Life can't always perfect, but you can work on it and make it better. Similarly, your family can sometimes be less than ideal, but it provides you with support and strength. A family may have troubles and conflicts for any number of reasons. For instance, if a family member is dealing with an addiction, physical or mental health issue, the whole family tends to be in distress.

Moreover, in recent times, communication within the family has diminished, as many of us spend most of our time on smartphones. This lack of communication results in the build-up of more tension within the family and increases stress among the family members.

There are times when we wish to mend things, but don’t know where to start. At that point, family therapy can help us fix the disputes between family members. 

Family therapy is a form of therapy that helps in reducing distress and conflict in the family by means of interaction. Family therapy enables family members—as well as married or unmarried couples—to explore and express their deeper feelings and emotions, to recognise each other’s struggles and beliefs, to understand each other’s needs and wishes, to build on strengths and to use that strength to bring positive change in their relationship and lives. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period, a major transition, or mental or behavioural health problems in family members.

There are various types of family therapy that can help you get the strength and support to make amends, and try to get things back to normal. Unlike other therapies, family therapy tries to amend problems by helping the people involved realise their strengths. For this reason, it is also known as a strengths-based treatment.

Read on to know more about family therapy.

  1. Who needs family therapy?
  2. Who gives family therapy?
  3. Types of family therapy
  4. Family therapy benefits

Family therapy can help people make their relationships healthier and better. A person can seek help from a family therapist in case of the following issues: 

  • Problems in marriage or relationships
  • Issues between siblings
  • A conflict between the parent and the child
  • A woman facing domestic abuse
  • Disturbed mental health due to a critically ill person at home suffering from diseases such as end-stage liver failure or cancer
  • Disturbed mental health after suddenly losing a family member
  • Any major change that affects the entire family. For instance, changing houses
  • The family facing a traumatic event, such as facing a natural disaster or an accident
  • A child dealing with issues at school such as bullying or substance abuse
  • After a new member enters the family, for instance, it can be difficult for a child to share their love and affection with a newborn or an adopted child
  • Conflict in the family due to the entry of a family member from a different race, culture, or religion.
  • Couple undergoing a divorce or legal separation
  • Parents having issues with raising their child while dealing with their adolescent behaviour
  • Problems at work that hamper the relationships at home
  • A child or an adult dealing with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa
  • A person dealing with idiopathic anxiety and depression
  • Family dealing with financial problems
  • A person with masochistic behaviour (self-harm)
  • Dealing with a family member suffering from schizophrenia or severe psychosis
  • One of the family members involved in drug abuse or alcoholism
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Family therapy is given by medically certified marriage and family therapists. These therapists are mental health professionals who are trained in psychotherapy and family systems. They have the ability and authority to diagnose and treat mental health disorders associated with married couples and families.

Family therapy is divided into the following types:

Structural therapy

As the name suggests, structural therapy tries to provide a structure to the family, to achieve a perfect balance.

The therapist helps in strengthening the family by dividing their roles. The therapist may reorder the roles and power of each family member to observe, learn, and enhance each one’s ability to help the family strengthen their relationships.

Proper boundaries are set for each family member while keeping in mind that the parents are in control but work with their children as a team.

The therapist also makes sure that no single or two people in the family have too much power.

The therapist aims to strengthen the bond between the siblings and also with the family.

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Bowenian family therapy

Named after the famous psychiatrist, Murray Bowen, Bowenian family therapy is well-suited for those who do not wish to get the therapy done along with their family members. Sometimes, people want to talk about their family members but do not want them to be in the same room during the therapy. Bowenian therapy is based on two concepts: triangulation and differentiation. 

Triangulation is a way of venting your anxiety, distress, and insecurities by talking to a third person. For instance, parents complain to the therapist about their rebellious teenage child.

Differentiation is a method by which the therapist helps the person become less emotionally invested and reactive when it comes to family matters. The person is asked to take less emotionally driven decisions in their relationships with family members. To implement this, the therapist may ask the person to write their emotions down in a letter rather than expressing them immediately in person.

Strategic therapy

Strategic therapy is a more brief and direct form of therapy that tends to give results within a short span of time.

In this therapy, the therapist assigns different tasks to the family. The family members are given homework, where they are asked to change specific things about the way they interact with the family member they seem to have a problem with.

For instance, they could be asked to behave in the same way that that person does. The hope is that this could help the other person reform their behaviour.

