Giving birth to a child is perhaps one of the most difficult and long processes in this world. The gestation period of pregnant women is a little more than nine months and during pregnancy both the mother and the baby in the womb need a lot of care. This includes things like proper diet, exercise, regular health checkup of the fetus and the pregnant woman and adequate rest. At the end of this period of pregnancy, the baby (there can be more than one child) is delivered, although many children are also born prematurely.

(Read more- Relief During Childbirth)

If labor pain starts before time or the woman delivers prematurely, then it cannot be planned in advance, but usually, the pregnant woman can choose the option of how she wants to give birth to her child. At present, various options for giving birth to a child are available all over the world. The most common methods of delivery include:

You can choose your method of delivery based on your preference and the health condition of you and your baby. Many women feel that normal vaginal delivery is very painful, so they opt for a cesarean delivery. But the reality is that every method has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will talk about water birth.

(Read more - Pros and cons of natural birth and C section)

Very few people in India may know about water birth, but this method of giving birth to a child is quite famous in foreign countries. However, after celebrities like Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin and model-actress Bruna Abdullah chose the option of water birth for their child's delivery, now there are many women who are choosing water birth for delivery.

In many studies too, water birth has been considered as safe as traditional methods of delivery. Recently, a new study conducted in America regarding water birth revealed that a child born through water birth in the hospital had no higher risk of being kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery as compared to those children who were born without water birth in the control group. This study has been published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology. So what is water birth and what can be the advantages, disadvantages or risks of choosing this method of delivery, read here to know about it.

(Read more - Vacuum Assisted Delivery)

  1. What Is Water Birth Delivery?
  2. Benefits Of Water Birth Delivery
  3. Risk Factors Of Water Birth Delivery
  4. When Is A Water Birth Delivery Done?
  5. How Is Water Birth Delivery Done?
  6. How Much Does Water Birth Delivery Cost?
  7. Summary
Doctors for Water Birth Delivery: Is It Right for You?

This is a type of vaginal birth in which the pregnant woman is made to sit in a birthing pool or tub of water. Water birth is not a new way of giving birth to a child but an ancient practice which has been followed for centuries among the people of Egypt, Greece, Hawaii. In this method of giving birth to a child, labor pain and many other difficulties are naturally reduced.

According to a study published in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Journal, putting a pregnant woman in water during delivery or labor gives her some relief from pain, there is also less use of painkillers or epidural, labor time is reduced and the satisfaction of the patient (here pregnant woman) also increases. According to this study, this is the main reason due to which water birth has now become very popular in America. In India too, water birth services are provided in many hospitals so that the safety of the patient can be ensured.

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The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which sets guidelines for pregnancy and childbirth care in the US, says that water birth may have some benefits during the first stage of labor, but in the second stage of labor, delivering your baby in water should be considered an experimental procedure with risks. The first stage of labor is when the pregnant woman starts having contractions but her cervix is ​​not fully dilated.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), putting a pregnant woman in water in the first stage of labor can reduce the duration of labor. (The first stage of labour is usually the longest and for first-time mothers, it can be anywhere from 12 to 19 hours. For women who have given birth before, it can be 12-14 hours.) In addition to reducing the duration of labour, having the first stage of labour in water can also reduce the need for an epidural or other spinal painkillers.

(Read more - Premature Labor)

A small study found that women who labour in water also had a reduced caesarean section rate (13.2 percent vs 32.9 per cent). Not only this, women who had water births experienced less stress 42 days after delivery than women who delivered outside of water – 6.1 per cent vs 25.5 percent, respectively. More large-scale studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Benefits Of Water Birth Delivery For Mother

  • Warm water is soothing, calming and relaxing by reducing pain.
  • In the later stages of labour, water has been shown to increase the woman’s energy.
  • Being in water, the mother’s body weight decreases due to the lightness or buoyancy, which makes the women's movements free.
  • Buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother and more oxygen for the baby.
  • The blood pressure that often rises due to anxiety during labour reduces after going into the water. 
  • Water reduces stress-related hormones, allowing the mother's body to produce happy hormones called endorphins, which act as pain relievers.
  • Water causes the perineum (the area between the anus and the vulva) to become more elastic and loose, reducing the incidence and severity of vaginal tearing and the need for stitches. 
  • When a woman undergoing labour is physically relaxed, she is more able to mentally focus on the birth process.

