessary during pregnancy, which foods should you include in your diet to overcome iron deficiency in pregnancy and when should you take iron supplements i.e. iron tablets, we are giving you the answers to all these questions in this article.

  1. Why Is Iron Necessary In Pregnancy?
  2. What Happens When There Is Iron Deficiency In Pregnancy?
  3. What Should Be Eaten For Iron Deficiency In Pregnancy?
  4. Summary

During pregnancy, your heart starts working more than normal days so that it can supply necessary and adequate nutrients to the fetus growing in the womb. During pregnancy, the blood supply in the body increases by about 50 percent, so it is very important that pregnant women also increase their intake of iron and folic acid in the same proportion.

(Read more - Iron Deficiency Anemia)

Our body uses iron to produce red blood cells (RBCs) present in the blood. Increased blood supply means that you need more red blood cells (RBCs) and hence more iron is needed to produce these RBCs. When there is a lack of iron in the body, the red blood cells are unable to deliver enough oxygen to all the tissues of the body. It is normal to feel mild anemia during pregnancy due to increased need of blood in the body, but if anemia becomes a serious problem, it can cause many problems and complications for the pregnant woman as well as her unborn child. Such as premature birth and low birth weight of the child etc. 

(Read more - Anemia test)

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If there is iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman during pregnancy, then the following symptoms can be seen in her:

If there is more than one fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman, if her 2 consecutive pregnancies are very close, if the pregnant woman does not consume iron-rich foods sufficiently or if there is heavy bleeding during periods just before pregnancy, then that woman may have the problem of iron deficiency in her body during pregnancy.

(Read more - Home Remedies for Anaemia)

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If a woman feels that there is a deficiency of iron in her body, then instead of consuming iron tablets or supplements on her own, she should contact a doctor. No supplement should be taken without the advice of a doctor because too much iron can also prove to be dangerous and can cause many other problems along with damage to the liver. Only a doctor can tell you how much iron is lacking in your body and how much iron you need to fulfill it, its correct dose.

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Here we are telling you about those iron-rich foods, by consuming which iron deficiency in the body can be removed naturally:

  • Chicken: Chicken is rich in iron and it is also considered safe to consume it during pregnancy. But it is very important to eat chicken only after cooking it properly because if the chicken is not cooked properly, there can be a risk of dangerous bacteria like listeria.
  • Salmon fish: Salmon also contains iron and its consumption is also considered safe in pregnancy, but like chicken, it is important to cook salmon well before consuming it. Apart from iron, salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids and many other nutrients and it also has low mercury content, so it helps in making pregnancy healthy.
  • Red meat: Although red meat is an excellent source of protein, zinc and iron, which is considered very important during pregnancy, it should be consumed in limited quantities. Also, keep in mind that the meat is well cooked. Consuming processed red meat in large quantities in burgers, steaks, hot dogs etc. increases the risk of getting sick in pregnant women by 20 percent. 
  • Pulses and beans: Apart from protein and fiber, pulses and beans also contain iron. You can get 6.6 mg of iron of your daily requirement from 1 cup of cooked lentils. If you want, you can include kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils etc. in your diet in large quantities.
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach: Spinach contains antioxidants and vitamins in addition to iron. You get 6.4 mg of iron of your daily iron requirement from 1 cup of spinach. If you want, you can also use spinach in spinach vegetables, spinach soup, salad etc.
  • Broccoli: The good thing about broccoli is that along with iron, it also contains vitamin C and fiber which helps the body to absorb iron. 1 mg of iron of daily requirement is found in 1 cup of broccoli.
  • Beetroot: Like broccoli, iron and vitamin C are also found in beetroot. 100 grams of beetroot contains 0.8 mg of iron of daily requirement which can help in making hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Nuts: 100 grams of dry fruits or nuts contain 2.6 milligrams of iron, which is the daily requirement. Among nuts, pistachios are the most iron-rich. 100 grams of pistachios contain 14 milligrams of iron. Apart from this, almonds, cashews etc. are also rich in iron.
  • Whole grains: 100 grams of whole grains contain about 2.5 milligrams of iron and also fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. Pregnant women can consume oats, quinoa, amaranth etc. if they want.

(Read more - Anemia diet: what to eat)

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Iron requirement increases during pregnancy, as it is essential for both the mother and the baby. Eating iron-rich foods can prevent anemia and ensure oxygen supply to the body. For iron, pregnant women should eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, broccoli, beans, lentils, and soybeans. Also, fruits like pomegranate, apples, and beetroot are also good sources of iron. Dry fruits, especially raisins and dates, are also helpful in increasing iron intake. Consuming iron with vitamin C-rich foods helps in its absorption, so fruits like oranges, lemons, and amla should also be included in your diet.

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