The bursting of the egg means ovulation. The release of an egg from a woman's ovary is called ovulation. Ovulation occurs 14 days before periods. This is the time when eggs from the woman's ovaries enter the fallopian tube. Having sex during the ovulation period increases the chances of getting pregnant.

After this period, the woman is curious to know whether she is pregnant or not. In such a situation, if a woman is pregnant then signs like dizziness, change in the color of urine, changes in the breasts may be seen. These symptoms may indicate pregnancy. In This Article we will learn about the symptoms of pregnancy after the egg bursts -

(Read more - When does ovulation start after a period)

  1. Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation
  2. Summary
  3. Doctors for Decoding Your Body: Symptoms of Pregnancy After Ovulation

In the initial days of pregnancy, the biggest problem is due to not being able to understand the small and big changes taking place in the body. It becomes difficult to understand whether a woman is pregnant or not, but after ovulation, some changes take place in the body by which pregnancy can be detected. Come, let us know in detail what symptoms of pregnancy are seen after the egg bursts -

  1. Implantation Bleeding After Ovulation Time
  2. Urine Color Changes After Ovulation
  3. Dizziness After Ovulation
  4. Slow Digestion After Ovulation
  5. Fatigue And Weakness After Ovulation
  6. Breast Changes Post Ovulation
  7. Missed Period After Ovulation
  8. Morning Sickness After Ovulation
  9. Mood Swings After Ovulation
  10. Feeling More Hungry After Ovulation
  11. Changes In Cervical Mucus After Ovulation
  12. Changes Of Taste And Smell After Ovulation
  13. Increased Body Temperature After Ovulation
  14. Severe Headache After Ovulation
  15. Frequent Urination After Ovulation
  16. Increased Sex Drive After Ovulation
  17. Back Pain After Ovulation

Implantation Bleeding After Ovulation Time

When a woman becomes pregnant after the egg bursts, implantation takes place in the uterus between 6-10 days. After this, implantation bleeding occurs 10 -14 days after becoming pregnant. Usually this bleeding occurs when it is time for the period to start, hence many times pregnancy is not detected. At the same time, there is a difference between bleeding during periods and bleeding during implantation.

Implantation bleeding can last from a few hours to a few days, with period bleeding increasing in intensity. Also, the blood that comes in implantation bleeding is less red than period blood and there is no clotting in implantation bleeding.

(Read more - Increased sex drive during ovulation)

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Urine Color Changes After Ovulation

When a woman becomes pregnant after the egg bursts, the color of her urine starts changing. The color of urine starts becoming dark yellow. The main reason for yellow urine color is the kidneys not being able to filter properly after pregnancy. However, there can be other reasons for urine becoming yellow, but if this happens after the ovulation period, then it can be considered a sign of pregnancy.

Dizziness After Ovulation

When a woman becomes pregnant after the egg bursts, hormonal changes occur in her body. Due to these hormonal changes, the woman faces problems like vomiting and dizziness. If a woman has sex after the egg bursts and starts feeling dizzy after a few days, then it can be a symptom of pregnancy.

(Read more - Ovulation Myths and Facts)

Slow Digestion After Ovulation

If a woman becomes pregnant after having sex during ovulation, she starts having complaints like gas, constipation, inability to digest food and not feeling like eating anything. This happens because the development of the fetus starts after pregnancy. If such symptoms are seen, it can be considered a sign of pregnancy.

Fatigue And Weakness After Ovulation

If a woman becomes pregnant after having sex during the ovulation period, she starts feeling tired and weak after doing even a little work. This happens due to the changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy.

(Read more - Ovulation Pain)

Breast Changes Post Ovulation

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, symptoms like pain in the breast, hardening of the breast, change in the shape of the breast start appearing. Seeing such symptoms a few days after having sex during the ovulation period can be a sign of pregnancy.

Missed Period After Ovulation

After the egg bursts, a woman's periods stop. This is considered the most important symptom of the beginning of pregnancy. Here let us clarify that periods may stop due to some other problems also. In such a situation, one should take it seriously and consult a doctor.

(Read more - Can you ovulate without a period and get pregnant?)

Morning Sickness After Ovulation

Morning sickness i.e. frequent vomiting or nausea are common symptoms seen in the initial days of pregnancy. These do not happen only in the morning, but can happen at any time of the day or the sickness can last throughout the day. If such symptoms appear within a few days after having sex during the ovulation period, it may indicate pregnancy.

Mood Swings After Ovulation

Mood swings i.e. frequent changes in mood are also a symptom of pregnancy. Like sometimes there is a desire to eat something and sometimes there is a desire to eat something else, the thing that is liked at first does not like after some time etc. are examples of mood swings. If this starts happening within a few days after having sex, then it could be a symptom of pregnancy.

(Read more - Egg White Discharge - What Does It Mean)

Feeling More Hungry After Ovulation

After the egg bursts, the appetite of some women suddenly increases. This can also be considered a symptom of pregnancy.

Changes In Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

Changes in cervical mucus start happening just before ovulation. The amount of cervical mucus increases as the time of ovulation approaches. At the same time, if a woman becomes pregnant, then more cervical mucus remains.

(Read more - How to get pregnant with irregular periods)

Changes Of Taste And Smell After Ovulation

If suddenly the taste of a woman's mouth changes and she starts feeling different smells, then these can be symptoms of pregnancy.

Increased Body Temperature After Ovulation

The body temperature of a pregnant woman remains higher than normal due to hormonal changes. If you have sex during ovulation and suddenly the woman's body temperature starts rising even if there is no fever, then it can be a symptom of pregnancy.

(Read more - Safe days of a woman after periods)

Severe Headache After Ovulation

As soon as the egg gets fertilized after ovulation, the woman starts having a headache. If a woman suddenly starts having a headache, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

Frequent Urination After Ovulation

If a woman starts needing to urinate frequently within a few days of having sex after ovulation, then it indicates that the woman is pregnant.

(Read more – When to have intercourse to get pregnant)

Increased Sex Drive After Ovulation

If a woman starts having more desire to have sex after having sex during ovulation, then this symptom indicates that the woman is pregnant.

Back Pain After Ovulation

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant after ovulation, she starts having back pain. Therefore, if a woman suddenly starts having pain in her waist after having sex, then this symptom indicates that the woman is pregnant.

(Read more - Best time for sex after a period)

Some symptoms start appearing about a week after the egg bursts. By knowing these symptoms, a woman can guess that she is pregnant, but no symptom can tell with certainty whether a woman is pregnant or not. If a woman's appetite increases a few days after having sex during ovulation, she starts having pain in her head or waist or she has to urinate frequently, then she should check with the help of a pregnancy test kit. Also, contact the doctor immediately and get the right advice.

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Payal Bajaj

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
20 Years of Experience

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