The therapist could take away the authority and position of power from the family members who tend to dominate and control family interactions, to make it easier for them to communicate with each other.

In short, the therapist uses his or her authority to make shifts in the pattern of communication so that the family can come closer.

Systemic therapy

Systemic family therapy is based on paying attention to how the family operates and to the feelings and emotions of every person in the family.

In this therapy, the attempt is to identify the problems as well as the ideas and attitudes of each family member, in order to uncover the main issue behind the many problems that the family members may be facing in interacting with each other: the therapist tries to understand the reason behind the family members' behaviour.

The therapist's approach is quite neutral and distant here, as he or she asks each family member to use their different insights and understanding and allows them to dive deep into their problems to find out the root cause.

Once the therapist understands the problem, then he or she can help each family member modify their attitudes and behaviours in order to mend the relationships.

Narrative therapy

Stories are very important to our sense of self: they help us form an image of who we are and our role in the family and the world.

In this type of therapy, the therapist allows the person to bring change to their lives by taking responsibility for their problems. The person is asked to face their problems and then take up daily tasks to minimize the minor problems first. The person is asked to take up one problem at a time.

In this therapy, the therapist tries to help the person understand their true worth and calibre. The therapist asks the person to create their own personal story which would allow them to deal better with their present and future problems.

For instance, if a person in the family is always judged a certain way, the therapist would treat them with respect and would ask them to stop blaming themselves.

The therapist allows the client to suggest changes that can help them grow and heal. This instils a sense of confidence in them.

Communication therapy

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Most relationship feuds are seen due to a lack of communication between a couple or the family. People may have communication issues due to many reasons, such as cultural differences, work-related frustrations, personal secrets, mental health issues and many others. The therapist tries to improve the communication skills of both the partners to nurture their relationship. The therapist advises the person to be an active listener and to use certain affectionate words and lines in their conversation.

Transgenerational therapy

Transgenerational therapy is given to families which have multiple generations living together. Tension can build up in such an environment as there can be different thoughts, beliefs and ideas in a single home. The therapist observes and analyses the core of the family. The therapist then targets specific individuals and couples to bring change within the family.

Supportive family therapy

Supportive family therapy encourages family members to open up about the problems that are affecting the entire family. The therapist makes sure that the person who is speaking is given a safe and open environment to talk about their feelings in front of the entire family. This gives an opportunity to the family members to get together, open up about the issues that are troubling them and get advice for the family as a whole.


Psychoeducation is a type of therapy in which the therapist educates, empowers and supports not only people with mental health conditions but also their families. This helps the person, as well as their family members, fight against the stigma related to mental health conditions.

Psychoeducation works by giving information, training and support to the person to be able to self-help, by providing proper medical care and by making sure that the person has a safe place to vent their feelings and emotions.

Relationship counselling

While hustling to achieve something in life, we tend to cause stress or add strain to any relationship around us.

People tend to have relationship problems due to lack of communication, cultural differences, financial difficulties, insecurities, emotional detachment, decreased sexual intimacy and adultery.

Relationship counselling aims to resolve problems between the partners and help them talk to each other about their wishes and problems.

For this therapy, the couple needs to decide if they want to solve their problems and continue staying together or if they want to separate and move on.

Family therapy gives a chance to the family members to resolve their problems with the help of a mental health professional in a safe and calmer environment.

The benefits of family therapy can be:

  • Improves communication between family members or couples
  • Provides a better sense of the other person’s insecurities and wishes
  • Makes one more compassionate towards the family members
  • Improves the ability to solve problems
  • Helps one get better at managing anger and forgiving people
  • Brings the family together after a crisis
  • Creates a sense of honesty and trust between family members
  • Makes the family more supportive and understanding 
  • Can help the family members respect each other once again

Family therapy helps the family to deal with the problems they are facing right now and to overcome the ones that might come in the future.


  1. Premier Mind Institute [Internet]. US; Types of Family Therapy
  2. CRC Health Group [Internet]. California, United States; Family Therapy What Is It?
  3. Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice [Internet]. UK; What is family therapy?
  4. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [Internet]. University of Toronto - St. George Campus. Toronto, Canada; Family Therapy
  5. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy [Internet]. United States; About Marriage and Family Therapists
  6. North Brooklyn Marriage & Family Therapy PLLC [Internet]. New York. United States; 4 Types of Family Therapies
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