Women need to be very careful during pregnancy. At this time, all the people around the woman definitely give them some advice. It is a bit difficult for the woman to adopt all this advice. Also, the question arises in the mind of pregnant women whether all the advice given by people will be correct or not.

(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)

Pregnancy is considered an important time in the life of women. During this, many types of changes take place in their body. Due to the baby growing in the womb being healthy, the woman has to make many changes in her lifestyle. Apart from this, the woman is advised to do many types of work, and is asked to stay away from many works. The woman herself should also know about the precautions to be taken during this time. What kind of precautions should be taken during pregnancy and what things should be paid attention to, all these topics are being explained in detail, so that you can understand them properly and give birth to a healthy child.

(Read more - Every Mother Should Know : Pregnancy Problems)

  1. Remedies For Nervousness During Pregnancy
  2. Which Fish Should Not Be Eaten During Pregnancy?
  3. Is Food Poisoning Harmful During Pregnancy?
  4. Medicines Not To Take During Pregnancy
  5. Bathing With Hot Water During Pregnancy Is Right Or Wrong
  6. Food Precautions During Pregnancy
  7. Avoid Traveling During Pregnancy
  8. What Precautions Should We Take During Pregnancy
  9. Summary

Women who are pregnant for the first time are always nervous about their pregnancy. Women are stressed about something going wrong during pregnancy and this stress becomes the reason for their nervousness. Let us tell you that any kind of nervousness during pregnancy has a direct impact on your child. At this time, women are afraid that their child may have some kind of deformity, due to the fear that comes repeatedly in the mind, there is a special kind of reaction in the body of women and the child also feels that reaction. Therefore, during pregnancy, women should do meditation and yoga when they have nervousness, stress, anxiety and any kind of fear. Meditation and yoga bring peace to the mind and reduce the fear in the mind. 

(Read more - Diet during the first month of pregnancy

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By the way, women are advised to eat many types of seafood during pregnancy. This is said because the protein obtained from them is considered good for the child. But there are many types of fish in which mercury and other toxic chemicals are found in large quantities. These can have adverse effects on the child's health. Therefore, any kind of fish should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy. Some fish such as Tuna and King mackerel etc. contain mercury in large quantities. Their consumption can affect your baby's brain. Apart from this, any other kind of fish should be eaten only once a week. You should consult your doctor before eating fish or seafood.

(Read more - Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat)

During pregnancy, you should stay away from any kind of intoxication. Both alcohol and smoking can be harmful for your child. Alcohol slows down the development of your child. Along with this, the child's face may get deformed and he may have problems remembering things for a long time after birth. Apart from this, smoking can cause infection and breathing problems.

So that your child does not have to face such problems after birth, you should stay away from alcohol and smoking etc. Along with this, if someone smokes around you, you should also stay away from there, because even coming in indirect contact with cigarette smoke can affect the health of your child.

(Read more - Arbi During Pregnancy: Safe or Risky?)

Women should avoid taking many types of medicines during pregnancy. Before taking any kind of medicine during pregnancy, you should know some important questions from your doctor as follows.

  • What is the medicine being given for?
  • What are the side effects on the child after taking it and what to do if the effects are felt?
  • The minimum dose of the medicine that can cure your problem?
  • For how long should the medicine be taken?

The medicines taken during pregnancy also affect your child. These medicines contain many types of chemicals. That is why it is better to consume some food items as an alternative to medicines during pregnancy.

(Read more - Hydration and Nutrition: Fruits for Pregnant Women)

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Women should avoid bathing with hot water during pregnancy. Many women take bath in hot water tubs, these women should also avoid sitting in hot water tubs for a long time during their pregnancy. Bathing with hot water is prohibited during pregnancy because it increases the body temperature of women. Which affects the development of their child. If you have to take a bath with hot water in the winter season, then do not heat the water too much. Before bathing, make sure that your bath water is lukewarm. Bathing with lukewarm water will keep your body temperature normal. Apart from this, you can also ask your doctor about this.

(Read more - Should Probiotics Be Taken During Pregnancy?)

Some foods should not be eaten during pregnancy. Experts say that excessive use of caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, anxiety and irregular heart rate in a pregnant woman. Along with this, some experts say that due to this problem, the child can be born early. Apart from this, he can be smaller than normal children or may suffer from some deformity from birth. To avoid this, a pregnant woman should drink or eat less coffee, tea, chocolate and cold drinks, etc., things which have high amounts of caffeine.

(Read more - Benefits Of Watermelon For Pregnancy)

Apart from this, a pregnant woman should also avoid eating raw meat. There are high chances of bacteria in raw or undercooked meat, these bacteria can be harmful for the mother and the child growing in her womb. Apart from this, a pregnant woman should also avoid eating outside food (junk food).

Along with this, a pregnant woman is prohibited from eating papaya and pineapple. Both these fruits have the possibility of abortion. Apart from this, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them raw and if possible, eat them after peeling them.

(Read more - The Role of Folic Acid in Female Fertility)

There are more chances of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. For this reason, women are prohibited from traveling during pregnancy. Traveling at this time puts women under more pressure, which increases their chances of having morning sickness (a disorder related to pregnancy).

If traveling during pregnancy is very important, try to travel in a bus or car instead of two-wheelers and three-wheelers. If you have to travel in a public transport like a bus, then choose the time when there is less crowd in the bus.

(Read more - Diet For Anemia In Pregnancy)

  • No heavy items should be lifted at this time. Take help from someone at home or office for this work.
  • Avoid standing for a long time. If you have to stand for a long time while cooking in the kitchen, then sit on a chair and cook. 
  • Avoid climbing and descending stairs. If it is very important to use the stairs, then try to do all the work at one go, so that you do not have to go up and down again and again.
  • Avoid eating too much oily and spicy food. This causes indigestion and gas in the stomach during pregnancy. 
  • Pregnancy puts pressure on the waist. In such a situation, you should not wear high heel slippers and sandals. Use flat slippers as much as possible.
  • You should not wear tight clothes at this time. Wearing tight clothes does not make you feel comfortable.
  • Sit comfortably and take a bath instead of standing in the bathroom. There are more chances of you slipping and falling if you bathe while standing.
  • You should stay away from running around during this time. Especially in the first three months, women should avoid jumping.
  • Do not let your body get dehydrated. This keeps your blood circulation correct and there is no risk of premature delivery.
  • During this time, you should avoid lying on your stomach, as this puts extra pressure on the baby. 
  • Do not consume very hot things. 
  • If you have stomach pain or bleeding during pregnancy, go to the doctor immediately.
  • Do not do too much exercise. Also, do not lift heavy weights. 
  • While using any chemical for cleaning the house, cover your hands properly. Also, do not climb on a stool or chair.
  • Avoid doing tiring work during pregnancy.

(Read more - Can you get pregnant after menopause?)

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Taking precautions during pregnancy is extremely important for the health of both the mother and the baby. Pregnant women should eat a balanced and nutritious diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, proteins, and vitamins. It is important to have regular check-ups with the doctor and follow medical instructions. Light exercise and yoga can prove helpful during pregnancy, but consult a doctor before starting any new exercise. Drinking enough water, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep are also important. Avoid harmful substances like alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. Seek medical help immediately if you have any unusual symptoms during pregnancy, such as excessive fatigue, pain, or bleeding. These precautions can ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

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