Women have to face many physical and mental changes during pregnancy . Some of these changes are normal, which are seen in most women. Pregnancy is also included in this. In this situation, pregnant women may have to face memory related problems. According to research, 81 percent of pregnant women may experience memory loss. Especially in the third trimester, women have to face pregnancy brain more .In this article you will know what are the symptoms, causes and treatment of pregnancy brain -

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  1. What Is The Pregnancy Brain?
  2. Symptoms Of Pregnancy Brain
  3. When Does Pregnancy Brain Start?
  4. Causes Of Pregnancy Brain
  5. Solution To Pregnancy Brain
  6. Summary
Doctors for Mind Matters: Exploring the Science Behind Pregnancy Brain

When a woman has memory related problems during pregnancy, this condition is called pregnancy brain. Researchers say that although there is no clear cause of pregnancy brain, hormonal changes, insomnia and stress may be related to it. Women may experience amnesia due to pregnancy brain. In this situation, women may forget to keep some items or may forget to do some work. Apart from this, women can also forget what someone tells them.

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Pregnancy brain is also known as momnesia. Actually, symptoms of pregnancy brain are seen only during pregnancy. But some women may experience pregnancy brain even after delivery. During this time the following symptoms may be felt -

  • Loss Of Memory
  • Lack Of Concentration
  • Trouble Remembering Someone's Name
  • Forget Things

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There is no scientific evidence as to when pregnancy brain begins. Some research has shown that pregnancy brain problems can start from the first trimester of pregnancy, but it becomes most troublesome in the third trimester.

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Pregnancy brain can be considered a result of physical and mental changes during pregnancy. Symptoms of the pregnancy brain can be felt due to the changes occurring during pregnancy. The reasons for this may be the following -

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are normal during pregnancy. Stress can affect the ability to concentrate and remember things. Therefore, this is also considered to be the cause of pregnancy brain. To avoid this, it is important to be stress free.

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Changes In Brain Structure

Women may experience changes in brain structure during pregnancy. These changes in the brain can also be seen after pregnancy and delivery. In this situation you may experience loss of memory.

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Insomnia or lack of sleep can also be the cause of pregnancy brain. Actually, most women have to face insomnia or other sleep related problems during pregnancy. When they do not sleep for a long time, it can affect their memory. Due to lack of sleep it can be difficult to remember anything.

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Hormonal Changes

Many changes take place in the body during pregnancy. Hormonal changes are also one of these. During pregnancy, the hormone levels in women's bodies become unbalanced. In this situation, the level of some hormones may be low, while the level of some may be high. Due to this change, memory can be affected during pregnancy, that is, hormonal changes can be a main cause of pregnancy brain.

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It is normal for the pregnant brain to lose memory, but in this situation the woman may have the problem of forgetting something. In such a situation, if a pregnant woman wants to avoid this, then the following measures can prove beneficial -

Stay Hydrated

It is important to drink water to stay hydrated. It is important to stay hydrated during pregnancy and recovery after delivery, especially during breastfeeding. Actually, the brain needs water to function properly. Being a victim of dehydration can reduce the energy level in the body. This can make it difficult to concentrate.

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Have A Healthy Diet

It is important to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. This is also necessary for the development of the child. Along with this, pregnancy brain can also be avoided by eating healthy foods. For this, you can consume foods rich in nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids. All these nutrients can improve memory. Can help boost your thinking and remembering abilities.

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Do Regular Exercise

It is important to exercise to stay healthy during pregnancy. Exercising can sharpen your memory. Actually, exercising reduces fatigue and stress. You also get good sleep. This can make the pregnant woman feel good.

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Have A Good Sleep

Getting good sleep during pregnancy can be difficult, but it is necessary. By getting enough sleep, memory can be kept good. You can also feel good mentally.

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Make Notes For Important Things

Use a notepad to remember any work, date, time or any important information. You can write all your important tasks in it.

Set Alarm

If you have any important work or want to join a meeting or party, then you can set an alarm to remember its time and date. With this, you will remain alert for every meeting and important work and will not skip any work.

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Place Important Things In One Place

During pregnancy, women forget to keep keys, purses or other small things. In such a situation, you can either keep these things in their place or fix a place for the things which you forget.

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It is normal to have a pregnant brain during pregnancy. In this situation there may be difficulty in thinking and concentrating. Women may also have the problem of forgetfulness. Although this is normal, because it occurs due to the changes that occur during pregnancy, pregnancy brain can be avoided by getting good sleep, reducing stress and staying hydrated. Apart from this, to avoid the problem of forgetting, you can make notes etc. or set an alarm to remember important events. If the problem of forgetfulness is increasing or its symptoms appear unusual, then contact the doctor immediately.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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