Black rice is considered good for health as well as taste. It is dark, purple-black in color. By consuming it, the body gets many essential nutrients, such as - Vitamin-B2, Vitamin-B3, Beta-Carotene, Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium etc. Many types of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and eye problems can be prevented with these nutrients. Today in this article we will learn about the benefits, nutrients and uses of black rice -

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  1. Nutrients Of Black Rice
  2. Benefits Of Black Rice
  3. Side Effects Of Black Rice
  4. How To Use Black Rice
  5. Summary
Doctors for From Antioxidants to Fiber: Exploring the Health Benefits of Black Rice

Black rice is rich in amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds. Its consumption improves the energy level and digestive power of the body. The amino acids present in it can be effective in completing many functions of the body. Apart from this, other essential nutrients are present in black rice, such as -

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There can be many benefits of eating black rice. It can be effective in preventing eye problems and preventing cancer. Let us know in detail about the benefits of eating black rice -

Benefits Of Black Rice For Eye Health

Black rice is considered healthy for the eyes. The carotenoids (a type of antioxidant) present in it can be helpful in keeping the cells of the eyes healthy. In particular, it is considered healthy for the retina of the eyes. Not only this, carotenoids can protect the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiations. Vitamin-E present in anthocyanins is healthy for eye health as well as skin. It can also be helpful in boosting immunity.

(Read more - White rice: Nutrition facts)

Benefits Of Black Rice For Diabetes

The antioxidants and phytochemicals present in black rice can be helpful in improving insulin sensitivity. It can improve glucose levels in the body. Consumption of black rice can reduce the absorption of sugar in the body, which can control blood sugar levels. In such a situation, diabetes can be avoided. At the same time, a diabetic patient should eat black rice only after asking the doctor.

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Benefits Of Black Rice For Heart Health

Black rice contains many essential nutrients, which can prevent serious problems. This rice has a high level of antioxidants compared to many other foods. This antioxidant can be helpful in preventing heart related problems. It can also improve brain function.

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Benefits Of Black Rice For Digestive System

Black rice is rich in protein and fiber, which can improve digestion. Apart from this, it can also be effective in reducing weight. Actually, the consumption of fiber and protein present in it can prevent overeating, which is helpful in preventing obesity. Also, digestion can also improve.

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Benefits Of Black Rice For Reduce Inflammation

Black rice is rich in many nutrients and antioxidants. Also, anti-inflammatory properties are found in it, which can reduce inflammation of the body. Eating black rice regularly can be effective in reducing arthritis and skin inflammation, but more research is needed in this regard.

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Benefits Of Black Rice For Cancer

Black rice contains anthocyanin, which is a powerful anti-cancer property. It can prevent cancer cells from growing. In particular, it can be effective in preventing breast cancer cells from growing.

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Black rice is generally considered safe, but it contains a large amount of arsenic like other types of rice. At the same time, to avoid eating more arsenic, black rice should be washed with water and dried thoroughly before cooking. Also, it is best to eat black rice in small quantities, as consuming it in large quantities can cause gastrointestinal effects such as upset stomach, bloating or gas.

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Black rice can be cooked and eaten like normal rice. Apart from this, it can also be included in many types of dishes. Black rice can be made in this way -

  • 1 Mix rice and water as per your requirement in a saucepan and keep it to cook on medium flame.
  • When the water comes to a boil, reduce the flame and cook for about 30 to 35 minutes.
  • Cook the rice until it becomes soft and the water is completely absorbed.
  • After this, remove the pan from the flame and keep the lid on it for 5 minutes.
  • Mix the rice thoroughly before serving, so that the rice looks uniform everywhere.
  • Keep in mind that 2 1/4 cups (295 ml) of water is required for 1 cup (180 grams) of uncooked black rice.
  • To prevent the rice from becoming sticky while cooking, do not forget to wash the rice with cold water before cooking. By doing this, the excess starch present on the upper surface of the rice gets removed.

(Read more - Phytonutrients: types, benefits, side effects)

Black rice is considered healthy for health. Its consumption can help in weight loss and make the eyes healthy. At the same time, problems like cancer can also be avoided. Apart from this, eating black rice in large quantities can cause problems like gas, indigestion. Just keep in mind that if you are suffering from any kind of problem, then consume black rice only on the advice of an expert.

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

6 Years of Experience

Dt. khushboo fatima

Dt. khushboo fatima

11 Years of Experience

Dt. Priti Kumari

Dt. Priti Kumari

2 Years of Experience

Dt. Sonal jain

Dt. Sonal jain

5 Years of Experience

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