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Warning - These medicines should be used only under the supervision and advice of a doctor, otherwise they can have adverse effects on your health.

Abortion pills are an easy way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. It is also known as medical abortion. Medical abortion has many advantages, such as it does not require surgery or anesthesia and can be done at home after consulting and under the supervision of a doctor.

It is considered safe and most effective during the first trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, abortion through abortion pills can also have many emotional and psychological side effects. If you are thinking about this procedure, it is important to know about its side effects and potential risks. In this article we will learn about the advantages, disadvantages and correct way of taking abortion pills -

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  1. How Are Abortion Pills Taken?
  2. Use Of Abortion Kits For Abortion
  3. Benefits Of Abortion Pill
  4. Disadvantages Of Abortion Tablets
  5. Summary
Doctors for Empowering Choice: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Abortion Pills

Abortion pills are used in the first trimester and contain medicines called mifepristone, misoprostol and sometimes methotrexate. Mifepristone is the most popular form of abortion pill, followed by misoprostol 36 to 48 hours later. Misoprostol or other prostaglandins can be given either orally as tablets or placed vaginally.

The intrauterine route has been found to be more effective than the oral pill and has fewer side effects. If both these medicines are given within 63 days of the last menstruation, complete abortion occurs in about 95% of the cases. The success rate of combining methotrexate with misoprostol is also good. Misoprostol medicine is given one week after giving methotrexate.

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There are many types of abortion kits available in the market. This kit can be used to terminate pregnancy within 7 weeks i.e. 49 days. By counting from the first day of the last menstruation, the doctor can know how many days have passed since the pregnancy. This kit is easily available in medical stores. It is available in the market with different names such as MTP Kit, Unwanted Kit, Khushi MTP Kit or A-Care.

This type of kit should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. Before using the kit, the doctor ensures through ultrasound whether the embryo has passed through the fallopian tube and entered the uterus or not. Another advantage of ultrasound is that it helps in knowing the exact age of the fetus and the doctor can ensure whether the fetus is less than 7 weeks old or not.

An abortion kit contains one 200 gram tablet of Mifepristone and 4 tablets of Misoprostol, each of which is 200 micrograms. Mifepristone pills cause abortion, while Misoprostol pills cause contraction in the uterus, so that the fetus can come out of the uterus.

On the first day, one tablet of Mifepristone is to be taken at 9 am, after having tea or juice at 7 am. This may cause light spotting or mild pain in the lower abdomen. No medicine has to be taken on the second day. On the third day, after taking tea or juice at 7 am, two tablets of Misoprostol have to be taken together with some water at 9 am. This may cause slight bleeding and pain. At 1 pm again the remaining two tablets of Misoprostol have to be taken with some water.

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Some women prefer to use medicines to terminate pregnancy, because they can be taken easily and at home with the advice of a doctor. In most cases there is no need for hospitalization. Come, let us know about the benefits of abortion pills-

  • It can be used in early pregnancy.
  • It can be used at home. There is no need for hospitalization for this.
  • This does not require surgery or anesthesia.
  • It feels more natural, like a natural abortion.
  • It is less risky than surgical abortion.

(Read more - How soon after an abortion can you get pregnant?)

Abortion pills can cause side effects like vaginal bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps etc. Come, let us know in detail about the harm caused by these -

Heavy And Prolonged Bleeding

Bleeding after abortion pills is heavier than bleeding during menstruation and can last for 6-10 days and sometimes even more than 30 days. Large clots may be present in the initial period. If a woman soaks 2 thick sanitary pads per hour continuously for 2 hours, it comes under the category of heavy bleeding. Excessive and continuous bleeding can result in dizziness and blood loss. Bleeding must continue for 6-10 days after using the abortion kit. If bleeding is less than 6 days or more than 10 days, then definitely consult a doctor.

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Many women taking misoprostol may develop bacterial infections. Additionally, there may be complaints of high fever, abdominal or pelvic pain as well as other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or weakness. Antibiotics may be required to treat infection.

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Incomplete Abortion

In some cases, some products of abortion may remain in the uterus. This may result in continuous bleeding. Correct diagnosis, ultrasound etc. may be required to confirm a complete abortion.

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Stomach Ache

Abdominal pain is usually caused by contraction of the uterus. Painkillers can be used to reduce pain. Aspirin should not be used, as it thins the blood and can cause excessive bleeding.

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Fetal Deformity

The drugs methotrexate and misoprostol cause fetal malformations and hence if abortion does not occur after oral medications, surgical abortion is necessary. Once you start taking medicines, it is not safe to stop them. Doing so creates a high risk of serious birth defects.

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Psychological Effects

Other side effects may include psychological effects which may include feelings of guilt or regret. Other serious disadvantages are as follows-

If such symptoms appear, definitely consult a doctor.

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Abortion pills are very popular to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. Since it does not require surgery or anesthesia and can be done at home, many women prefer this procedure. Abortion pills can have minor and serious side effects like excessive bleeding, infection, etc. If you are thinking about this procedure, always do it under the advice and supervision of a doctor. If any side effects appear after taking these medicines, then definitely consult a doctor.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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