To reduce pain during delivery, a woman can choose any of these options -
Breathing Techniques To Reduce Labor Pain
Change the way of breathing at the time of delivery, as the doctor asks you to breathe, follow the same pattern and breathe. Also, keep your full attention on your breathing.
Water Birth Procedures To Reduce Labor Pain
Nowadays, the trend of water birth is also quite common. Even if the woman does not choose the option of water birth, she can still stay in water for some time. It is believed that staying in water can provide relief from labor pain to some extent.
Massage Procedures To Reduce Labor Pain
Taking a massage at the time of delivery can also reduce pain to some extent. For this, massage of feet, hands, back and shoulders can be done. A 2010 research found that a 15-minute massage every hour at the time of delivery can help reduce pain and also speed up delivery.
Music Therapy To Reduce Labor Pain
Listening to light or your favorite music during labor pain can also distract attention to a great extent. Doing this can provide relief from pain.
Epidural Therapy To Reduce Labour Pain
During labor pain, a woman can also opt for epidural. This is a kind of pain-relieving medicine, which is given under the supervision of a doctor or specialist.
(Read more - After delivery care for the mother)