Pregnancy is a very special moment in a woman's life. At this time, the woman leaves no stone unturned to prepare herself mentally and physically for the birth of the child. During pregnancy, many physical changes occur in women during the development of the fetus. Apart from this, women get stressed due to household chores, office work and the pressure of keeping themselves healthy.

A major cause of stress is also the hormonal change in the body of women. At this time, women have to face many types of small and big problems. During this time, women also start worrying about the health of the child growing in the womb. This worry later takes the form of stress. Stress during pregnancy can be harmful for your and your child's health. In this article, you will learn whether it is normal to have stress during pregnancy, what is the effect of stress during pregnancy on the child, symptoms of stress during pregnancy and what to do to reduce stress during pregnancy.

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  1. Symptoms Of Stress During Pregnancy
  2. What To Do To Reduce Tension During Pregnancy?
  3. Is It Normal To Have Stress During Pregnancy?
  4. What Is The Effect Of Stress During Pregnancy On The Child?
  5. Summary

Many times women face difficulty in identifying the symptoms of stress during pregnancy. Keeping this problem in mind, some symptoms are described as follows. If you notice even three of these symptoms, then you need to consult a doctor and get it treated. Symptoms of stress during pregnancy -

  • Thinking repeatedly on a subject.
  • Feeling nervous. 
  • Being worried.
  • Being afraid of something. 
  • Having difficulty in dealing with a problem.
  • An unpleasant incident.
  • Disorganized routine.
  • Worrying about the child's health.
  • Fear of losing the child.
  • Worrying about the difficulties in delivery.
  • Doing too much work at home.
  • Tension about household chores.
  • You and your partner are having a problem.
  • Worrying about your health.

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Office work, traffic, other problems of married life and hormonal changes during pregnancy can give you stress. It is common to have stress during pregnancy, but to ensure that it does not affect the child, you need to take many measures to reduce stress. These measures are being explained in detail below.

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Be Happy To Relieve Tension During Pregnancy

Being happy in any situation is the easiest way to relieve stress. For this, do whatever you like. At this time, meet your friends or watch comedy serials and movies. To stay happy, you can go for a walk with your family members to a nearby place of home. Apart from this, many women like to do shopping, at this time you can also keep yourself tension free by shopping for things related to pregnancy.

Make Plans To Relieve Tension During Pregnancy

Women who go to the office during pregnancy can have more stress than other pregnant women. It is a common problem for women to get stressed due to commuting to and from the office during pregnancy. To avoid stress, women going to office at this time should choose a time when there is less crowd on the way from their home to office. Apart from this, one should also avoid traveling in two-wheelers. One should not hesitate to ask for a seat from passengers while traveling in a bus or any public vehicle.

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Eat Nutritious Food To Relieve Tension In Pregnancy

You are advised to eat nutritious food during pregnancy. Actually, eating vitamin B and whole grains increases the amount of a hormone called serotonin in the body. Serotonin is considered a stress-reducing hormone. Apart from this, omega fatty acids also relieve stress. Fatty acids are obtained in sufficient quantities from fish and seafood, but before eating any fish, it is important to get complete information about this from your doctor. Some fish contain high amounts of mercury, which can prove harmful for the child. Apart from this, you should drink plenty of water during pregnancy, there is also a possibility of headache due to lack of water during pregnancy.

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Relieve Tension With Exercise During Pregnancy

Many types of disorders can be cured with yoga and exercise. Women do not have to suffer much pain during delivery due to breathing exercises and calming exercises. While stress can be easily relieved by regular exercise during pregnancy. During this time, women are advised to go for a walk and swim. Doctors believe that women should exercise or do yoga for at least 20 minutes every day during pregnancy. At this time, you should choose only those asanas in yoga and exercise, which are beneficial for pregnant women. You can take help from your yoga expert in this regard. 

