What is a Cocaine test?
Cocaine is a stimulant drug, which acts on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) inducing a temporary sense of euphoria. Also known as coke, it is highly addictive.
The body takes about half an hour to eliminate cocaine out of the body, and it takes longer to be eliminated when combined with alcohol. However, if a person has been using cocaine for a more extended period, their body removes the drug comparatively slowly. Hence, this trait becomes the basis for detection of the drug in the body.
A cocaine test is performed to detect the presence of the metabolites of cocaine in body fluids or hair. A metabolite is a substance produced by the body during the processing of a chemical. When cocaine is processed, a substance called benzoylecgonine is formed, which can be detected in the sample.
Saliva and blood can show the presence of cocaine metabolites up to two days after use. If a person is a heavy user of cocaine, their urine can reveal the presence of cocaine metabolites until three weeks after use. It can also be detected in hair samples even after months or years of usage.