Most women have their periods 11 to 13 times every year but some may have more or less than this. Late periods are common. Usually, the menstrual cycle is 28 days long but it can vary from woman to woman. If you do not get your periods on a regular cycle, then it is considered to be irregular menstruation.

(Read more: Missed or infrequent periods)

In this article, we will find out how many days the period can be late by.

  1. How many days can the period be late by
  2. Facts about the menstrual cycle
  3. Irregular menstruation
  4. What is abnormal menstruation?
  5. Why do periods get delayed?
  6. Takeaway
Doctors for How late can your period be

If periods do not occur during the regular menstrual cycle, which is between 21 and 35 days, then it is considered to be a late period. If the period is late by a day or two, then it is not a matter of concern because there can be many reasons for the change in the menstrual cycle every month. As such, you may wonder how late a period can really be.

Generally, if there is no bleeding even after six weeks of the monthly cycle, then you can consider the late period to be a missed period. The period is considered late when there are no periods for one to five days from the monthly cycle.

(Read more: How to get period early)

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This is how the menstrual cycle can be understood - the menstrual cycle starts from the first day of the period and continues till the next period starts. Like we mentioned above, the menstrual cycle is generally considered to be 28 days long and a healthy cycle falls between 21 and 35 days.

In general terms, a period that starts one to four days earlier or later than when it was supposed to start is considered normal. At the same time, periods that last between three to five days or between three to seven days are also considered normal. But when periods occur before or after these periods, they can be classified as late and abnormal or irregular periods.

(Read more: Period problems)

When it is difficult to predict whether the periods will be 4 days earlier or later or when the next time is going to happen, then it is called irregular menstruation. In this, no date is fixed. Depending on the body and its conditions, the onset of periods at any time is not a healthy cycle and is an abnormal condition.

(Read more: Light periods)

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Periods last for four to seven days for most women. But the period may be considered unusual due to several reasons like:

  • Periods that are less than 21 days or more than 35 days later.
  • Bleeding during periods is more or less than normal.
  • Periods lasting more than seven days.
  • Pain, cramps, nausea or vomiting during menstruation
  • Your periods usually last for several days and suddenly become less frequent.

(Read more: Heavy periods)

Menstruation is late or irregular in some women because:

  • The first few years after the onset of menstruation are often irregular. It can take many years for the hormones that regulate menstruation to find a balance. This is a major reason for irregular periods in the beginning.
  • When women are nearing perimenopause (when the early signs of menopause start) and menopause, their periods become irregular. Menopause is when you have not had a period for 12 months.

Other causes of irregular periods include:

(Read more: Periods diet)

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Menstrual irregularities are common. If your period has ended and the next one does not occur, then it is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy - it can also be a medical condition or many other factors like hormonal imbalance, stress and weight can also be responsible for this. If you think you may be pregnant, you should be tested with a pregnancy kit after waiting for one to two weeks. You can also contact the doctor in this regard. The doctor can identify the cause of missed or late periods and treat you accordingly.

(Read more: Period hygiene tips)

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