Talk To Partner Or Friends To Reduce Tension During Pregnancy

Most women do not like to talk to anyone when they are worried during pregnancy. At this time, if you have any doubts about the child or if you start worrying about any other matter of the house, then in such a situation you should talk to your partner or a family member to lighten your mind. Many times, women start worrying without any reason due to bad thoughts in their mind. In this situation, the pregnant woman should talk to her doctor, partner or any close family member about these thoughts. This will reduce your anxiety and you will stay away from unnecessary problems. 

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Rest Is Necessary To Relieve Tension During Pregnancy

Rest is very important for the health of the child during pregnancy. To reduce stress, you can try talking to your child or singing a song for him. It is said that after 23 weeks the child is able to hear the sounds outside. Apart from this, whenever you feel tired, you should rest. This will calm your mind and help you reduce stress.

Prepare For Delivery To Reduce Tension In Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women get scared of the labor pain during delivery. Due to this also women start living under stress. To overcome this problem, you should get complete information about delivery before delivery. Many women prefer to have a cesarean delivery due to fear of labor pain, but after talking to the doctor, you will be able to easily understand the benefits of normal pregnancy and your confidence will also increase.

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Other Ways To Relieve Stress During Pregnancy

Many times women start worrying about their relationship with their husbands after becoming mothers. They feel that they will not be able to give time to their husbands after delivery. In this problem, you should talk to your husband openly. Apart from this, you can also talk to a friend who has already become a mother.

  • After the birth of a child, the expenses of the family increase. Instead of worrying about this, it would be better for a pregnant woman to buy some essential things before the birth of the child and sit with her husband and prepare a financial plan.
  • To avoid stress during pregnancy, you can massage your head. When there is tension, slowly massaging the head gives a lot of benefits.
  • If you do not get relief from stress even after trying all the measures to relieve stress during pregnancy, then you should consult your doctor to relieve stress.

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During pregnancy, the fetus is developing in the woman's uterus. During this time, the woman's full attention is on the health of her child. Every mother worries about the child growing in the womb and due to repeated worrying, women get stressed. Most women feel the same at this time. Women who are pregnant for the first time have more such problems. If there is stress or any other type of problem during pregnancy, you can eliminate the causes of your tension by talking to a member of your family or your husband about it.

During pregnancy, the woman's diet, habits, even mental state also affects the child. That is why it is said that women should keep their mind calm during pregnancy and stay in the company of good people. Whatever thoughts arise in the mind of a pregnant woman at this time, they affect the child. Taking stress during this time produces cortisol hormone in women and due to regular stress, this hormone can reach the child through the umbilical cord. Not only this, stress during pregnancy also creates conditions for the child to be born before the prescribed time. Along with this, the child may have to face many problems even after birth.

  • Stress during pregnancy can cause the following types of problems in the child -
  • Sleep disorders - Many studies prove that women who suffer from stress during pregnancy, their child is more likely to have sleep disorders after birth. 
  • Early birth of the child - Stress during pregnancy can cause the child to be born before nine months. In the medical world, the birth of a child before 37 weeks of pregnancy is called preterm birth/ preterm delivery
  • Behavioral problems - In some cases, it is common for children of women who are stressed during pregnancy to have behavioral problems. 
  • Effect on brain formation - Stress during pregnancy causes hormonal changes in the mother's body, which has a direct effect on the child's brain formation. Due to this, many other problems are seen in the child after birth.
  • Loss of child's weight at birth - If the mother is under stress during pregnancy, there is a high possibility of the child's weight being low at birth. Apart from this, women who lose weight during pregnancy. Their child may also have the problem of low birth weight.

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Stress during pregnancy can have a negative impact on both the mother and the baby. Excessive stress can increase the blood pressure and heart rate of a pregnant woman, which affects the development of the unborn baby. Stress increases the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, or low birth weight. Mental stress can also affect the development of the baby's brain and nervous system, causing behavioral problems in the child. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of mental and physical health during pregnancy.

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