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Due to abortion or miscarriage, women become physically and mentally weak. In such a situation, women need complete care for their speedy recovery. Women do not get periods for several days after having an abortion.

Usually, women get periods only after 4-8 weeks of abortion. Some women may get periods before or even after this. If a woman does not start menstruation within 8 weeks after the abortion, then in this case she needs to contact the doctor immediately.

Today, in this article, we will know in detail how many days the period comes after abortion -

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  1. When does the period start after abortion?
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for After abortion when periods come?

A new menstrual cycle begins after an abortion. Therefore, periods can occur normally around 4 to 8 weeks after the abortion. When will periods come after abortion, it also depends on the birth control method. Let's know -

  • After the abortion, women experience bleeding, which many times women consider as period. But this period does not happen. Doctors call it post-abortion bleeding. The bleeding that occurs after this bleeding stop is called the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.
  • If contraception is not used after abortion, menstruation does not come even after 8 weeks. In such a situation, immediate contact with the doctor is required. Also, keep in mind that bleeding can occur for a few days right after an abortion, which is different from a period.
  • Some contraceptive measures can affect the regularity of menstruation after an abortion. If a woman has the problem of irregular periods on normal days, she can face such problems even after abortion. In addition, having a miscarriage can lead to emotional stress, which can also affect one's menstrual cycle. Changes in the regularity of periods have been observed in women suffering from stress. In such a situation, it cannot be said for sure when the period will start.
  • If abortion has happened by giving abortion pills, then bleeding can be for a long time. Bleeding after a surgical abortion usually lasts for about 1-2 weeks. Some women may experience spotting till the next period of periods. A woman's first period after a surgical abortion may be shorter than normal. The uterus is completely emptied during the abortion process, so less tissue comes out in the first period after abortion. At the same time, after a medical abortion, the duration of the first period of a woman may be longer than normal, because hormones are used during the treatment in abortion, which can affect the period cycle. In this, the woman may also have heavy bleeding, but in both these conditions it cannot be said for sure when the periods will start.
  • Second periods after abortion can be normal. However, it depends on how and when the first period happened. Some women may experience a change in their period circle. If there is any change in the periods' circle, then immediately contact the doctor.

(Read More - Can folic acid help heavy periods)

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Women can have periods between about 4 to 8 weeks after abortion. Also, it depends on the abortion method. If the duration of the period is more than 8 weeks, then immediately get your checkup done by the doctor.

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