After a woman conceives, a fluid starts producing in the uterus. This is called amniotic fluid. It is important to have this amniotic fluid in the right quantity for the health and development of the baby. If it is more or less, the baby may face many problems. For this, it is important to keep getting regular checkups done from the doctor, so that if any problem occurs, it can be detected on time.In this article you will know how much amniotic fluid there should be and what happens if it is more or less -

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  1. What Is Amniotic Fluid?
  2. How Much Amniotic Fluid Should There Be?
  3. Lack Of Amniotic Fluid
  4. Reason For Reduction Of Amniotic Fluid
  5. Symptoms Of Amniotic Fluid Deficiency
  6. Ways To Increase Amniotic Fluid
  7. Excess Amniotic Fluid
  8. Reason For Excess Amniotic Fluid
  9. Symptoms Of Excess Amniotic Fluid
  10. Summary
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In the uterus, the baby remains protected in a sac filled with liquid. The liquid filled inside it is called amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is also known as womb water in common language. Come, let us know about it in detail -

  • It is a clear or light yellow colored thin liquid, which starts forming in the amniotic sac in the first 12 days of pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is made up of electrolytes, water, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, urea and embryo cells. Thus, it can be said that this liquid is a mixture of nutrients.
  • Amniotic fluid works to protect the baby inside the uterus. Protects it from shock and pressure inside the uterus.
  • It helps the baby to move inside the uterus, develop body organs normally and keep the baby's temperature under control. As the pregnancy period increases, the amniotic fluid starts increasing.

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Having less or too much fluid, both situations are not considered good, because due to this the baby does not develop properly. Therefore, it is important to have the right amount of amniotic fluid. The amount of amniotic fluid is accurately estimated through the Amniotic Fluid Index. When the pregnancy is at least 24 weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid can be determined accurately. With this index, the development of the baby during pregnancy can be ascertained. Adequate amount of amniotic fluid is considered to be between 5 to 25 cm.

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Lack of amniotic fluid in the uterus is called oligohydramnios. In this stage the fluid around the fetus reduces. Although the problem of oligohydramnios can occur in any month, it is a more worrying problem during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid helps in the development of the baby, its muscles, lungs and digestive system. Due to its deficiency, the risks of premature birth, miscarriage and death of the baby after birth increases. Apart from this, the baby may suffer from many diseases, like high blood pressure and diabetes etc.

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There can be following reasons for less amniotic fluid during pregnancy -

  • Rupture or leakage of the amniotic sac or amniotic sac before labor pain begins.
  • Having twins in the uterus.
  • Mother suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Mother has diabetes.
  • Use of wrong medicines.
  • Improper growth of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Removal of placenta from the uterus before delivery.

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Lack of amniotic fluid during pregnancy can have the following symptoms -

  • The size of the uterus being smaller than normal.
  • Having stomach problems.
  • Decrease in movement of the child.
  • Having uterine contraction.
  • gaining weight.
  • Sudden decrease in baby's heartbeat.
  • Fluid leaking from the vagina of a pregnant woman.

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If the level of amniotic fluid decreases during pregnancy, the baby does not develop properly. In such a situation, the fluid level can be increased by taking special care of some things -

  • The level of amniotic fluid can be increased by drinking more water.
  • Medicines prescribed by the doctor should be taken on time along with a balanced diet.
  • Supplements such as L-arginine may help by increasing amniotic fluid levels, but they should not be used without consulting a doctor.
  • In some cases, doctors treat low levels of amniotic fluid by using a medical procedure called amnioinfusion, in which a salty liquid is injected into the amniotic sac. It compensates for the deficiency of amniotic fluid.

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Excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy is called polyhydramnios. Due to this, there is an excess amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. In such a situation, problems like filling of body parts with fluid, weight gain and difficulty in breathing can occur.

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The following are the reasons for excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy:

  • Mother's blood being Rh-negative and child's blood being Rh-positive.
  • Any problem in the baby's stomach inside the uterus.
  • Mother has diabetes.
  • Defect in the child's central nervous system or gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lack of red blood cells in the baby.
  • Decreased ability of the baby to swallow in the uterus.
  • Mother having any kind of infection during pregnancy.

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Following are the symptoms of excess amniotic fluid during pregnancy:

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Amniotic fluid is important for the fetus growing in the mother's womb. It is from its quantity that one can predict how pregnancy and delivery will be. If the amniotic fluid is less in the last months of pregnancy, then doctors recommend cesarean delivery as soon as possible to protect the baby from any health problems caused by amniotic fluid.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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