If you are not pregnant, then you must be getting periods every month and every girl knows about it from the age of 10-12 years. On average, every woman has about 450 periods in her lifetime.

With this cycle of menstruation, women have to face many problems like stomach pain, irritability, flatulence, mood swings during those 4-5 days every month. Despite this, even today menstruation is considered a taboo in our society and no one talks about it openly, due to which a large number of girls and women are at risk of infection during menstruation and due to this they can also get many serious reproductive diseases.

(Read more:White discharge before period)

If hygiene is taken care of during periods, then vaginal infection, yeast infection, urine infection and many other problems occurring during pregnancy can be avoided. Therefore, menstrual hygiene does not only mean changing pads, but there are many other things related to it which you should know about.

  1. Maintain A Period Calendar
  2. Change The Pad Every 4-5 Hours
  3. Use Only One Thing During Periods
  4. Clean The Vaginal Area
  5. Avoid Period Rashes
  6. How To Dispose Of Used Pads
  7. Summary
Doctors for Avoiding Infections During Menstruation: Key Hygiene Guidelines

It is important to keep a calendar of the date on which your menstruation starts every month. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but a cycle between 21 to 35 days is also considered normal. These days the problem of irregular periods is increasing a lot. In such a situation, if menstruation comes before time or comes late and remains irregular like this continuously, then definitely contact a women's health specialist. The cause of irregular periods can also be ovarian cyst disease or PCOS. 

(Read more:How to prevent and treat period rash)

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During menstruation, change the sanitary napkin every 4-5 hours. Do not think that it has not spoiled yet. There is also a risk of infection due to using the same pad for a long time. Actually, when the period blood comes out of the body, there is a risk of itching, burning, rashes or urine infection in the vagina. Therefore, if you keep changing the pad regularly, the risk of infection will be minimal. If bleeding is more, then there may be a need to change the pad every 1-2 hours.

(Read more: What not to do during periods?)

Many times during periods, women start using sanitary napkins, tampons or menstrual cups together or use 2 pads together to avoid heavy flow. Don't do this, this can also cause the risk of infection. If you are allergic to sanitary napkins or pads, then use tampons or menstrual cups. These are completely safe and are also easy to use.

Make it a habit to bathe every day, even if it is winter season and while bathing, clean the vagina thoroughly like the rest of your body. Cleaning the vaginal area is especially important during periods to avoid the risk of infection, itching and irritation. However, during this time, instead of using soap or hygiene products available in the market, cleaning with lukewarm water is enough.

(Read more: Vagina odor)

Many women have to face rashes in the vagina and surrounding areas during menstruation. Usually, when there is more bleeding during periods and you use wet pads for a long time, then the risk of period rashes is high. Try to keep yourself as dry as possible during periods, and change pads regularly. If rashes occur, use antiseptic cream or powder.

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If blood stains appear on clothes due to excessive bleeding during menstruation, then immediately wash those clothes with cold water and dry them in the sun so that there is no risk of infection. Apart from this, instead of throwing used sanitary napkins, pads or tampons anywhere or flushing them in the toilet, wrap them properly in paper and put them in a dustbin with a lid so that its odor and the risk of spreading infection can be reduced. Also, do not forget to clean your hands thoroughly after throwing the used napkin.

(Read more: Period pain: symptoms)

It is important to take special care of hygiene to avoid infection during periods. Sanitary pads or tampons should be changed regularly, changing them every 4-6 hours helps prevent infection. Wear clean and cotton underwear and clean with warm water. Avoid using chemical-containing soaps or washes as they can harm sensitive areas. Avoid wearing overly tight clothes during this time so that the skin gets enough air and moisture is reduced. Also, always keep the genital area clean and dry and consult a doctor if needed.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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