Hip pain is common during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimester. Due to hormonal changes, weight gain can cause pain in the hips.

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  1. Is Hip Pain Normal During Pregnancy?
  2. Causes of Hip Pain During Pregnancy
  3. When to See a Doctor
  4. Treatment of Hip Pain During Pregnancy
  5. How to Prevent Hip Pain During Pregnancy
  6. Summary

It is common for pregnant women to experience hip pain during the second and third trimester. Pregnancy often comes with many different aches and pains. A 2018 study shows that about 32% of pregnant women complain of hip pain at some point during pregnancy.

The hormones produced in the body during pregnancy relax the joints, making the joints more mobile, which increases the risk of injury.

Hips are prone to pain because of the role they play in supporting the body and movement. Standing for long periods of time, doing certain exercises and sitting or lying in certain positions during pregnancy can increase the problem of pain in the hips.

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The main underlying causes of hip pain during pregnancy include:

  • secretion of hormone called relaxin
  • body weight gain

  • currency change

Although hip pain can occur during any trimester, it is most likely to occur in the second and third trimesters.

Relaxin is a hormone that causes changes in various parts of the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Relaxin hormone changes the cartilage and tendons, causing them to become loose. This helps in expanding and widening the hips at the time of delivery.

Weight increases during pregnancy and as the weight of pregnant women increases, there is additional pressure on the hips. Since pregnancy causes most of the weight gain in the middle area, the body's center of gravity starts to shift which can put extra pressure on the hips.

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Hip pain during pregnancy is normal, and women should not talk to their doctor unless it becomes severe. If the pain is recurring or persistent then definitely talk to a doctor.


There are many ways to treat hip pain during pregnancy. Which includes medical treatments, home remedies and stretches that help in relieving hip pain. In some cases, one or two methods may also be combined.

  • Medical Treatment

If a woman experiences persistent or intense pain in the hips during pregnancy, she should talk to her doctor. The doctor will examine the woman and the fetus to check for signs of premature labor and other possible complications. In some cases, doctors may prescribe over-the-counter (OTC) medications to treat pain associated with the hips or other areas of the body.

  • Hot Compress

Hot compress is an effective means to get relief from hip pain during pregnancy. People can apply a hot compress by wetting a towel with warm water or purchasing a compress or heating pad. Pregnant women should avoid applying hot compresses directly to the skin or abdomen.

  • Pelvic Belt

A pelvic belt is a supportive device that women can use to support their hips during pregnancy. According to a study, wearing a pelvic belt during pregnancy has positive effects on the body and can help treat hip pain.

  • Stretches or Exercises

Women who are pregnant should continue to exercise throughout their pregnancy. Exercise may include walking, swimming, yoga, and other light-to-moderate activities. A major benefit of exercise is that it can help prevent excess weight gain, which puts extra strain on the hips. Yoga, especially prenatal yoga classes, can be a good option for pregnant women. Many yoga poses help stretch the hips and other areas of the body.

If pregnant women experience any of the following symptoms while exercising, they should stop exercising, such as:

  • Dizziness
  • sudden discharge of fluid from vagina

  • Headache

  • Pain in chest

  • vaginal bleeding

  • muscle weakness

  • shortness of breath before starting

  • regular or painful contractions

  • shin pain or swelling

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If you want to stop hip pain before it starts, you can try these treatments -

Stay active throughout your pregnancy: Low-impact exercises, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, may be best for avoiding hip pain.

Control weight gain: You generally need to consume about 340 extra calories every day for a healthy pregnancy.

Wear flat, supportive shoes: A good arch support can help relieve hip pain during exercise and everyday activities.

Practice good posture: Maintain good posture while sitting, standing and lifting objects. Try to avoid lifting heavy objects if possible.

Avoid certain activities: Avoid activities that may aggravate pelvic pain, such as standing for long periods of time, vacuuming, or lifting heavy objects.

Buy pregnancy support belts: These belts help support your hip joints throughout the day.

Get a massage: Consider scheduling regular prenatal massages with a licensed therapist to keep muscles loose.

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Hip pain is a common occurrence due to hormonal changes and weight gain during pregnancy. Pregnant women should exercise caution before taking medications for hip pain during pregnancy.

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