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Yoga can prove beneficial in reducing stress and controlling weight. Not only this but for people who have problems related to sexual health, doing yoga can also be beneficial for them. Studies show that regular yoga practice helps in reducing the level of cortisol hormone (stress hormone). This also reduces anxiety or stress in the body. Also, when stress is reduced, sexual health improves. In this way, sex power can be increased by doing yoga daily. By doing yoga, the sexual problems of men and women can be overcome.

Today in this article, you will learn about such yoga asanas, which can help in increasing sex power -

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  1. Beneficial yoga poses to increasing sex power
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Yoga is not only beneficial for health and skin, but it can also help in solving problems related to sexual health.

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Yoga can help in increasing sex performance by reducing stress and fatigue. The following yoga asanas can be done to improve sex power -


Marjariasana can prove helpful in improving sexual health. By doing this asana, the spinal cord becomes strong. Along with this, the body also gets rest. Practicing Marjarasana helps in reducing stress and improves mood. It can increase sex power by reducing stress and fatigue. Method of doing Marjariasana -

  • To do this easily, sit on your knees.
  • After this, bring the body forward and keep the palms on the ground.
  • In this situation, your body will look like a table.
  • During this, keep the spine straight.
  • Now while breathing, lift the chin and move it backward.
  • Simultaneously press the navel and stomach downwards.
  • After this, exhale and bring the chin down towards the chest and touch it.
  • At the same time, move the back upwards and round it.
  • You can stay in this state for 30 seconds.
  • This can be practiced 3-5 times to increase sex power.

(Read More - Homeopathic medicines for sex power)

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Setu Bandhasana

If someone's sex power is low, then Setu Bandhasana can be practiced regularly. By doing this asana, the muscles of the pelvic floor become strong. By doing this yoga, the muscles will become strong and the pain during sex will be relieved. Method of doing Setu Bandhasana -

  • To do the asana, first, lie down on your back.
  • Bend both your legs from the knees and keep the soles on the ground.
  • Keep the feet near the hips. During this, keep both your hands straight along with the body.
  • After this, take your back, waist, thighs, and hips as high as possible.
  • Keep your shoulders, neck, and head on the ground.
  • You can stay in this asana for 5 seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Now come back to the starting position and relax.

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Anand Balasan

Sexual health can also be improved by practicing Ananda Balasana. By doing this asana daily, the muscles of the glutes and lower back become strong. Stress can be reduced by doing this asana, which can increase sex power. Ananda Balasana can be done as follows -

  • To do the asana, first lay a yoga mat on the ground.
  • Lie down on this mat on your back.
  • Now while exhaling, bend the knees and bring them towards the stomach.
  • During this, there should be a gap between your two feet.
  • Your feet will touch the stomach from thigh to knees while keeping the lower part of the knees towards the sky.
  • In this situation, the soles of both your feet will remain towards the sky.
  • After this, hold the soles with both your hands and feel the stretch in the feet.
  • You can stay in this posture for about 30-40 seconds.
  • By doing this asana, the muscles of the legs get stretched. Along with this, the pelvic area also becomes strong.

(Read More - Low sex time treatment)


To improve your sexual health and increase sex power, doing Shavasana can be beneficial. Regular practice of this asana will reduce tension or stress. This will also remove fatigue. This will make you feel relaxed at night and can give good sex performance. Method of cremation -

  • To do this asana, first of all, lie flat on the back of the yoga mat.
  • During this, keep a gap between your legs and keep your hands straight away from the body.
  • Relax your whole body.
  • Remove all negative thoughts from the mind.
  • Relax in this position and stay for 5-10 minutes.
  • You can do this asana daily to reduce stress.

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By the way, doing yoga is beneficial for overall health. Certain yoga asanas can also help in improving sexual health. Doing regular yoga helps in reducing stress. This removes problems related to sex and also increases sex power. Therefore, to improve your sexual health, you must also practice these yoga poses.

(Read More - Home remedies to increase sex power)

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

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