Benefits Of Water Birth Delivery For The Baby

  • The baby gets an environment similar to the amniotic sac present inside the mother's womb.
  • The stress of childbirth is eliminated, which increases the feeling of assurance and security.

(Read more - Episiotomy (perineotomy): Procedure)

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following complications or problems:

  • If the woman has a skin infection or has started bleeding
  • If the woman has a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) or higher
  • Excessive vaginal bleeding
  • Difficulty detecting the fetal heartbeat or needing to trace the fetal heartbeat continuously 
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • If there is more than one baby in the womb 

However, it is very rare for babies born through water birth to develop an infection or any other disease. For example, Legionnaires' disease - it is caused by inhaling water droplets containing Legionella bacteria. It can cause a serious and sometimes fatal illness, causing fever, cough and pneumonia, among other complications.

Other risks include:

  • Difficulty regulating the baby's body temperature
  • Risk of damage to the umbilical cord 
  • Breathing difficulties in the baby
  • Breathing obstruction or seizures

According to an article by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, there may be a theoretical risk of water embolism during water birth, which occurs when water enters the mother's bloodstream. Although the British Medical Journal rates the safety of water birth at 95%, they do consider inhalation of water as a potential risk. If the baby is experiencing stress during birth or if the umbilical cord twists during delivery, the baby's oxygen supply is cut off, he starts gasping for breath and if the baby opens his mouth inside the water, the risk of inhaling water also increases.

(Read more -Labor and Delivery Complications)

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ACOG recommends that water birth should be given only to those women who are between 37th week and 41st week and 6 days of pregnancy. Apart from this, there are some other guidelines which include low-risk pregnancy, clear amniotic fluid and the baby's head down position. Water birth cannot be recommended for women who go into labor prematurely or those who have already had 2 or more cesarean deliveries. Since this is a method of normal delivery, if a woman has been asked by the doctor for cesarean delivery, then she also cannot have water birth.

(Read more - How to Care for Stitches After Vaginal Delivery)

According to the American Pregnancy Association, water birth is a process of giving birth to a child in a tub of lukewarm water (water temperature is equal to body temperature). During this, the pregnant woman is usually made to sit in a still or inflatable tub containing lukewarm water. There are 2 things in this. First- some women do the process of labor inside the water but deliver the baby out of the water. This can be a good option for those women who want the benefits of hydrotherapy along with the benefits of delivery in the hospital.

(Read more- How to reduce pregnancy belly after delivery)

Second- while some women decide to do both labor and delivery by staying in water, that is, the first stage of labor is also in water and the birth of the baby is also in water. The principle behind water birth is that since the baby already lives in the amniotic fluid sac inside the mother's womb for nine months, if the baby is born in a similar environment, then it is considered gentle for the child and this method of birthing is also less stressful for the mother.

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Even though water birth delivery is quite famous in western countries, this concept is still not fully developed in India and according to health experts, the main reason for this is that the number of doctors in India is very less in proportion to the patients. In India, the population is so large that doctors do not have time to give personal attention to every patient, while it is very important for a doctor or midwife to be with the woman all the time during water birth delivery because this process can last for a long time. Apart from this, there is also a shortage of clean and pure water and trained supervisors used during water birth delivery in India.

(Read more -Normal Delivery Aftercare)

Despite so many problems, this trend of water birth delivery is gradually becoming famous among the people in India. Talking about its cost, the cost of water birth delivery can vary in different hospitals or centers, but generally its cost ranges from Rs 80 thousand to Rs 1.25 lakh.

Water birth delivery is a method in which a pregnant woman gives birth to her baby in a tub filled with warm water. The water temperature is kept comfortable for the mother and baby, which helps reduce pain and stress during labor. The natural properties of water help relax the body of the pregnant woman and reduce the pain of contractions. Proponents of water birth delivery consider it a more natural and peaceful method, which can be beneficial for both mother and baby. However, this method may not be suitable for all women and requires medical advice and expert supervision.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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